Achieving human development objectives through microfinance institution: the case of Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia
Published 2009“…A survey was conducted to analyze AIM members’ evaluation about the achievement of certain goals of human development since becoming members of AIM. The study also analyzes various training programs and activities adopted by AIM to successfully achieve its target in human development among the rural poor in Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A Handbook on “Classification of Drugs”
Published 2011“…Therefore, without opening the heavy and lengthy text books of Pharmacology, a learner can very nicely and affectively use this handbook for knowing the various important drugs used for any medical condition/disease. Since the booklet is very handy and students can keep it in their pocket and can go through the names of drugs quite often. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Study of growth kinetic and modeling of ethanol production by Saccharomyces cerevisae
Published 2011“…There is a growing interest in bioethanol as biofuel since it has the possibility to be the potential substitute for fossil fuels. …”
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The philosophy of higher education
Published 2009“…On the otber hand, if these four components of a state are in conflict with one another then social unrests will take place and the state will be stagnant. Since it is said that the pbilosophy of higber education is to empower human beings, one can make an assumption that the importance of having a philosophy of higher education will determine the behaviours of the people of a state.…”
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Book Chapter -
Linear and nonlinear models of heredity for blood groups and rhesus factor
Published 2009“…For simplicity, we will consider only positive Rhesus factors, since the portion of the population with negative Rhesus is around 1%. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The World Court: The Bulwark of International Justice
Published 2011“…It has been argued that due to the emergence in recent time of other international courts and tribunals, such as the International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea and the Appellate Body of the World Trade Organization, the significance of the International Court of Justice has been reduced. Nevertheless, since the newer courts and tribunals are all rather specialized, the International Court of Justice is still the only court with general competence in the sense that disputes relating to any aspect of international law may be brought before it. …”
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Book Chapter -
On p-Adic quasi Gibbs Measures for q+1-state Potts model on the cayley tree
Published 2010“…S. 15, 85–100 (2005)], since when q is divisible by p, which means that q + 1 is not divided by p, so according to a main result of the mentioned paper, there is a unique and bounded p-adic Gibbs measure (different from p-adic quasi Gibbs measure.…”
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Bilateral adrenal histoplasmosis: endoscopic ultrasound – guided fine needle aspiration as a method of diagnosis and assessment
Published 2011“…In this case, we found that the role of EUS – guided FNA was not only limited to diagnosis but also helped in the prognosis of the disease since the method was able to assess the general anatomy of the adrenal gland better than other imaging modalities due to its close proximity and direct visualization.…”
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Iqbal's ideas for the restoration of Muslim dynamism
Published 2011“…Islamic civilization like all other civilizations, started to decline after reaching its pinnacle of success. Ever since the fall of Baghdad in 1258, the Muslim world has been confronted with endless problems in all fields of life. …”
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Modeling electric field distribution on insulator under electron bombardment in vacuum
Published 2010“…A model of electric field distribution on the surface was developed in order to explain charging and discharging phenomena. Since charging and discharging process involves incubation time, therefore this process can be used to evaluate the insulation property of materials under electron bombardment.…”
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Bridging Islamic juristic differences in contemporary Islamic finance.
Published 2011“…Two blocks seem to represent the two disputing sides ever since this industry was launched, i.e:, the Middle East and South East Asia markets. …”
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Book Chapter -
Preservation of health in Islamic law
Published 2009“…Preservation of health (hifz al-sihhah) is the most important branch of Islamic medicine since it is primarily concerned with the prevention of illness rather than cure. …”
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Experimental results of liquid slosh in a cylindrical tank with different fill levels
Published 2011“…The cross-sectional areas of the model tanks employed in the reported studies were in the order of 0.2 m' [I-31. Since the similarity of sloshing fluid flows is very complex, the slosh behavior would be expected to differ for different tank sizes. …”
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Book Chapter -
Lucky draw, contest and modern competition from Islamic view
Published 2011“…They are used to the norms of lucky draw and competition since the concept of lucky draw and competition seems to be clean and legal from Islamic perspectives as both do not reflect illegal doings. …”
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Book Chapter -
Legal Framework for Establishing Regional Planning Authority for Malaysia
Published 2011“…Regional planning has gained prominence since it promotes effective and efficient use of resources and reduces regional imbalances and poverty, and achieves sustainable development. …”
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Protection of integrity and ownership of pdf documents using invisible signature
Published 2012“…The method to embed and extract the signature are proven to be efficient, since the offset index for cross-reference table are available at the end of the file. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Performance evaluation in MANETs environment
Published 2012“…Simulation evaluation method will be discussed in detail since it is considered as one of the most popular evaluation methods. …”
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Concurrent validity of the depression and anxiety components in the Bahasa Malaysia version of the Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale (DASS)
Published 2011“…Objectives: The Bahasa Malaysia (BM) version of Depression Anxiety Stress Scales 21-item (DASS-21) has been widely used ever since the establishment of its validity. To consolidate the evidence of the BM DASS-21 validity by examining its concurrent validity. …”
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Sustaining the right to privacy in e- commerce environment: the legal approach
Published 2011“…This Act seeks to regulate the processing of personal data of individuals involved in commercial transactions by data users so as to provide protection to the individual’s personal data, thereby safeguarding the interests of such individual. Since this privacy right is important in e-commerce, this paper will examine the extent of privacy protection available under the existing law and whether such law and other relevant laws provide adequate protection to the personal data when dealing with online transaction. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Drying of food products under inert atmosphere using heat pump
Published 2012“…To improve the drying potential and also to carry out the drying under low temperature conditions, a heat pump is used to improve the drying environment. Since the heat pump is operated in a closed loop, where condenser heat controls the drying temperature and evaporator removes the moisture content released at the drying chamber, the drying medium operates at low temperature and moisture content. …”
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Proceeding Paper