'She loved this place': memorial benches as death writing, life writing and life siting
Published 2025“…I explore some reasons for their increasing popularity, their very materiality valued as a way of marking a life in a digital age. Memorial benches are also a reminder of the ways in which public spaces are stitched into daily routines, of the quiet value and meaning attached to local public squares, parks and beaches, increasingly encroached upon by privatisation. …”
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Article -
Synaptic element for neuromorphic computing using a magnetic domain wall device with synthetic pinning sites
Published 2020“…The control of the domain wall motion with the synthetic pinning sites is demonstrated to be a reliable technique for neuromorphic applications.…”
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Journal Article -
80 GHz on-chip metamaterial resonator by differential transmission line loaded with split ring resonator
Published 2012“…The resonator is based on a differential metamaterial transmission-line (T-line) loaded with a split ring resonator (SRR), which can enhance the EM energy coupling and further improve the quality factor (Q). …”
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Journal Article -
Design of spinal implant for an Asian population
Published 2008“…This report documents the design of a new cervical spinal implant. Eight-eight lateral radiographs of Asian cervical spinal were used for a morphological study.…”
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Research Report -
Tree-ring δ 18 O and δ 2 H stable isotopes reflect the global meteoric water line
Published 2024“…Conclusion: We conclude that covariance in tree-ring δ 18O and δ 2H reflects the GMWL at larger spatial scales, but not when evaluating them at individual sites.…”
Journal article -
AB078. Patterns of treatment delay in patients with symptomatic metastatic epidural spinal cord compression
Published 2024Subjects: “…Medicine, Health and Life Sciences…”
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Journal Article -
Reactivating and reorganizing activity-silent working memory: two distinct mechanisms underlying pinging the brain
Published 2025“…Recent studies have proposed that visual information in working memory (WM) can be maintained in an activity-silent state and reactivated by task-irrelevant high-contrast visual impulses (“ping”). Although pinging the brain has become a popular tool for exploring activity-silent WM, its underlying mechanisms remain unclear. …”
Journal article -
Validation of wearable inertial sensors for spinal motion assessment
Published 2023“…Spinal musculoskeletal disorders (SMDs) are a common cause of pain and disability, affecting millions of people worldwide. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Tilted magnetisation for domain wall pinning in racetrack memory
Published 2020Subjects: Get full text
Journal Article -
Competitive anxiety among university ten-pin bowlers
Published 2021“…Minimal research was done on ten-pin bowling. This study aims to explore the relationship between competitive anxiety and performance in ten-pin bowlers and the role of experience in reducing debilitative anxiety levels. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
'I do not care a pin about it myself'
Published 2016“…Andrew Honey, Book Conservator at the Bodleian, tells us of his excitement at discovering an original Jane Austen pin on our Sir Charles Grandison manuscript, and what this, and other pins, tell us about their use.…”
Journal article -
Structural analysis of protein tyrosine phosphatase 1B reveals potentially druggable allosteric binding sites
Published 2020Subjects: Get full text
Journal Article -
Vertical split-ring resonators for plasmon coupling, sensing and metasurface
Published 2018Subjects: Get full text
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Conference Paper -
Frail Line
Published 2009“…Frail Line is a story about the changed dynamics of a father-daughter relationship after a separation of many years. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
End of the line
Published 2022“…My Final Year Project “End of the Line” is an experimental effort to create an expressive piece of game design, writing and drawing to explore the possibilities of creating a narrative driven card game that combines elements of walking simulators, interactive fiction, and strategic card games. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Topological pumping in Aharonov – Bohm rings
Published 2020“…Here, we study both effects together: topological pumping of interacting particles through Aharonov–Bohm rings. This system can prepare highly entangled many-particle states, transport them via topological pumping and interfere with them, revealing a fractional flux quantum. …”
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Journal Article -
Multi-site benchmark classification of major depressive disorder using machine learning on cortical and subcortical measures
Published 2024Subjects: “…Medicine, Health and Life Sciences…”
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Journal Article -
Design of differential microstrip ring antenna
Published 2021“…To increase the bandwidth of the differential microstrip ring antenna, 2 orthogonal slits were cut out on the outer periphery of the ring. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Study on properties of fibre ring resonators
Published 2017“…In this report, it shows an overview of the characteristics and analysis behind the fibre ring resonator. A simple construction of fibre ring resonator with its beam splitting coupler and optical circulator is shown schematically. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Such is life
Published 2017“…Director's film-making, planning and decision process written with full scene breakdowns pertaining to his Final Year Project "Such Is Life" Short film…”
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Final Year Project (FYP)