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Low divergence single-mode surface-emitting concentric-circular-grating terahertz quantum cascade lasers
Published 2014“…We demonstrate that deformation of the device boundary, caused by anisotropic wet chemical etching is the cause of this double-lobed profile, rather than the expected ring-shaped pattern.…”
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Journal Article -
A three-membered diazo-aluminum heterocycle to access an Al=C π bonding species
Published 2022“…[1+2] cycloaddition between a cyclic (alkyl)(amino)aluminyl anion (3) and diaryldiazomethane affords an AlN2 three-membered ring species (4). Compound (4) is thermally unstable and spontaneously releases N2 gas under the mild reaction condition to generate an ion-separated species 5. …”
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Journal Article -
Synthesis of stable fused furan-based molecule for organic electronics
Published 2023“…The focus of this project is the chemical synthesis and characterization of a furan-based fused-ring unit. These units acts as cornerstone for development of non-fullerene acceptors for organic electronic applications. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Spontaneous symmetry breaking of an optical polarization state in a polarization-selective nonlinear reson
Published 2024“…We pump the vapor cell with horizontally polarized light while the vertical polarization, which is initially in the vacuum state, is resonated in a ring cavity. Microscopic field fluctuations in this mode experience cumulative gain due to the compound action of amplification due to the self-rotation and feedback through the resonator, eventually acquiring a macroscopic magnitude akin to an optical parametric oscillator. …”
Journal article -
Innovative application and driving of enhancement mode gallium nitride power transistors
Published 2018“…This is further improved by proposing a 2-stage, 2-phase gate driver to reduce the gate ringing. Simulation is conducted to verify the design and the proposed design demonstrates reduction in gate ringing. …”
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Thesis -
Synthesis of polymeric materials derived from abundant natural feedstocks using non-toxic heavy metals
Published 2024“…<p>The aims of this Thesis were: firstly, to develop new di(amido)siloxane complexes using relatively non-toxic bismuth and scandium metals, and secondly, to examine the activity of the bismuth compounds in ring-opening polymerisation (ROP) and small molecule activation reactions.…”
Thesis -
General circulation models simulate negative liquid water path–droplet number correlations, but anthropogenic aerosols still increase simulated liquid water path
Published 2024“…These results are a reminder that assessments of climate parameters based on multiple lines of evidence must carefully consider the complementary strengths of different lines when the lines disagree.…”
Journal article -
Biothermoplastic elastomer (BTPE), influence of architecture on mechanical properties
Published 2010“…Biodegradable thermoplastic elastomer was acquired by synthesizing four-armed and three-armed star-shaped copolymers via ring-opening polymerization with multifunctional initiator, such as pentaerythritol and glycerol, using stannous octoate (SnOct2) catalyst in bulk at 130oC. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Characterization of artemisinin resistance in plasmodium falciparum
Published 2017“…Long term in vitro selection produced two parasite lines that displayed profound stage-specific resistance to artemisinin and its relative compounds. …”
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Thesis -
Fabrication of ordered nanoring arrays via the footprint of a polymer nanosphere monolayer
Published 2016“…The method is based on the observation that arrays of residual ring-shaped footprints would be left on the silicon substrate by directly peeling off the polystyrene nanosphere monolayer. …”
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Journal Article -
Infusing epistemic perspectives on scientific practices in science teacher education
Published 2023“…The depiction of scientific practices relies on a theoretical model called the Benzene Ring Heuristic (BRH) which consolidates the epistemic, cognitive and social aspects of scientific practices into a holistic and visual representation. …”
Journal article -
Accelerating the design of biomimetic materials by integrating RNA-seq with proteomics and materials science
Published 2016“…In one example, we rapidly engineer recombinant squid sucker ring teeth proteins into a range of structural and functional materials, including nanopatterned surfaces and photo-cross-linked films that exceed the mechanical properties of most natural and synthetic polymers. …”
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Journal Article -
Population transcriptomics of human malaria parasites reveals the mechanism of artemisinin resistance
Published 2016“…These findings suggest that artemisinin-resistant parasites remain in a state of decelerated development at the young ring stage, whereas their up-regulated UPR pathways mitigate protein damage caused by artemisinin. …”
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Journal Article -
Chiral Modes at Exceptional Points in Exciton-Polariton Quantum Fluids
Published 2018“…In particular, a vortex is generated by driving two dipole modes of the non-Hermitian ring resonator into degeneracy. Transition through the exceptional point in the space of the system’s parameters is enabled by precise manipulation of real and imaginary parts of the closed-wall potential forming the resonator. …”
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Journal Article -
Parametric inversion of spin currents in semiconductor microcavities
Published 2013“…The energy of the pulse is set to be close to the inflexion point of the lower polariton dispersion branch and the focusing in real space populates the reciprocal space on a ring. Above threshold, the parametric scattering towards the idler and the signal state is triggered on the whole elastic circle. …”
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Journal Article -
Germanium on Silicon Integrated Photonics for the Mid-Wave Infrared
Published 2024“…Air-clad ring resonators demonstrate narrow-bandwidth filtering with a recorded extinction ratio of >20 dB, full-width half max (FWHM) of 0.7 GHz, and unloaded Q factor of >190,000. …”
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Thesis -
Metal-organic architectures driven by a multifunctional 6-aminouracil spacer : structures, noncovalent interactions, and conductivity
Published 2021“…The computational study for molecular electrostatic potential (MEP) surface energies revealed an important finding, namely a decrease of the π-acidity of the uracil ring upon coordination and a consequent increase of the π-basicity of the phenyl-sulfonate ring, resulting in effective anti-parallel π–π stacking interactions in 1 and 2. …”
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Journal Article -
Electrode modification by diazonium chemistry : studies on the effect of steric bulk on film thickness, and modified activated carbon cloths for energy storage
Published 2021“…The side reactions forming these polymeric multilayers are known to occur at vacant, unsubstituted carbons on the aryl ring of the grafted layer. In the first of two broad parts of this thesis, studies were carried out on a glassy carbon (GC) electrode modified with bulky 2,3,5,6-tetramethylaniline (TMA) groups (i.e. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Modeling of microfluid droplet resonator based on whisper gallery mode
Published 2009“…Currently most of the optical ring/sphere resonator based on whisper gallery mode is fabricated by wafer fabrication technology, which is high in cost and cannot be achieved on-chip. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Kinetics and mechanism of the alkaline hydrolysis of securinine
Published 1995“…The hydroxide ion‐catalyzed hydrolysis of securinine involves the ring opening of the lactone moiety. The rate of hydrolysis is insensitive to the ionic strength. …”