Islamic and conventional behavioural finance: A critical analysis
Published 2015“…The study is based on a critical review of the literature of Islamic and conventional behavioral finance. The findings reveal that investors are affected by psychological and social factors toward their financial decision-making process with respect to investment and choosing a particular financial product. …”
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Life Cycle Cost (LCC) strategy and protocol on cost data input in Malaysia
Published 2016“…A protocol of LCC data input requirements process was developed, evaluated, validated and tested with a group of LCC experts through FGD approach to provide robust procedures on how the cost data could be made more available, accessible, current and reliable as inputs into the process of producing reliable LCC outputs in the Malaysian construction industry. The current findings can serve as a potential benchmark which could facilitate the clients, estimators and researchers in Malaysia and or in some other countries to calculate LCC better leading to better outputs …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Islamic and conventional behavioral finance: A critical review of literature
Published 2015“…The study is based on a critical review of the literature of Islamic and conventional behavioral finance. The findings reveal that investors are affected by psychological and social factors toward their financial decision-making process with respect to investment and choosing a particular financial product. …”
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Do Indonesian firms practice target capital structure? A dynamic approach
Published 2016“…This study investigates the dynamic aspects of capital structure particularly on the existence of target capital structure, the speed of adjustment and the factors influencing target capital structure of Indonesian firms. This study finds that Indonesian firms do practice target capital structure and the capital structure decision is influenced by firm specific factors like profitability, business risk, firm size, liquidity and share price performance due to time varying factors. …”
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Sources of banks’ productivity growth in a developing economy: efficiency change or technological progress?
Published 2010“…We also explore main sources of EFFCH: either improvements in management practices (pure technical efficiency change) or optimal size (scale efficiency change). The findings indicate that the majority of the medium banks (MED_BNKS) and large banks have exhibited productivity growth, while the majority of the small and MED_BNKS have experienced productivity regress.…”
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Effectiveness of computerized visual screening tool used in driving schools in Malaysia
Published 2011“…Results: 250 subjects achieved less than 0.3 LogMAR with their best eye and 83 subjects failed the Ishihara Test after retested using the conventional tool. Conclusion: These finding showed the computerized visual screening test failed to filter some subjects according to the standards set.…”
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Antecedents of banks’ productivity growth in a developing economy: efficiency change or technological progress?
Published 2010“…This paper attempts to empirically analyse the Malaysian banking sector’s productivity during the period 1995–2004. The empirical findings suggest that the Malaysian banking sector has exhibited productivity regress during the period under study mainly due to technological regress, rather than efficiency decline. …”
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Herd behavior in Malaysian capital market: An empirical Analysis
Published 2009“…Additionally, we adopt an innovation accounting by simulating variance decompositions (VDC) and impulse response functions (IRF) for further inferences. The findings support the belief that there is a strong herd instinct prevailing among foreign investors in the Malaysian capital market.…”
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Monitoring and feeding integration of demand feeder systems
Published 2020“…This chapter highlights the findings of the developmental monitoring systems for swimming pattern or motion analysis with regard to feeding behaviour. …”
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Book Chapter -
Cross‐cultural translation and validation of the Malay version of the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham Parent Rating Scale of attention deficit hyperactivity disorders symptoms among Mal...
Published 2020“…For this purpose, the SNAP-IV scale was translated into the Malay language and was pilot-tested on 91 parents of children aged 8 to 11 years (ADHD [n = 36] and non-ADHD children [n = 55]). The findings depicted that the M-SNAP-IV has excellent content validity, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability. …”
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Cross-cultural translation and validation of the Malay version of the Swanson, Nolan, and Pelham Parent Rating Scale of attention deficit hyperactivity disorders symptoms among...
Published 2020“…For this purpose, the SNAP-IV scale was translated into the Malay language and was pilot-tested on 91 parents of children aged 8 to 11 years (ADHD [n = 36] and non-ADHD children [n = 55]). The findings depicted that the M-SNAP-IV has excellent content validity, internal consistency, and test-retest reliability. …”
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Vaccine strategies to induce broadly protective immunity to rhinoviruses
Published 2019“…Recent approaches identifying conserved rhinovirus epitopes and better definitions of the immune correlates of protection have raised hope. Here, these newer findings are outlined and the prospects for such a universal rhinovirus vaccine are discussed.…”
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Haplotype analysis of long-tailed macaques in TNB Bukit Selambau, Peninsular Malaysia, leads to inferences of fissionfusion social structure
Published 2023“…Some members of the Kuil group and the Pekan group shared haplotype 1, forming a fission-fusion society. This finding can be used for TNB in mitigation plans involving human– macaque conflict.…”
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Mitigation technique for rain fade using frequency diversity method
Published 2016“…The main objective is to justify the literature findings on the effect of rain at lower and higher operating frequency in microwave link and solution to overcome it by implementing Switching Circuit as Fade Mitigation Technique (FMT). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Legal issues in Sharī‘ah-compliant home financing in Malaysia: A case study of a Bai Bithaman Ājil contract
Published 2016“…The case study used in this paper is completely anonymised. Findings – The study finds that the execution of BBA agreements in Malaysia leaves much to be desired. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Proteome profiling and molecular dynamics simulation of Malaysian upland rice
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -