The status of non-Muslims for giving evidence in the Islamic judicial system: past and present
Published 2010“…Moreover, in sophisticated types of evidence, such as forensic evidence, the role of an expert witness is very crucial. Thus, in countries like Malaysia, where the percentage of Muslims and the non-Muslims is approximately equal, the involvement of non-Muslim witnesses in the Syariah (It is the Malay version of Shari'ah) courts is inevitable and of great importance. …”
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Cooperative robot and user-friendly robot - new challenge in robotics
Published 2011“…Some researcher is trying to make human like robot. Robots that will be imitate human characteristics in movement, learning etc. …”
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Book Chapter -
Children educare center system
Published 2011“…Therefore, this chapter presents a new interactive educational website called Children Educare Center System, by implementing Islamic environment like the following existing websites; Genius Aulad, Tadika Atfal and Tadika Bijak. …”
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Book Chapter -
Real-time human detection for video surveillance
Published 2011“…For the last decades, video analysis and understanding has been one of the main active fields in computer vision and image analysis where applications relying on this field are various, like video surveillance, object tracking and traffic monitoring. …”
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Book Chapter -
Joint demeanors of an anthropomorphic robot in designing the novel walking gait
Published 2011“…This paper focuses on two major parts of the study, firstly the analysis and design of human like walking gait for an anthropoid system and secondly the implementation of the designed gait to navigate the robot from a source position to a destination point. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Methods and methodologies in Fiqh and Islamic economics
Published 2008“…Islamic economics, on the other hand, is a social science. Like any other social science its proper unit of analysis is the society itself. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Changing paradigms of development: an assessment
Published 2009“…Thus, the most suitable term to highlight the sense and traits of development is ‘social transformation’ or ‘social development’. Sociologists like Comte, Spencer, Tonnies and Durkheim explained changes in the broad sense covering the whole of society. …”
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Vibration based predictive maintenance: common rotating machinery faults and their signatures
Published 2011“…Predictive maintenance method makes use of human senses or other sensitive instruments like audio gauge, amplitude meter, pressure/ temperature strain gauge, vibration analyzer, etc. …”
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Book Chapter -
Top-down fabrication of single crystal silicon nanowire using optical lithography
Published 2012“…Electrical characterization indicates bulk like mobility values, not strongly influenced by surface scattering or quantum confinement. …”
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An integrated approach of biomedical image management system
Published 2012“…Biomedical images, such as X-ray, CT scan, MRI, etc., are extensively used in diagnosis of diseases, research & teaching in medical science, administration & management of hospital, information for the third party like medico-legal situation & health insurance, and so on. …”
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Two Potts Models on Cayley Tree of Arbitrary Order
Published 2012“…On a Cayley tree of arbitrary order k we consider two different Potts models with competing nearest-neighbour interactions J1 and next-nearest-neighbour interactions Jp and Jo, where coupling Jp corresponds to interaction of spins belonging to the same branch of the tree (prolonged) and coupling Jo corresponds to interaction of spins belonging to the same shell of the tree (one-level) and find for each model in addition to the expected paramagnetic, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases, an intermediate range of coupling values where the local magnetization has chaotic oscillatory glass-like behaviour. We also show that the ranges corresponding two models are different…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Enhancement of quality small and cottage industries in Bangladesh: Review, analysis and strategies
Published 2002“…Small and cottage industries of a developing country like Bangladesh contribute significantly in national economy. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Lightweight block ciphers: A comparative study
Published 2012“…Finally, after the explanation and comparison, this research can be the basement for starting point to improve the lightweight block cipher in many directions like number of clock cycle, size of memory, number of Chosen Plaintext, GE, throughput and attacks. …”
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A legal analysis of successful and problematic Build Operate and Transfer (BOT) projects in Malaysia
Published 2012“…The Malaysian government has adopted the Build Operate Transfer (BOT) project contractual arrangement for developing public infrastructure projects like highways and railways. In an effort to balance the economic and social needs of the community, the government has introduced a policy and legal framework to address the issue. …”
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Combating the threats of cybercrimes in Malaysia: the efforts, the cyberlaws and the traditional laws
Published 2013“…At a glance, these crimes are like ‘diseases’spreading throughout the country and causing damage to people, the economy and the country. …”
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Localization of nucleocapsid (NP) antigenic sites by using a panel of monoclonal antibodies against the recombinant NP of Newcastle disease virus
Published 2007“…Identification of NP antigenic sites not only elucidates the NP sequences that are responsible in eliciting immune response, indirectly it also revealed which sequences are exposed on the NP herringbone-like structure.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
International wildlife trade regulation and its enforcement in Malaysia
Published 2013“…As the major repositories of the world's biodiversity, it is essential for mega-biodiversity countries like Malaysia to regulate international wildlife trade to protect their biodiversity from being exploited unsustainably by observing the international regulations outlined by CITES.[5]…”
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Acute airway obstruction due to Ascaris Lumbricoides in a ventilated child
Published 2002“…Flexible bronchoscopy revealed a tube like foreign body obstructing the right and left bronchus. …”
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Precautionary principle under the SPS Agreement: A critical exposition
Published 2013“…Moreover, states, which produce GMOs, like to introduce it quickly; and for that, they perform some kind of risk assessment, which were not be acceptable to some importing countries. …”
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Integrating DBpedia in multi-modality ontology news image retrieval
Published 2010“…And our goal is to use a multi-modality ontology based system integrated with the knowledge sharing communities like DBpedia as our domain source which has an automated extraction methods to enhance our model and subsequently measure the effectiveness of our precision and recall.…”
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Proceeding Paper