Architecture, sinon repression: a journey through the narrow layer where the State meets the land
Published 2011“…Striation is the result of the intervention of man who, while colonising a territory, drew lines on it like on a wax tablet. This intervention progressively created homogeneity and facilitated movement through the territory. …”
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Book Section -
Deconstructing institutional racism and the social construction of whiteness: a strategy for professional competence training in culture and migration mental health
Published 2022“…As institutional theory perspectives continue to develop, solutions to complex social problems such as racism require embodied knowledge if the lines of authority and basic occupational routines are to be meaningfully renegotiated. …”
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Effect of discharge current and electrode size on material removal rate and wear ratio in electrical discharge machining
Published 2010“…Both MRR and WR were found to increase with the increase of current density. The trend lines are also expressed by two degree parabolic plots and equations. …”
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The analysis of programming competency in test driven development
Published 2015“…However, test last for low and mixed competency produced more lines of code (LOC). In addition, the lack of cohesion in methods (LCOM) results for all programming competency were varied.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Potts model with the simplest modulated phase
Published 2011“…We study the phase diagrams for the Potts model on the Bethe lattice with competing nearest-neighbor interactions J1 and ternary interactions Jp and Jt: At vanishing temperature, the phase diagram is fully determined for all values and signs of Jp=J1 and Jt=J1; in particular, we show that the phase diagrams contain ferromagnetic, paramagnetic and < 2 > phases only; i.e., the set of modulated phases consists of the < 2 > phase only for J1 > 0 and Jp=J1 < 0: We verify that values of T=J1 in the very narrow strip ¡0:11 < T=J1 < 0 with ¡Jp=J1 < 0 favor the modulated phase, which is either a commensurate phase with a very large period or an incommensurate phase. The transition lines are obtained from stability conditions, and characteristic points in the phase diagram are analyzed by using numerical iterations. …”
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Developing rat testicular organoid models for assessing the reproductive toxicity of antidepression drugs in vitro
Published 2022“…However, these studies used germ cell lines to determine the phenotype, which limits their potential translational value in toxicity studies in humans. …”
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Exploring the relationship between Islamic religious learning and community: Special reference to ‘Abdul Rahman Ibn Khaldun and Mohammad Tahir Ben Achour
Published 2013“…This inquiry opens new fields of critical inquiry on the role of religious learning today and brings to light some of the issues causing declining influence on the effective development of Muslim communities. …”
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Diabetes in Malaysia: A situational study on prevalence factors of the disease based on socioanthropological explorations
Published 2016“…Diabetes prevalence rate has been found to be increasing at a very alarming rate in Malaysia, almost doubling the number since two decades bringing it 15.2% in 2011.This paper thus provides some empirical data based on a field study conducted among patients living in and around Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. …”
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No Oral Modification clauses to the test: how relevant are they in the COVID-19 shock and beyond?
Published 2021“…More notably, because of the pandemic and the hardship it brings forward, parties involved may try to invoke a contractually available force majeure clause. …”
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An ethnographic study examining food and drink practices in four early childhood settings
Published 2010“…I argue that early childhood practice is increasingly centred on a project of taming children's futures at the expense of their immediate and embodied experiences; something that highlighting food events brings into sharp focus. I assert that pleasure and playfulness are important for children and adults alike and need to be valued in early childhood practice.…”
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Thesis -
Modelling cross-docking in a three-level supply chain with stochastic service and queuing system: MOWFA algorithm
Published 2022“…In many production environments, sending goods directly from the producer to the consumer brings many problems. Therefore, an efficient transport system should be established be‐tween producers and consumers. …”
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Regenerating the logistics industry through the physical internet paradigm: a systematic literature review and future research orchestration
Published 2023“…The paper identifies crucial gaps in research and brings to light different factors that have the potential to shed light on this essential subject. …”
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Adaptive chosen all inputs model for analyzing key derivation functions against bit-flip and timing side-channel attacks
Published 2019“…The randomness timing solution protects the security of KDFs but decreases the performance of KDFs. This research brings benefits to the security researchers in which ACAM security model can be used as the benchmark to determine whether the design of KDFs consists of security weakness in terms of bit-flipping attack and timing side-channel attack. …”
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Thesis -
Phycoremediation of NH4+ and PO43- from meat processing wastewater by using microalgae botryococcus sp.
Published 2017“…This will lead to more serious problems that affects the ecosystem and brings human health problems. In over many years ago, considerable researches have been carried out on use of microalgae in wastewater treatment but the effect on particular type of wastewater discharged from meat processing industry is less reported. …”
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Thesis -
The Anglo-Egyptian Sudan: from collaboration mechanism to party politics, 1898-1956
Published 2010“…It discusses how the Khartoum policy-makers maintained a wide scope of choices in shifting their support from one client to another along the lines of their political agendas. It investigates the gradual shift from collaboration mechanism to party politics, highlighting the response of the Khartoum policy-makers and the Sudanese nationalists who were largely influenced by the divergent attitudes of London and Cairo towards the future of the Sudan, and that of Sayyid Ali al-Mirghani and Sayyid Abd al-Rahman al-Mahdi who had a widespread influence on Sudanese society. …”
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A new efficient text detection method for image spam filtering
Published 2015“…The proposed method Accumulated Text Extraction (ATE) works for detecting horizontal and vertical lines and intersecting them, then rules are used to determine the text area and reduce non text area. …”
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Sustainability in Islamic architecture
Published 2016“…Some major segments of such framework are elucidated along the theoretical, or philosophical, rather than empirical, lines. Firstly, the need for sustainable architecture is outlined. …”
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A review on anticancer and biochemical properties of Clinacanthus nutans
Published 2016“…The bioactive compounds from CN are potential cytotoxic, antioxidant and antiproliferative properties against cultured cancer cell lines, suggesting an alternate adjunctive regimen for cancer prevention or treatment. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Islam & housing
Published 2010“…The house is a microcosm of culture and civilization because the primary elements of society, individuals organized along with the family lines, are born, raised and educated in them. The strength of the institutions of the family and house denotes the strength of a society and the verve of its cultural and civilizational agenda. …”
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