The interaction of skin sensitizers with gold nanoparticles and cysteine modified screen printed carbon electrode analyzed using impedance technique
Published 2023Subjects: “…Skin—Care and hygiene…”
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Thesis -
Accounting students' perception on the use of programming software for analysis and design of accounting information systems: some empirical findings
Published 2011“…The findings contributed to the existing self efficacy literature and are useful for future enhancement of accounting information system syllabus. …”
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Monograph -
Early maladaptive schemas and parental bonding in skin disease: investigating the role of schemas and early attachment in Greek patients with psoriasis and eczema
Published 2007“…This case study focuses on providing a succinct overview of the schema model and its application in a long-term therapeutic relationship. The initial assessment and schema case conceptualisation is presented, followed by a summary of sessions, including interventions and difficulties encountered with the client. …”
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Thesis -
Structural performance of precast self-compacting concrete beam consisiting banana skin powder and coir fibre under flexural load
Published 2018“…In this research Banana Skin Powder (BSP) and Coir Fibre (CF) utilized as partially cementing material and filler respectively, to reduce the agricultural waste and save the natural recourses which is used in manufacturing of cement and reduces the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2) in atmosphere. …”
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Thesis -
Effects of incorporating banana skin powder (BSP) and palm oil fuel ash (POFA) on mechanical properties of lightweight foamed concrete
Published 2018“…The agricultural wastes utilized in this research are banana skin powder (BSP) and palm oil fuel ash (POFA) as cement and sand replacement, respectively. …”
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Article -
Long journeys toward freedom: the relationship between coercive control and space for action - measurement and emerging evidence
Published 2017“…We report on the development of, and findings from, two scales measuring coercive control and space for action over a period of 3 years in a sample of 100 women who had accessed domestic violence services. …”
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Article -
Compact UHF RFID balun-like integrated tag antenna for long range detection of water bottles
Published 2023“…A compact, flexible, long-range, and impedance transformer balun-like integrated UHF RFID tag antenna is proposed for the detection of water bottles. …”
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DNA extraction methodologies for ultra long nanopore sequencing to determine chromosome specific rodent telomere lengths
Published 2024“…Telomeres are involved in gene expression through Telomere Position Effect Over Long Distance (TPE-OLD) and indirectly through telomeric repeat containing RNA (TERRA). …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Finding a "fit" between narratives : a framework for meeting the needs of people struggling with non-clinical disordered eating
Published 2020“…Attention is paid to the researcher’s and participants’ reflexivity in this intersubjective process. The research findings are explored in relation to existing psychological theory and positioned as guidance for those working with people with disordered eating experiences that do not meet diagnostic criteria. …”
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Thesis -
A simulation method to find the optimal design of photovoltaic home system in Malaysia, case study: a building integrated photovoltaic in Putra Jaya
Published 2009“…In this study, a the simulation analysis was undertaken for selected bungalow units based on a long term recorded weather data for city of Kuala Lumpur. …”
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Article -
A simulation method to find the optimal design of photovoltaic home system in Malaysia, case study: a building integrated photovoltaic in Putra Jaya
Published 2010“…In this study, a the simulation analysis was undertaken for selected bungalow units based on a long term recorded weather data for city of Kuala Lumpur. …”
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Article -
Long memory and fractional integration in high frequency data on the US dollar / British pound spot exchange rate
Published 2013“…This paper analyses the long-memory properties of a high-frequency financial time series dataset. …”
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Long-run relationship between Islamic stocks returns and macroeconomic variables: An application of the autoregressive distributed lag model
Published 2009“…And it is among the earliest attempts to investigate the long-run effects of the macroeconomic variables changes either domestically or internationally on the Islamic stock market.…”
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Article -
Alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality: an analysis of general practice database records for patients with long-term conditions
Published 2017“…Background: Alcohol is a risk factor for ill health and reduced life expectancy, but little is known about the impact of alcohol on mortality for people with existing long-term conditions. We used primary care data from the Clinical Practice Research Datalink (CPRD) to study relationships between alcohol consumption and all-cause mortality among general practice patients with long-term conditions. …”
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International financial integration and real exchange rate long-run dynamics in emerging countries : some panel evidence
Published 2009“…Several factors, including international financial integration, are shown to drive the long-run RER in emerging countries. It is found that the new financial environment characterised by international financial integration leads to a depreciation of the RER in the long run. …”
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Article -
Adaptive EPFL-EKV Long and Short Channel MOS Device Models for Qucs, SPICE and Modelica Circuit Simulation
Published 2011“…This paper outlines techniques for the development of adaptive EPFL-EKV long and short channel MOS models which stress user selectable model features and diagnostic capabilities. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Effectiveness of repair method using hybrid fiber reinforced polymer fabric on concrete-filled double skin steel tubular columns exposed to fire
Published 2018“…Concrete-filled double skin steel tubular (CFDST) columns were often used in outdoor construction where fire is not a main concern. …”
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Article -
Professional development among academic staff at selected Malaysian public universities: preliminary findings of the impact of the Basic Teaching Methodology Course (BTMC)
Published 2011“…Despite the growing number of research findings that indicate the importance of professional development in academic teaching and learning, the visible impact of staff participation in professional development on effective teaching practices in Higher Education is not significant. …”
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