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Connecting Local Economic Decline to the Politics of Geographic Discontent: The Missing Link of Perceptions
Published 2024“…Using original survey questions in the British Election Study, we theorise five models to explain who is likely to perceive local economic decline, and why. …”
Journal article -
Impostor syndrome and pretense
Published 2022“…I argue that we are especially likely to notice pretense when we’re made self-conscious, and that failing to match the stereotype of one’s profession or domain of expertise tends to give rise to self-consciousness. …”
Journal article -
Southeast Asia’s Naval Shipbuilding Industry: Challenges Ahead
Published 2017“…Naval shipbuilding in Southeast Asia, although ambitious in scope, is likely to remain limited to low-tech manufacturing (hulls and sub-assemblies), MRO (maintenance, repair, and overhaul), and a few showcase projects.…”
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Commentary -
Russian equipment and technology transfers to North Korea: a cause for concern?
Published 2025“…Russia is likely assisting North Korea with military modernisation. …”
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Commentary -
Are environmental concerns deterring people from having children? Longitudinal evidence on births in the UK
Published 2024“…A person entirely unconcerned about environmental behaviour is estimated to be just over 50% more likely to go on to have a child than a deeply committed environmentalist.…”
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Journal Article -
Currency Crisis : The Next One in ASEAN?
Published 2018“…The impact of such currency turmoil would likely be more severe than the 1997-98 Asian Financial Crisis.…”
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Commentary -
Indonesia : new haven for cybercriminals?
Published 2014“…A close examination, however, reveals that such traffic may not originate in Indonesia. More likely, Indonesian networks are exploited by outside e-criminals.…”
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Commentary -
RCEP : Another Missed Deadline
Published 2018“…However, the headway in the first half of 2019 is likely to be slow due to elections in some states.…”
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Commentary -
Comment to U.S Copyright Office on Data Provenance and Copyright
Published 2024“…Supervised datasets may likely contain copyrightable contributions from the dataset creators in the form of annotations. …”
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Other -
Unlocking the mysteries behind baby viral videos.
Published 2012“…Contrary to our initial findings, funny baby videos are actually more likely to be shared as opposed to purely adorable ones. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Precursors and correlates of transient and persistent longitudinal profiles of psychotic experiences from late childhood through early adulthood
Published 2021“…Thus, it might be that the severity of exposure, rather than the presence of specific disease-modifying factors, is most likely to determine whether psychotic experiences are transient or persist, and potentially develop into a clinical disorder over time.…”
Journal article -
Putting distance through cleansing : the mediating role of temporal distancing on the embodiment of moral purity
Published 2015“…More specifically, it is hypothesized that compared to individuals who do not clean their hands, those who do so after recalling a past immoral act would be more likely to temporally distance their present selves away from their past immoral selves so as to preserve favorable self-view, and hence are more likely to perceive their past moral transgressions as less severe than they would have normally believed. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Who inadvertently shares deepfakes? Analyzing the role of political interest, cognitive ability, and social network size
Published 2022“…The findings suggest that those with higher political interests are more likely to share deepfakes inadvertently. Those with lower cognitive ability are also more likely to share deepfakes inadvertently. …”
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Journal Article -
What might ASEAN expect from Biden?
Published 2020“…But for the ASEAN region, Biden’s approach will likely be characterised by both change and continuity relative to that of the Trump administration.…”
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Commentary -
South China Sea Disputes: Nearing a Solution - Or Is It?
Published 2017“…The likely announcement by Philippine President Duterte of the Scarborough Shoal as an environmental marine sanctuary and off limits to fishermen could prove to be the first incremental step towards defusing the South China Sea disputes and in the process endow considerable strategic advantages to Beijing.…”
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Commentary -
Indonesia's rise & its regional implications
Published 2013“…Indonesia's projected rise as a medium power may see at least two likely scenarios. The first is one of power diffusion while the second sees Indonesia asserting a greater leadership role in the Asia Pacific. …”
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Commentary -
Navigating US-ASEAN economic relations after the 2024 US presidential election
Published 2024“…Two distinct paths based on the election outcome are outlined with recommendations for ASEAN to navigate the likely scenarios.…”
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Commentary -
Taiwan Strait Relations: How Far Can It Go?
Published 2016“…In light of the landslide victory of the KMT in Taiwan’s recent presidential election, it is likely that Beijing and Taipei will soon proceed to pursue cooperation on some economic and social issues. …”
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Commentary -
The future trend of LAN-based accounting and its critical success factors
Published 2015“…With the advantages that LAN has over the other alternative computer architectures, it seems likely that the business world will embrace it as their future computing platform for accounting applications. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Modelling trip and parking generation of major land uses in Singapore
Published 2009“…Trip and parking generation rates used overseas are not likely to be applicable in Singapore due to differences in vehicle ownership levels, travel behaviour and traffic management policies. …”
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