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Reconstructing the deconstructed
Published 2016“…The core study of this project is about the understanding of Information Visualization on a whole new level, using 3-dimensional forms and possibly, into 4-dimension. It is a site- specific project where the school of Arts, Design & Media's (ADM) bridge was chosen to hold the installation. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Deciphering Banyan tree networks
Published 2017“…In this project set in the context of Singapore City as a site of constant urban development, the Banyan tree, a natural vessel for multifaceted archaeologies, provides us with tactical ways of perceiving urban space, giving us a means to realize the invisible power structures governing our bodies, as well as to reveal how the liminal and marginalized members of our society might walk the City.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Testing of metallic specimens using "C" scan ultrasonic procedures to locate, size and determine shape of defects
Published 2019“…This is due to the “C” scan being more complex to operate and less portable to bring to the test site. One of the main concerns during the inspection of materials is the reliability of the results obtained. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The challenge of the unique and unprecedented, comment on Agnihorti et al. (2021)
Published 2021“…Recently, Agnihorti et al. reported on the unique discovery of seven ‘organic rich balls’ from the Early-Mature Harappan period site of 4MSR (Binjor). Using a combination of microbotanical, geochemical and isotopic analysis they argued that the objects were multi-grained food-balls that had ritual and social functions, with further reaching implications for adaptations to much later period climate change in the Late Harappan. …”
Journal article -
Stable isotope ratio analysis: an emerging tool to trace the origin of falsified medicines
Published 2024“…This review presents the main approaches, based on stable isotope ratios of the bio-elements, mainly Isotope Ratio Mass Spectrometry and Site-specific Natural Isotopic Fractionation by Nuclear Magnetic Resonance, that can contribute to identifying the origin of these products, both in terms of geographical origin and raw materials employed as well as for the batch controls by the producers.…”
Journal article -
Quantifying the internal and external drivers of Southeast Asian rainfall extremes on decadal timescales
Published 2024“…Volcanic aerosols, the most effective radiative forcing during the last millennium, contributed to both the Ming Dynasty Drought (1637–1643) and the Strange Parallels Drought (1756–1768). …”
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Article -
An in-depth study of software library upgrade dependency issues
Published 2023“…This final year project will be an extension of a previous study done by my senior, Nicholas Yeo Ming Jie (Project ID: SCSE21-0215), which had proposed a method to detect these vulnerabilities using Concrete Syntax Tree (CST) generated by parsing projects using LibCST. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Ternary blend organic bulk heterojunction photovoltaics based on incorporation of low bandgap materials
Published 2011Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Friction stir processing of 3D-printed metal composites
Published 2016Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Infectious diseases prevention and control using an integrated health big data system in China
Published 2022Get full text
Journal Article -
High-performance and low-complexity implementation of fixed-coefficient FIR filters
Published 2016“…Moreover, though the product-accumulation line of TDF FIR filters contribute significant amount of delay, it is omitted in most of the existing works. …”
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Thesis -
Low magnetic field exposure alters prostate cancer cell properties
Published 2024“…This study investigated the effects of LMF exposure (20 nT) by magnetic shielding on the prostate cancer cell line PC3 compared to the prostate epithelial cell line PNT2 under short-term (4 h) conditions. …”
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Article -
Understanding customer retrials in call centers: preferences for service quality and service speed
Published 2021“…<p><strong> Managerial implications:</p></strong> First, our research highlights the importance of recognizing customers’ off-line decisions, which are impacted by online service offerings and, in turn, affect future online service operations. …”
Journal article -
Members’ participation, empowerment and sustainability of self-help groups in Kano City, Nigeria
Published 2014“…Despite the potential of SHGs, there are certain factors that restrained the sustainability of these groups. In line with this, the study examined the relationship between group member’s participation, empowerment, member’s perception towards leadership and group cohesion, and sustainability of self-help groups. …”
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Thesis -
Romantic crushes promote variety-seeking behavior
Published 2019“…Five studies provide support for this hypothesis. In line with our control restoration account, the effect disappears when consumers’ sense of control is boosted via other means. …”
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Journal Article -
Kickstart 2025 with Creative Classroom Innovations
Published 2025“…2025 brings new opportunities for educators to explore more unique ways to appeal to our students by bringing in new innovations and technology in the class. In line with Universiti Malaysia Pahang Al-Sultan Abdullah (UMPSA) tagline, “Technology for Society”, this initiative is sure to resonate with our students, who are often regarded as digital natives. …”
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UMPSA News -
Entrepreneurship, sustainability, and urban development
Published 2024“…We discuss three promising areas along this line of research: sustainable entrepreneurial ecosystems, entrepreneurial smart cities, and entrepreneurial solutions to sustainable urban growth. …”
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