Third voice in a criminal justice system: the voice of the victim through victim impact statement
Published 2015“…Whilst VISs are surely welcomed to the Malaysian legal scene, are they fulfilling their intended purposes in light of the obvious failings in their implementation, including the lack of guidelines as well as the failure to bring the Child Act 2001 in line with the introduction of VISs only through the general procedural law ie, the CPC? …”
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The acceptance of satay innovation for domestic tourism.
Published 2020“…Innovations are a process of recreating or bring a new product on the market for the purpose of increasing sales and performance efficiency. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Optimization of gadolinium-doped zinc oxide films for diluted magnetic semiconductor and its effects on organic solar cell performance
Published 2017“…The result showed that the efficiency of Spin-OSC (0.16 %) was higher than conventional-OSC (0.04 %). …”
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Thesis -
The Elbow
Published 2012“…The elbow joint has a key role in the functions of the upper limb like feeding, washing and toilet care. Its hinge action and strong static collateral stability, combined with dexterity and versatility of the shoulder, hand and forearm enables the hand to be put in almost any position on the body. …”
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Book Chapter -
Effect of knowledge management practices on business performance in Bangladesh pharmaceutical industry
Published 2012“…This is due to the fact that firms’ performances are increasingly hinge upon managing knowledge of their employees rather than managing only physical facilities and resources. …”
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Digital implementation of space vector pulse width modulation technique using 8-bit microcontroller
Published 2013“…The inverter includes a low-pass LC-filter which is used to give a sine waveform output. The experimental results show the ability of the proposed system to generate a three-phase sine wave signal with desired frequency. © IDOSI Publications, 2013.…”
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The administration of Syariah Courts in Malaysia, 1957–2009
Published 2012“…Subsequently, the current Syariah Court acts and state enactments have been amended and improved to bring them into line with the policy of the government, current situations, and legal pluralism in Malaysia. …”
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Effect of Knowledge Management Practices on Business Performance in Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Industry
Published 2012“…This is due to the fact that firms’ performances are increasingly hinge upon managing knowledge of their employees rather than managing only physical facilities and resources. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The effect of finite bandwidth squeezed light on entanglement creation in the Dicke model
Published 2004“…We find that the jump of the degree of entanglement is due to a flip of the spin squeezing from one quadrature component of the atomic spin to the other component when the phase changes from zero to π. …”
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Transcendental intelligence for sacred OD: leaning from sufi masters
Published 2011“…A sophialogical engagement in the context OD is to bring practical wisdom (phronesis) as a moral goodness that connects knowledge and action. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Fabrication of spintronics device by direct synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes from ferromagnetic electrodes
Published 2008“…We describe an alternative method for realizing a carbon nanotube spin field-effect transistor device by the direct synthesis of single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) on substrates by alcohol catalytic chemical vapor deposition. …”
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Theoretical study for magnetic effect in dissociative adsorption of oxygen to a platinum monolayer on Ni(110) surface
Published 2011“…The reason of decrease of activation barrier can be attributed to the flow of electrons from oxygen to platinum surface because the d orbitals have spin polarization at the Fermi level where the down spin d orbitals are unoccupied.…”
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Development of switchable planar reflectors for beam shaping realization
Published 2016“…Higher tunable loss factor of 1.91dB was demonstrated by liquid crystal based design as compared to tunable loss factor of 1.43dB shown by PIN diode based design. The investigations were further extended by carrying out equivalent circuit analysis of PIN diode based and liquid crystal based designs for detailed characterization of reconfigurable planar reflector designs. …”
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Thesis -
Characterization of cyclic plasticity type wear mechanism for titanium alloy, TI-6AL-4V on reciprocating sliding wear test
Published 2020“…Meanwhile for the contact pin, two different diameter cylinders are used i.e Ø6.5 mm and Ø12 mm. …”
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Thesis -
Enrichment of fruit wastes with white rot fungi under submerged state bioconversion
Published 2013“…On Banana and Pineapple (BPin) the protein content were recorded as18.05 and 15.75 mg/g, which was higher than Papaya and Pineapple (PinPw) and Banana and Papaya (BPw)composite. M6 has 15.4 and 9.78 mg/g on BPinPw, 13.84 and 13.59 mg/g on BPw, 20.82, and 22.97 mg/g on BPin and 18.29 and 11.59 mg/g on PinPw. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Electrical breakdown and structural characterization in synthetic resins using optical techniques
Published 1992“…The early tree growth is shown to be driven by the high electrical field near the pin tip, which is itself dependent on the pin-plane electrode separation as well as the applied voltage. …”
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Thesis -
Development of remote operability CNC milling
Published 2010“…Attachment consists of three main equipments; material indexing device, Sub clamp with pin and vise index…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The system architecture of E-braille by using the microcontroller and external controller unit
Published 2016“…This refreshable braille cell can refresh the character. The pin for each braille cell is controlled by using piezoelectric bimorph. …”
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Lattice models with interactions on Caylay tree
Published 2010“…Then we introduce the disorder for studying the spin glass version of the model: the triangular ±J model. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Theoretical study for magnetic effect in dissociative adsorption of oxygen to a platinum monolayer on Ni(110) surface
Published 2012“…The reason of decrease of activation barrier can be attributed to the flow of electrons from oxygen to platinum surface because the d orbitals have spin polarization at the Fermi level where the down spin d orbitals are unoccupied.…”
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