A preliminary investigation into the use of cannabis suppositories and online mindful compassion for improving sexual function among women following gynaecological cancer treatment
Published 2024“…Measurements of sexual function, sexual self-efficacy, mindful compassion, well-being and quality of life were taken at weeks 0, 4 and 12. …”
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Bending mechanism for piezoelectric transducer footstep energy harvesting using piezoelectric tile
Published 2021“…The mechanical energy from the human footstep was intermittent, thus it needed a storage device to store the energy before being used. The full-wave bridge rectifier rectified the output from the piezoelectric tile before being stored in a supercapacitor. …”
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Maintaining Water Quality in Urban Lakes: Challenges and Strategies
Published 2024“…This study aims to develop a comprehensive framework for managing urban lakes under varying environmental conditions and investigates the pivotal role of effective lake management in promoting sustainable development and community well-being, focusing on Malaysia and Australia. The research assesses public perceptions of lake benefits, studies the impact of lakes on quality of life, identifies water quality issues, and proposes an efficient lake management framework. …”
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Fabrication of frequency selective structure and evaluation of microwave transmission on energy saving glass
Published 2015“…This coating can provide good thermal insulation to the buildings by blocking infrared rays while being transparent to visible part of the spectrum. …”
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Engineering properties and microstructure of brickwork under aggressive environment
Published 2011“…XRF analysis was also carried out to determine the actual elements in the masonry materials before being exposed to soluble salts. XRD, SEM and EDX analysis were conducted after 180 days to observe the compounds developed after the exposure the soluble salts. …”
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Sponge media drying using a swirling fluidized bed dryer
Published 2016“…Surface preparation today has seen the introduction of sponge media as an alternative product against the traditionally used abrasive materials. Being soft and elastic, the sponge media reduces air borne emission significantly during surface preparation with capability to be re-used. …”
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Problems in Biotechnology research
Published 2002“…To meet the challenges posed by the growing population of the world, biotechnology research is being pursued in all countries. In the area of medicine remarkable success has been achieved. …”
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Al-Majusi: the pioner in obstetrics
Published 2011“…The research explores the theory of how a baby being pushed during delivery process. The research also explores the content of AI-Majusi's famous book which is Kitab al-Maliki. …”
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Book Chapter -
The principle of resistive sensing
Published 2011“…It uses a resistive element with a sliding contact attached to the object the position of which is being monitored…”
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Bio-diversity, traditional knowledge and intellectual property: is sui generis the way forward for Malaysia?
Published 2010“…This has been the issue that has been explored at various international forums such as CBD COP, WIPO's IGC and WTO, FAO, UNCTAD, UNHCHR and WHO. Issues being investigated include access to genetic resources; benefit sharing options, biodiversity, traditional medicine and rights of the indigenous peoples.…”
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Patient safety
Published 2012“…However, qUite surprisingly, it is also normal for people to be exposed to additional harms in the process of being treated. A study of British hospitals revealed that 10.8% of patients admitted to hospitals experienced unintended injuries caused by medical mismanagement (Vincent, Neale, & Woloshynowych, 2001). …”
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Fighting cyberterrorism with legislative bullet: are we really ready?
Published 2013“…National governments around the world have taken legislative steps to provide for stronger measures for fear of being struck by cyber-terrorists. Malaysia is not excluded. …”
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Consumer protection in Malaysia an analysis of 10 years legal developments(2000-2010)
Published 2011“…The Consumer Protection Act 1999 which came into being at the end of 1999 was the milestone for the development. …”
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Kanak-kanak dan remaja menggunakan gajet
Published 2019“…The book chapter discuss about the children and adolescence using gadget and its consequences if not being managed properly i.e., addiction.…”
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Rights of fetus in Muslim jurisprudence
Published 2008“…Muslim Jurisprudence regards the Janin (Fetus) as the first unit of human being; as such, it grants protection and reverence, it also confers a wide range of rights in order to safeguard the development, welfare and the security of the fetus.…”
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Personal reflections by the author of The African Diaspora in Asian Trade Routes and Cultural Memories
Published 2011“…Migration and diaspora studies are becoming more and more important with the increased movement of people across national borders and even continents. Being entangled with slavery and the slave trade, African diaspora studies have caught the attention of those outside academia also. …”
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Review article on research discourses and their implications for nursing education
Published 2003“…I chose this article because it reopens the debate about what constitutes 'valid evidence', calls for an equal appreciation of qualitative research, and reasserts the importance of integrating complex critical theories into the sphere of clinical practice, rather than being seduced by the dominant discourse of quantitative methods.…”
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The Cavan Association cheque presentation, April 1972
Published 1972“…Caption: picture shows Mr J J Crossan presenting a cheque to Mr Brian Mullen (Cavan Association Secretary) in aid of the new school for mentally handicapped children being erected at Coothill [that is, Cootehill?], Co Cavan. …”
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Picket in support of Róisín McAliskey
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The synthesis and pharmacology of some novel excitatory amino acid analogues
Published 1986“…These receptors have been named after the most potent and selective agonist of each; thus they are usually referred to as N-methyl-D-aspartate (A1), quisqualate (A2), kainate (A3) and 2-amino, 4-phosphono butyric acid (A4); the designations in brackets being that of the nomenclature of Fagg and Foster.…”
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