Conceptual architecture design and configuration of thin client system for schools in Malaysia: a pilot project
Published 2010“…Networked-schools across a country like Malaysia with heavy users requirements pose high specification in architecture and system design planning to IT divisions. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Configuration of carved components and its layout patterns in Malay timber houses
Published 2011“…The study found that architectural components of the houses like walls, doors and windows, railings, roofs and gable ends were equipped with carvings in different layout of patterns with distinctive features and visual orders including horizontal, vertical and mixed arrangement. …”
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Product liability in Malaysia
Published 2007“…The applicable statutes like the Contracts Act 1950, the Sale of Goods Act 1957 and the Consumer Protection Act 1987 as well as case law are analysed and explained to provide a helpful guide to this area of law. …”
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Misyar marriage between shari'ah texts, realities and scholars' fatawa' : an analysis
Published 2010“…Some of them supported it vehemently, as it could reduce the number of ladies without husbands; while yet others strongly oppose it, as it sounds like part-time wives, which has no roots in Islamic heritage. …”
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Applications of Maqasid al-Shari’ah and Maslahah in Islamic Banking practices: an analysis
Published 2010“…The paper suggests that Bai’ al-‘Inah, along with few other contemporary practices like Bai’ Bithaman Aajil (BBA) and ijarah Sukuk needs to be thoroughly revised before being offered as a riba-free product, as it does not comply with the maqasid of Islamic Economic and Banking principles – economic development, social wellbeing, individual freedom and equality, elimination of injustice and poverty, etc. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Tahir Jalaluddin and Syed Shaykh Al-Hadi's aptation of the Salafiyyah ideas into colonial Malaya
Published 2007“…These ideas were brought to Malaya primarily through reform-minded students/scholars who had studied in the Middle East. and the cin:ulation of su/afiyva writings such as al-A1anfir that reached audience in Malaya. Like the safajiyya figures in the VI iddle East, the primary concern of the local reformists was the backwardness of Malay-Muslim community and the Muslim ummah at large. …”
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Book Chapter -
Home financing pricing issues in the Bay’ Bithaman Ajil (BBA) and Musharakah Mutanaqisah (MMP)
Published 2013“…With regards to the products, retail financing is observed to be so dearer to the society compared to other form of financing like trade and corporate. Home financing is regarded as the most influential one since it normally affects long term commitment of the customer.Thus, this paper aims at analysing pricing issue of home financing products offered in Malaysia specifically BBA and MMP. …”
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Analysis and modelling of solar evaporator collector
Published 2015“…A solar evaporator-collector (SEC) is basically an unglazed flat plate collector where refrigerant, like R134a, is used as the working fluid. As the operating temperature of SEC is very low, it utilizes both solar irradiation and ambient energy leading to a much higher efficiency than the conventional collectors. …”
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Frequency diversity improvement factor for rain fade mitigation in Malaysia
Published 2015“…Microwave communication systems in tropical region like Malaysia, operating at higher frequency ranges, are degraded its performance severely during rains. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Short selling and the development of anti-shorting laws in the UK
Published 2016“…The opposers of short selling may be seen as lacking ideas and having the tendency to ban anything they do not like. Short sellers, on the other hand, may be seen as the elite bodyguards of the financial market whose job it is to get rid of overvalued stocks, and ultimately keep the market safe and efficient. …”
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Online authentication using smart card technology in mobile phone infrastructure
Published 2011“…It becomes secure entity compulsory for getting access to privacy sensitive Internet applications, like those involving money transfers. Utilizing the NFC interface passes the personal user keys only when needed, giving additional strength to the traditional public key cryptography approach in terms of security and portability.…”
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Fabrication of ceramic membrane chromatography for biologics purification
Published 2009“…In this study, a coin-like, 13 mm diameter and 3 mm thick, ceramic membrane was fabricated to be used as a chromatographic medium. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Smartening the environment using wireless sensor networks in a developing country
Published 2006“…In this paper we explore the prospects of wireless sensor networks and propose a design level framework for developing a smart environment using WSNs, which could be beneficial for a developing country like Bangladesh. In connection to this, we also discuss the major aspects of wireless sensor networks.…”
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Book Chapter -
The scholarship of inter-faith engagement with others in the writings of contemporary muslim scholars
Published 2009“…Such engagement can take place in different aspects of peoples’ daily activities, like religious, civilizational, political, sociological, cultural, economic, and so on. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A case study: establishing redundant access networks in the telecommunication sector of a developing country
Published 2010“…This work may also be useful for working on similar cases in other developing countries like Bangladesh.…”
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Qur’anic values and engineering studies: approaches and methods in the process of Islamizing engineering curriculum
Published 2011“…In process we have select some courses taught in the faculty of engineering IIUM and suggested basic approaches of Islamizing it and in that we exhibited some techniques for Islamization. We would like to acknowledge the precious assistance and wholehearted cooperation bestowed to us by the Research Management Centre, International Islamic University Malaysia, during the course of this research. …”
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Comparative study of different steganographic techniques
Published 2011“…Finally comparison was done using benchmarking tool for identifying different performance aspects of the Steganographic techniques and Steganographic software like visual quality, performance indices, memory requirement and the evaluation of the maximum capacity for each software under this study. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Preliminary analysis on the effect of rain attenuation on Free Space Optics (FSO) propagation measured in tropical weather condition
Published 2011“…Non-selective scattering is wavelength independent and exists due to rainfall. In country like Malaysia rain season with heavy rain can reduce the received power of FSO link to below the threshold. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The use of zakat revenue in Islamic financing: jurisprudential debate and practical feasibility
Published 2009“…In practice, however, it seems that the arguments by the proponents is favored as some counties like Kuwait and Malaysia, aside from providing handouts, also finance health care and education for the poor and needy. …”
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A Comparative Study of the English Language Performance of Islamic Studies and Education Students in KIRKHS and INSTED
Published 2011“…And finally, the respondents indicated that they would like to improve their English language competence. …”
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