Propagation studies on rain for 5.8 GHz and 23 GHz point to point terrestrial link
Published 2012“…The main objective to justified the literature findings on the effect of rain at lower and higher operating frequency in microwave link and solution to overcome it. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A rapid method for large sample number extraction of proteins from mammalian cells
Published 2012“…Finding the best method of cell lysis and extraction of protein is the key step in detection and identification of proteins in all applications of proteomics. …”
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Dry machining of T6061 aluminium alloy using titanium nitride (TiN)and titanium carbonitride (TiCN) coated tools
Published 2013“…Tool wear intensities of TiN and TiCN coated tools using both dry and traditional wet machining was studied with the aim in finding the optimum cutting speed from three different cutting speeds (318, 394 and 490 m/min) with a feed rate of 0.6 mm/rev and depth of cut of 0.4 mm. …”
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Effect of processing routes on the mechanical, thermal and morphological properties of PLA-based hybrid biocomposite
Published 2013“…Crystallization temperature (Tc ), however, dropped with nanoclay from 116 to 106 �C and storage modulus (E’) increased by about 1 GPa. These findings were also supported by scanning electron micrograph (SEM) and transmission electron micrograph (TEM) where in double extruded composite a better dispersion of nanoclay was observed. …”
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Determination of spatial factors in measuring urban sprawl in Kuantan using remote sensing and GIS
Published 2013“…To achieve better future urban development and infrastructure planning, it is crucial for the municipal authorities to know sprawl phenomenon happening in Kuantan, its types, distribution, factors, and the way the phenomenon is likely to move in the years to come. The finding shows that characterization of highway strip, land use segregation and leapfrog development spatial factors has resulted in identifying Kuantan as non-sprawl city. …”
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“The study on stress level measurement among pharmacy students by using Perceived Stress Scale”
Published 2013“…Conclusion or Take home message The findings revealed that majority of students are capable to control their stress and showed the pharmacy programme did not burden to them. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The quality and determinants of voluntary disclosures in annual reports of Shari'ah compliant companies in Malaysia
Published 2013“…The study examines the annual reports of a sample of 76 ShCCs selected from various sectors listed on Bursa Malaysia in the year 2009. Findings – The results indicate that the quality of voluntary disclosures by ShCCs is in overall low consistent with prior studies that gauged the quality of CVDs in Malaysia. …”
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The perceptions and practices of the integration of knowledge amongst the academics of International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM)
Published 2013“…Two broad themes were generated from the data, which are perceptions and practices of IOK. The general findings of the study reveal that IIUM academic perceive and practice IOK differently according to their background and various specializations. …”
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A preliminary investigation of Islamic websites' design features that influence use: a proposed model
Published 2013“…They were guided to the survey website via the faculty students’ mailing list and Facebook group page. The findings indicate that website attractiveness, functionality, navigation, organizational information, and security/privacy are the most important factors influencing the use of Islamic websites. …”
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Extreme learning machine for user location prediction in mobile environment
Published 2011“…The empirical results show that the proposed model based on the ELM algorithm noticeably outperforms k-Nearest Neighbor approaches. Findings – WiFi's SS contributes more in accuracy to the prediction of user location than WiFi's SQ. …”
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"Pondok" system as a model for retirement village in Malaysia: a legal perspective
Published 2013“…This research will involve the case study of two (2) Pondok that specifically cater the aged people in two different states in Malaysia and a comparative study with the retirement village law and concept practiced in New South Wales, Australia. The findings of the study reveal that there is a need to have a proper legal framework for the management of Pondok in Malaysia as it involves the management of physical, financial and legal matters related thereto. …”
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Preparing health care providers for disaster response-experience from selected countries
Published 2012“…Methodology: English language articles on disaster response among health care providers were reviewed, focusing on United States of America and Japan, and literature search via electronic databases which were identified using keywords. Findings: Japan is known as well-prepared country in the world in terms of disaster management. …”
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Pospartum depressive symptoms: an associaiton with pregnancy planning and childbirth experience
Published 2012“…Results: The prevalence of Postpartum Depressive Symptoms (PPDS) (Edinburgh Postpartum Depression Scale >12) was 31.7%. The finding revealed that women with unplanned pregnancy were more likely to have PPDS compared to women with planned pregnancy [45% (n = 45/100) vs. 26.3% (n =65/247); χ2 = 11.477, df = 1 p < 0.01]. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A unified theory of the firm from Tawhidic paradigm
Published 2013“…The use of qualitative method through personal interviews is appropriate for exploratory nature of the study to develop a unified theory of the firm. Nevertheless, the findings cannot be generalizable. Theoretical contribution from this study is the development of framework of the theory of the firm from Tawhidic paradigm, which adds into the sustainability principles and business continuity. …”
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A conceptual study on landlord and tenant law in peninsular Malaysia: a focus on private residential tenancy
Published 2012“…The best practices from Scotland are taken as reference, whenever necessary. The findings of the research found that based on laws and practices in these two jurisdictions, it is very significant to have specific law to regulate the relationship between landlord and tenant in private residential tenancy in order to protect the interest of all parties involved. …”
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Evaluation of time-dependent pathways in an acute ischemic stroke protocol that incorporates CT perfusion: A tertiary referral center experience
Published 2013“…Four patients were thrombolysed despite being outside the window of treatment based on the CTP findings. Six of the thrombolysed patients had a Modified Rankin Score (MRS) of 1-2 at 5 months post procedure. …”
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Clinical significance of Helicobacter pylori cagA and iceA genotype status
Published 2010“…Ulcer pathology was seen in 39% (11/29) of patients with iceA1, while 31% (22/70) had normal findings. The corresponding values for iceA2 were 33% (5/15) and 33% (28/84), respectively. …”
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Optimal waist circumference cut-off values for predicting cardiovascular risk factors in a multi-ethnic Malaysian population
Published 2013“…Optimal WC cut-off values for predicting the presence of diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hypercholesterolemia and at least one of the three CV risk factors varied from 81.4 to 85.5 cm for men and 79.8 to 80.7 cm for women. Conclusions: Our findings indicate that WC cut-offs of 81 cm for men and 80 cm for women are appropriate for defining abdominal obesity and for recommendation to undergo cardiovascular risk screening and weight management in the Malaysian adult population.…”
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Optimal BMI cut-off values for predicting diabetes, hypertension and hypercholesterolaemia in a multi-ethnic population
Published 2013“…In men and women, the odds ratio for having diabetes mellitus, hypertension, hypercholesterolaemia or at least one cardiovascular risk factor increased significantly as BMI cut-off point increased. Conclusions Our findings indicate that BMI cut-offs of 23·0 kg/m2 in men and 24·0 kg/m2 in women are appropriate for classification of overweight. …”
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Islamic philosophy in the pedagogy of landscape architecture: study on studio-based subject
Published 2011“…The purpose of the pilot study was to identify the issues that need to be rectified, so that, improvement on the teaching of studio-based subjects can be done. Findings show that the pedagogy of LA that instilled the Islamic philosophy based on both etiquette of delivering lesson, input lectures and project brief had contributed several implications; e.g. …”
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