Islamic feminist discourse: origins and development in the Muslim World
Published 2011“…It concludes that the concept of feminism, being a modern concept which has developed through different phases in the Western part of the world, like all isms in the modern world, the values it came to be associated with – especially in its radical form – is an antithesis of what Islam stands for and is thus not acceptable to many Muslims. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Bridging the gap? : review of Lowe, H. and Cook, A. (2003) Mind the Gap: are students prepared for higher education, Journal of Further and Higher Education, 27(1):53 - 76
Published 2006“…Furthermore, London Metropolitan University like other access institutions attracts students from diverse cultural and educational backgrounds.…”
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Article -
Unlocking potential : harnessing the pedagogical benefits of e-learning
Published 2008“…This paper outlines the emerging literature that appears to confirm that when e-learning in used in a pedagogically effective way it can have a positive impact across a range of indicators like retention and attainment, and explores the history of innovation in learning and teaching at London Metropolitan University, and the current opportunities offered by e-learning.…”
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Article -
Integration of student-led lectures as an innovative interactivity in teaching
Published 2023“…This has been practised in several modules by a top student in the cohort under my supervision. I would like to share what have been done, the preliminary analysis on these endeavours and also discuss with colleagues in the conference on its feasibility, applicability, and effectivities with a hope to have some broad experiences on Physiology module teaching.…”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Tumour growth model of cancer self-remission with hassell-varley functional response
Published 2018“…Predator-prey like models with functional responses such as Holling type I and II have been studied previously to model the interaction between tumour cells, hunting predator cells and resting predator cells. …”
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Thesis -
Technologies used for heavy metals removal from wastewater
Published 2018“…Heavy metals are contaminants from inorganic source that tend to pollute the ecosystem due to anthropogenic activities like mining, welding, semiconductors and electrical appliances manufacturing industries. …”
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Book Section -
Perception on Desa Melayu apartment society towards Johor food heritage
Published 2021“…Along with the rapidly growing economy and increasing population community in Johor like other states in Malaysia, Malay Modern society, especially the generation now gradually abandon the Johor food Heritage due to the pursuit of modern and viral food that available in the market today. …”
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Book Section -
Bioprocess optimization for kefiran production by lactobacillus kefiranofaciens
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
A Cryopreservatlon method of Sclzaphyllurn commune local strains
Published 2011“…AU of the treatments were frozen in liquid nitrogen for 7 days followed by thawing (cooling) at 30°C for 30 min. The grains were inoculated onto PDA agar to observe the viability (rate of survival) of the seeds. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Essential work of fracture and acoustic emission study on TPNR composites reinforced by Kenaf Fiber
Published 2007“…The strain rate was fixed at 2 mm/min. The specific work of fracture (we) and plastic work (bwp) showed the highest energy for TPNR that corresponds to its ductility and allows the application of the EWF approach. …”
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Article -
Powder mixed micro electro discharge milling of titanium alloy: Investigation of material removal rate
Published 2011“…In this experimental investigation, maximum MRR of 7.3 µg/min was obtained for 24.75 g/l SiC powder concentration and 56.77 µJ discharge energy. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effects of polar cosolvents on cocoa butter extraction using supercritical carbon dioxide
Published 2013“…Cocoa butter was successfully extracted from cocoa liquor by supercritical carbondi oxide (SC-CO2) at 35 MPa, 60 oC and 2 mL/min with 5%, 15% and 25% cosolvents. The extraction yield of tryglicerides (TG) and fatty acid (FA) compositions were significantly influenced by the concentration of polar cosolvents. …”
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Article -
علم الصرف العربي المتقدّم لأغراض علمية (دراسة في الفعل وأبنيته وددلالته وأزمنته من خلال شواهد القرآن الكريم)...
Published 2004“…To study about alsorf al-Arabi al-mutaqaddim li-aghradh ilmiyyah min khilal al-Quranul karim theoritically and practically…”
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Book -
Statistical analaysis for removal of Cadmium from aqueous solution at High pH
Published 2011“…From the results obtained, the highest percentage removal of Cd using CNT is at pH7, 10 mg of CNTs dosage, contact time of 120 min and agitation speed of 150 rpm which gave 19.14% removal.…”
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Article -
Prediction of minimum chip thickness in tool based micro end milling
Published 2012“…The optimum value for the minimum chip thickness was 375 nm with cutting speed of 2275 rpm, feed rate of 2.6 mm/min, and depth of cut 0.6 μm using Ø 0.8 mm tool. …”
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Article -
BE-P32: fabrication of Nahar Seed Oil for biolubricant production
Published 2012“…From the result obtained, the maximum viscosity of NSO biolubricant was achieved when the temperature was 150oC, 80 min in reaction time and 0.8% catalyst dosage. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Kajian terhadap faktor-faktor mempengaruhi pencapaian pelajar dalam penilaian menengah rendah di Sabah
Published 2012“…Hasil dari penganalisisan data ini diterangkan dalam bentuk kekerapan, peratusan dan min. Dapatan kajian menunjukkan bahawa domain kendiri, guru, ibubapa, dan rakan banyak mempengaruhi strategi dan gaya pembelajaran pelajar yang mendorong kepada pencapaian PMR.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Powder mixed micro electro discharge milling of titanium alloy: Investigation of material removal rate
Published 2012“…In this experimental investigation, maximum MRR of 7.3 µg/min was obtained for 24.75 g/l SiC powder concentration and 56.77 µJ discharge energy. …”
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Article -
The economic impact of using negative rake angle in high speed hard turning
Published 2013“…The experiments were obtained with constant cutting depth (0.15 mm), constant feed rate (0.075 mm), constant cutting speed (250 m/min) and five different tool rake angles0o,-3, -6,-9 and -12). …”
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