Antidiabetic efficacy of methanolic extract of the leaves of Tetracera Indica Merr. (Dilleniaceace) in alloxan induced diabetic rats
Published 2010“…Introduction: Tetracera indica Merr., (mempelas paya) is used in Malaysia and other parts of South-Asia as a folk medicine to treat fever, flu, skin rashes, itching, piles, mouth ulcer, diabetes, and insects bites. …”
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Ultrasonic techniques for detection of thinning defects in metal plates
Published 2010“…Initiating on the inside or in the interface of an aircraft’s skin, the corrosion must be tested from the outside surface. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Swelling properties of gamma irradiated starch based hydrogel dressing
Published 2015“…Sago starch is used as biopolymer and biocompatible to the human skin. The hydrogel is prepared by mixing the solution of sago starch (SS) with polyvinyl alcohol (PVA) solution and finally this solution is subjected to the gamma irradiation. …”
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Article -
A conceptual framework of university of the future-domestic and international students’ perspective
Published 2016“…Also we make interview with some of the participants of those thirty to find out several factors like value proposition, key resources, key partners, key activities, and so on. …”
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Article -
The difference in the skills employment, job training satisfaction and job engagement by training duration among NDTS Apprentices in Southern region of Malaysia
Published 2023“…This enhances the ability of employees to find employment opportunities and earn income with the help of their skills. …”
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Deficient intake of energy and macronutrients in female university students assessed by composite samples.
Published 2007“…The height, body weight, skin fold, body fat and basal metabolic index was lower by -4.91, -2.59, -19.17, -16.20 and -4.38 percent respectively from the reference values. …”
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Process validation for pilot-scale production of Betamethasone 17-valerate emulsions using palm olein as topical drug delivery vehicle
Published 2016“…Palm olein contains naturally occurring tocopherols and tocotrienols that would assist healing and improve skin condition. The use of palm olein has connotes the support for green technology. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Does economic freedom fosters banks’ performance? Panel evidence from Malaysia
Published 2010“…The empirical findings seem to suggest that corruption has a corrosive impact on Malaysian banks’ profitability. …”
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Article -
Promoting the Individual Learning Styles of Masters Students Studying Marketing-related Modules through the Use of YouTube Video-Clips
Published 2007“…It is often hard for academics to find resource material, particularly visual material for new and emerging disciplines; particularly when Universities are developing courses faster than teaching materials are made generally available. …”
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Batu pahat car workshops finder
Published 2017“…Batu Pahat Car Workshops Finder is an application for driver to find the nearest car workshops with the current location and can get GPS navigation to the selected car workshop. …”
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Bioactive compounds from sterm bark of Entada Spiralis RIDL
Published 2010“…Our previous study revealed that the methanol extract was active against dermatophytes that causes skin infections. Strains of dermatophytes, Trichophyton mentagrophytes ATCC 9533, Trichophyton tonsurans ATCC 28942 and Microsporum gypseum ATCC 24102 were used.…”
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Article -
Nevertheless, she resisted: the body as a site of resistance in "The Autopsy of Jane Doe"
Published 2018“…Women’s bodies are often used as a site for horror, with bloody wounds interspersed with bare skin and sexualised scenarios and the complications of combining terror and titillation are still debated today. …”
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Hijab wearing among Malay women in Malaysia: media or social influence?
Published 2013“…This study was conducted to find out the perception of Muslim women on the extent to which media and people surrounding them influence their hijab (head cover) wearing. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Banks total factor productivity change in a developing economy: does ownership and origins matter?
Published 2011“…On the other hand, the empirical findings seem to reject the ‘liability of unfamiliarness’ hypothesis.…”
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Article -
Financial disruptions and bank productivity growth: evidence from the Malaysian experience
Published 2009“…The non-parametric Malmquist Productivity Index (MPI) is used to compute individual banks’ productivity levels. We find that the Malaysian banking sector has exhibited productivity regress due to the decline in efficiency. …”
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Prediction of the glucose level in blood using near infrared spectrometer
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -
Nanostructural analysis of finogel (Fish Nano Gelatin) for new process development
Published 2010“…Cross~linked rods observed in ABS denote adequate removal ofnon~collagen content of the fish skin and increase its surface area. ABS is suggested as the best pretreatment lex perch fish gelatin.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Unsteady three-dimensional boundary layer flow due to a stretching surface in a micropolar fluid
Published 2012“…The solutions of interest for the skin friction coefficient with various values of the stretching parameter c and material parameter K are presented. …”
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