Vibration and thermal cycling effects on solder joint reliability
Published 2014“…It highlighted the proclivity of LDSA to overestimate fatigue life while IDSA had the best life prediction amongst the models. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
An NKX2-1GFP and TP63tdTomato dual fluorescent reporter for the investigation of human lung basal cell biology
Published 2021“…This dual fluorescent reporter hPSC line will be useful for tracking, isolating and expanding basal cells from heterogenous differentiation cultures for further study.…”
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Journal Article -
From Shipyard to Sea: A Flexible System Design Approach to the Transition from Shipbuilding to Operations A Case Study Using the United States Coast Guard Offshore Patrol Cutter P...
Published 2024“…Dynamic post-delivery activities are reimagined as a continuous business line, to professionalize the transition of new ships from shipbuilding to operations.…”
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Thesis -
Piezoelectric fibers for flexible and wearable electronics
Published 2023“…Being ubiquitous in everyday life, piezoelectric materials and devices play a vital role in flexible and wearable electronics with their intriguing functionalities, including energy harvesting, sensing and actuation, personal health care and communications. …”
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Journal Article -
Chemical mediation of coral larval settlement by crustose coralline algae
Published 2015“…The majority of marine invertebrates produce dispersive larvae which, in order to complete their life cycles, must attach and metamorphose into benthic forms. …”
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Journal Article -
Attitudinal Factors of Fishermen Trapped in the B40 Category: an Empirical Study
Published 2024“…However, its importance is not in line with the well-being of key players in the fishing industry itself, especially Zone A fishermen who are mostly in the Bottom 40% (B40) of household income category. …”
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Article -
Remanufacturing index of wind turbine systems
Published 2013“…The scope of this report is not limited to the end of life process of the wind turbine. Instead, analysis is also done on the life cycle of the wind turbine. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A Learning Community of Reflective Teachers : From Whispers to Resonance /
Published 2024“…A unique story of community building and teacher education, this book also contains key outcomes and insights which take us through their action research projects and showcases a model of teacher development that can be adopted by interested readers. Above all, it brings out the crying need for a teacher's voice to be heard - for far too long, teachers have been mere implementers of decisions taken by policy makers or managements of schools. …”
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software, multimedia -
Promoting Sustainable Management Through Technological Innovation /
Published 2023“…While technology has emerged as a potential solution, it also brings forth new risks and unintended consequences. …”
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software, multimedia -
Contributions of age groups and causes of death to the sex gap in lifespan variation in Europe
Published 2023“…Much less is known about the sex gap in lifespan variation, which reflects inequalities in the length of life, than about the sex gap in life expectancy (average length of life). …”
Journal article -
幽禁中之丰姿,落寞中之妖冶:《唐詩名媛集》述評 = Charming in silence and coquettish in desolate : a commentary on Tangshi Mingyuan Ji
Published 2021“…Tangshi mingyuan ji 唐詩名媛集 (A compilation of Tang poems on mingyuan) is one of the volumes of Tangshi yanyi pin 唐詩艷逸品 (Exemplars of the flamboyant and the elegant in Tang poetry) edited by late Ming scholar Yang Zhaozhi 楊肇祉. …”
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Journal Article -
Quantum-optimal information encoding using noisy passive linear optics
Published 2024“…Moreover for large families of input states, any maximizing encoding scheme has a finite number of channel attenuation values, simplifying the codewords to a finite number of rings around the origin in the output phase space. …”
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Journal Article -
Applications of pentamethyl phenyl ketones in the synthesis of carbocycles and heterocycles
Published 2023“…We then explore how tri-substituted THP rings behave, allowing us to access di-substituted cyclohexenes with both retention and inversion of the stereochemistry.…”
Thesis -
Share class structure and the efficiency of corporate takeover : experimental evidence
Published 2020“…Our experimental results demonstrated that it was less likely for an inefficient Raider to successfully takeover in an one-share-one-vote share structure. This result is in line with the theoretical predicted outcomes. On the other hand, in the case of an efficient Raider, our results were not in line with the theoretical model for the case of an efficient Raider. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A Flow-based Flight Scheduler for En-route Air Traffic Management
Published 2016Get full text
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Journal Article -
Efficient feedforward categorization of objects and human postures with address-event image sensors
Published 2013“…The detected line features are organized into vectorial segments. …”
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Journal Article -
Fabrication of heat sinks by Selective Laser Melting for convective heat transfer applications
Published 2021“…Three heat sinks comprising pin fins of circular, rectangular-rounded and aerofoil geometries were fabricated by SLM from aluminium alloy AlSi10Mg powder. …”
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Journal Article -
A Novel MIMO antenna integrated with a solar panel and employing AI-equalization for 5G wireless communication networks
Published 2024“…We demonstrate that the directivity of this antenna array can be precisely electronically reconfigured using PIN diode switches. Additionally, we show the feasibility of integrating solar panels with the proposed MIMO antenna array. …”
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