Hiding in plain sight: the 'irony' of sexism
Published 2021“…In mainstream media, women are often depicted as submissive objects for heterosexual male consumption and regular exposure to sexist stereotypes has been linked to depression, low self-esteem and eating disorders, as well as sexualised attitudes and behaviours in young people, primarily girls.…”
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The Experience of Depression among Black and Minority Ethnic Women in the United Kingdom : An Interpretative Phenomenological Study
Published 2016“…Background: Identity and health status have been linked in the extant literature, but the lived experience of depression in Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) women in the UK is an under researched phenomenon. …”
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A briefing for commissioners : what survivors of violence and abuse say about mental health services (REVA project, briefing 4)
Published 2015“…This briefing focusses on the links between experience of abuse and mental health and the implications this has for commissioners to create an effective service landscape. …”
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The role of ventral tegmental area in chronic stroke rehabilitation: an exploratory study
Published 2023“…Changes in VTA influence on motor circuitry were linked to improvements in motor performance resulting from rehabilitation. …”
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Therapy & HIV positive clients: exploring aspects that promote psychosocial adjustment using constructivist grounded theory
Published 2022“…With antiretroviral medication (ART) individuals with HIV can expect to live longer yet are likely to encounter an increasing diverse array of medical, psychological, social and cultural challenges. Current research links a HIV diagnosis to a theme of adjustment as a positive diagnosis may be accompanied by stigma and has the power to influence and transform individual identities. …”
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Violence, abuse and mental health in England (REVA project, briefing 1)
Published 2015“…This research extends the evidence base by showing how mental illness is linked with experience of abuse and violence. It is based on a representative community-based sample rather than a patient population and examines experiences of both women and men across the life course.…”
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Interaction of phenol-formaldehyde condensates with isoprene rubber
Published 1983“…The results indicate that, in all cases, combination with the rubber occurs through chroman linkages and the crosslinks contain at least two phenolic nuclei joined by dimethylene ether or methylene links.…”
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Pentecostalisation, the American Christian right, and civil religion in Ghana
Published 2024“…The second aim is to explain and account for the links between elements of the American Christian Right and prominent Pentecostals in Ghana. …”
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Independent mobility of children in the military barracks of Nigeria
Published 2023Get full text
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Drivers, barriers and strategies for bioenergy dissemination in EU rural cross-border regions : a case study of the border region between Germany, Poland and the Czech Republic
Published 2015“…Despite the fact that they are a unique category and require special consideration there is almost an academic void in respect of research focusing on renewable energy linked to border regions. This research addresses the following key aspects: the crucial factors required for bioenergy dissemination and the special characteristics of European border regions, and analyzes stakeholders´ perceptions along the bioenergy supply chain. …”
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Outcome measurement in articular cartilage repair: exploring the patient perspective
Published 2011“…The first systematic review of the TAS for ACR raised important methodological issues relating to the use and reporting of the outcome. The key findings from this review were utilised by the researcher to inform the reporting of cross-sectional TAS data for the ACR and ACLR groups from this OHC. …”
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An epigenetic locus associated with loss of smell in COVID-19
Published 2024“…Previous studies, including genome-wide association studies (GWAS), have identified genetic variants near the UGT2A1 and UGT2A2 genes that are linked to anosmia in COVID-19 patients. However, the role of epigenetic changes in the development and persistence of smell loss has not been well explored. …”
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Laccase immobilization on polyethylene terephthalate based nanofiber mat
Published 2023Get full text
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‘Really putting a different slant on my use of a glass of wine’: patient perspectives on integrating alcohol into structured medication reviews in general practice
Published 2023“…This study explores early patient experiences of the SMR and views on the acceptability of integrating clinical attention to alcohol as another drug linked to their conditions and medicines, rather than as a standalone ‘healthy living’ or ‘lifestyle’ question. …”
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Fiscal spillovers in the Euro area
Published 2012“…The estimation of a multivariate, multi-country time series model (specifically a Global VAR, or GVAR) using quarterly data for the EMU period suggests that euro-denominated government yields are strongly linked with each other. However, financial markets seem to be able to discriminate among different issuers. …”
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Biological basis of child health 1: understanding the cell and genetics
Published 2020“…The aim is to provide children's nurses with an accessible introduction to cell biology and genetics linked to their clinical practice.…”
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The Emerging Pacific Asian Economies and the Financial Crisis
Published 2009“…Particular concerns centre on the sharp contractions of growth in China and Japan whose economies have become the principle drivers of regional growth and integration, and key links between Pacific Asia, the West and the rest of the global system.…”
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Institutional quality in the finance-growth nexus in Sub-Saharan Africa
Published 2021“…Total factor productivity is decomposed into two items: 1) pure technical progress; and 2) institutional quality linked efficiency gain, which captures financial development and institutional quality. …”
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