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Advanced attack and defense techniques in machine learning systems
Published 2019“…For multiple-credential scenarios, we formulate it as a bilevel optimization problem for finding the optimal defense strategy and then reduce it to a single level optimization problem called PEMS using complementary slackness conditions. …”
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Thesis -
Enhancement of photoacoustic imaging systems for biomedical applications
Published 2021“…Cross-sectional imaging at multiple depths was performed to show the capability of this system for finding the relative depth of different vessels and organs in a growing embryo. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Modelling, exploration and optimization of hardware accelerators for deep learning applications
Published 2023“…Deep learning has achieved popularity due to its improved prediction accuracy, and it finds widespread use in large data processing applications. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
The limits of liberalization: WTO entry and Chinese state-owned firms
Published 2023“…However, where strategic goods targeted by industrial policy hold a large share of bilateral trade, lowering tariffs has no impact on SOE trade. These findings highlight the tensions between state-led economic models and global trade law premised upon market principles.…”
Journal article -
Ultrafast dynamics in quantum materials probed by time-and-momentum-resolved techniques
Published 2024“…This part of the thesis will examine a series of CDW materials with multiple CDW orders, including ErTe₃, EuTe₄, and, CsV₃Sb₅. Via a series of ultrafast multi-messenger experiments, I will survey various origins and behaviors of CDW interactions and answer longstanding questions about the nature of CDW ground states in these quantum materials. …”
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Thesis -
A Game Theoretic Approach to Resilient Space System Design
Published 2025“…The average difference between the volunteer and simulation results is 5.1\%, verifying the simulation. The three case studies demonstrate how the methodology can be applied across disparate space missions with varying levels of model fidelity. …”
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Thesis -
Construction of complex nanostructures in solution phase
Published 2013“…Furthermore, Au nanoring composed of close-packed monolayer free-standing films were achieved by simply using Ppy modified Au nanorings self-assembly at water/oil interface. Finally, in chapter 5, we demonstrated that the as-synthesized Au nanor-ings could be fused into coherent Au nanorings. …”
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Thesis -
会话分析研究 : “like” 在新加坡华语中的语用功能 = Conversation analysis : “like” in Singapore Mandarin conversations
Published 2018“…Results show that “like” take on different discourse functions in different Mandarin conversation contexts: (1) turn-initial object of a response, allowing listeners to take their turn in the conversation by elaborating on an existing topic; (2) a pragmatic hedge with the role of a face-saving device for the speaker (3) filler indicator (4) explanation marker (5) repair marker (6) quotation complement.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Boronic acid and nitrofuranyl derivatives as potential therapeutics
Published 2021“…Whereas in the recent past drug development has often focussed on molecular structures with limited pharmacokinetic parameters e.g. ‘Rule of 5’, there has been extensive research on lead-like compounds other than those in the realm of small molecule drug-likeness. …”
Thesis -
Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic studies of the structure and interactions between hepatitis B virus core and surface antigens with peptides
Published 2014“…Peptide preS has several structured region of β-turns at Ser7- Pro8-Pro9, Arg11-Thr12-Thr13 and Ser22-Thr23-Thr24 sequences whereas peptide S has only one structured region observed at Ser3-Asn4-His5. Both peptides contain bend-like structures surrounding the turn structures. …”
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Thesis -
Effectiveness of health education intervention based on health belief model among elderly women in Urmia, Iran
Published 2015“…One hundred seventy two subjects with mean age 69.32 (SD=5.345), successfully completed the program duration. …”
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Thesis -
Program Perundingan Kesedaran Zakat Padi di Negeri Kedah
Published 2021“…Projek perundingan Zakat Padi di negeri Kedah yang dijalankan adalah berdasarkan lima objektif utama iaitu: (i) mengetahui punca sebenar kenapa pembayar zakat padi tidak membayar menerusi saluran rasmi (LZNK); (ii) mengenalpasti faktor-faktor kenapa pembayar zakat padi membayar menerusi saluran rasmi (LZNK); (iii) mengetahui tahap kesedaran pembayar zakat padi membayar melalui saluran rasmi; (iv) mengenalpasti cabaran LZNK dalam menangani kutipan zakat padi yang rendah; dan (v) mencadangkan strategi-strategi untuk meningkatkan kesedaran membayar zakat padi di kalangan penanam padi atau pemilik padi menerusi saluran rasmi. …”
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Monograph -
Handbook Of Marine Craft Hydrodynamics And Motion Control /
Published 2021Get full text
software, multimedia -
Test Automation Engineering Handbook : Learn and Implement Techniques for Building Robust Test Automation Frameworks /
Published 2023Get full text
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software, multimedia -
15.094 Systems Optimization: Models and Computation, Spring 2002
Published 2002Get full text
Learning Object -