Medicines information in medical journal advertising in Australia, Malaysia and the United States: A comparative cross-sectional study
Published 2010“…Information on dosage was significantly less likely to be mentioned (32%) in the US than in Australia (92%) and Malaysia (48%) (P < 0.001). …”
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Representations of Ireland and the Irish in film and television
Published 1997“…Flyer advertising a short lecture by Kevin Rockett, followed by a panel discussion led by Deirdre O'Neill, to be held at the University of North London on 8 May [year not stated, but most likely 1997].…”
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Ephemera -
Security in an Unstable World
Published 2008“…Over that time span there are likely to be four main determinants of global peace and conflict.…”
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The relationship between emotional expression and psychological distress amongst British, Indian, Polish, and South African university students
Published 2020“…Young adults, particularly under the age of 25 years, are also less likely to receive mental health treatment than any other age group. …”
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Thesis -
Irish in Britain Representation Group
Published 1982“…Flyer produced by the Irish in Britain Representation Group advertising a delegation to the meeting of Islington Council on 21 December (year not stated, but most likely 1982) at which a motion is to be debated covering several issues relevant to the Irish community.…”
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Ephemera -
Benchmarking on supply chain partnering effectiveness in two semiconductor companies: a case study approach
Published 2009“…It can also be concluded that Company B is less interested in the benefits gained and is more likely to highlight the risks associated with heightened dependence on a smaller number of suppliers. …”
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A mixed methods process evaluation of a print-based intervention supported by internet tools to improve physical activity in UK cancer survivors
Published 2019“…Use of the intervention's printed components is more likely to improve physical activity than the Internet tools, and the components are more likely to be used by women. …”
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A review of medical error taxonomies: a human factors perspective
Published 2011“…Medical error taxonomies based on theoretical error concepts were more likely to be generic in applicability and also more likely to classify systemic factors and psychological error mechanisms of medical errors. …”
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A briefing for mental health professionals : why asking about abuse matters to service users (REVA project, briefing 3)
Published 2015“…In this briefing paper we present findings from research funded by the Department of Health Policy Research Programme on responding effectively to the needs of survivors of violence and abuse: the REVA study. …”
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Monograph -
Therapy & HIV positive clients: exploring aspects that promote psychosocial adjustment using constructivist grounded theory
Published 2022“…With antiretroviral medication (ART) individuals with HIV can expect to live longer yet are likely to encounter an increasing diverse array of medical, psychological, social and cultural challenges. …”
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Thesis -
Can AnnAt1 of Arabidopsis thaliana contribute to Pb phytoremediation?
Published 2010“…This heavy metal contaminant is likely to enter human’s food chain, where it poses a hazard to public health. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The relationships of the laticaudine sea snakes (family elapidae genus laticuada)
Published 1982“…However others consider that Laticauda and "true" sea snakes (Hydrophiinae) are more likely to have had separate origins within the front-fanged "proteroglyphous" snakes (Elapidae); laticaudines are thought to be most closely allied to a group comprising terrestrial Asiatic and American coral snakes together with a Solomon Islands (Bougainville) endemic proteroglyph. …”
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Thesis -
Complement-mediated extracellular vesicle release as a measure of endothelial dysfunction and prognostic marker for COVID-19 in peripheral blood - letter to the Editor
Published 2020“…Endothelial cell- (EC-) derived EVs (EEVs) are often released because of endothelial injury [4] and also likely to contribute to this prothrombotic environment. …”
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A glow discharge time-of-flight mass spectrometry (GD-TOFMS) study of the ‘hydrogen effect’ using copper, iron and titanium cathodes
Published 2015“…We report TOFMS investigations on the effects of hydrogen added to a dc GD argon plasma, in detail over the most likely concentration range occurring in analytical work (0–0.10% v/v), together with an overview to 0.8% v/v; typical GD-OES discharge conditions were used. …”
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Return to learning course for Irish women
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Ephemera -
Three history lectures at the Camden Irish Centre
Published 1986“…Year (1987) added by hand but cannot be correct; 1986 most likely.…”
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Ephemera -
Counterfactual, prevention and causal thinking about workplace slip and trip accidents : a study of safety professionals, managers and accident subjects
Published 2015“…Accidents at work are unwanted outcomes and are likely to generate counterfactual thoughts. As slips and trips continue to cause a significant number of injuries they are the focus of this research. …”
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Thesis -
Understanding motivation to adhere to guidelines for alcohol intake, physical activity, and fruit and vegetable intake among U.K. university students
Published 2021“…University students are a group worth of attention because although they are less likely than older adults to exceed UK weekly alcohol intake guidelines or to be inactive, they are also less likely to meet FV consumption targets. …”
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Currency crises in the European Exchange Rate Mechanism
Published 1999“…It is showed analytically that the more likely it is that the party which is soft on unemployment will be elected, the more inevitable the crisis is. …”
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