A fuzzy logic based approach to quality of service in 802.11b wireless networks
Published 2004“…Fuzzy feedback control regulates admissions to the network (CAC) preventing a link from becoming saturated. Once an admission is made, a fuzzy controller smoothes individual flows (UPC). …”
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Thesis -
Master of the house: de-mythologizing the father in Turkish-German film
Published 2003“…This proposition entails a consideration of the approaches to myth in film and cultural studies and of an epistemological link between genre and mythopoesis.…”
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Thesis -
Sintering behavior of hydroxyapatite ceramics prepared by different routes
Published 2009“…In the present research, a wet chemical precipitation reaction was successfully employed to synthesize highly crystalline, high purity and single phase stoichiometric HA powder that is highly sinteractive particularly at low temperatures below 1100°C. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Sintering behaviour of hydroxyapatite prepared from different routes
Published 2012“…The present research showed that the wet chemical precipitation reaction was beneficial in producing a highly crystalline, high purity and single phase stoichiometric HA powder that is sinteractive particularly at low temperatures below 1100 °C. …”
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Article -
A case study on the implementation of the Qardhul Hasan concept as a financing product in an Islamic bank in Malaysia
Published 2011“…This study adopted a single case study research. This is the best approach, and appropriate to answer the research questions and to achieve the research objective. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A Case Study on Zakat Management at Pusat Islam UTM, Skudai
Published 2011“…In addition, the study also discusses the issues and challenges faced by the organization. A single case study method was used in which data were collected through semi-structured interviews, document reviews, informal conversations and observations. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Hand washing behavior among school children in Sekolah Kebangsaan Sultan Abdullah, Kuantan, Pahang
Published 2011“…Therefore, hand washing is the single most important measure to prevent the spread of infection. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Development of an artificial neural network algorithm for predicting the surface roughness in end milling of inconel 718 alloy
Published 2008“…The network was trained with pairs of inputs/outputs datasets generated when end milling Inconel 718 alloy with single-layer PVD TiAlN coated carbide inserts. A very good predicting performance of the neural network, in terms of concurrence with experimental data was attained. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Prediction of surface roughness of Ti-6Al-4V in electrical discharge machining: A regression model
Published 2011“…This paper develops a single order mathematical model for correlating the various electrical discharge machining (EDM) parameters and performance characteristics utilizing relevant experimental data as obtained through experimentation. …”
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Article -
Development of microcontroller-based inverter control circuit for residential wind generator applications
Published 2010“…Expected circuit output is single phase 240V sine wave voltage which is nominal grid voltage with the total harmonics distortion (THD) of voltage across load should not exceed 5% as recommended by IEEE Standard 519-1992. …”
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High speed end milling of silicon using diamond coated tools with air blowing
Published 2011“…This method has been successful in achieving full ductile mode machining of single crystal silicon with practically no deposition of chips on the surface which has resulted in very low (0.10 μm) surface roughness values. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
IIUM Fertility Centre: the outcome of a year in-progress
Published 2010“…Mean embryos per transfer was 2.1±0.8 4 patients were pregnant (23.5%) from a single embryo transfer (SET). Clinical pregnancy rate was 30.9% (17/55). …”
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Article -
Artificial intelligence model to predict surface roughness of Ti-15-3 alloy in EDM process
Published 2011“…The parameter settings given by the manufacturers are only relevant with common steel grades. A single parameter change influences the process in a complex way. …”
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Article -
Physcial and mental health problems of the elderly in nursing homes in Kuantan, Pahang
Published 2007“…Chinese (77.8%), male (63.9%), single or divorced (50%), and low income (69.4%) was consisted the majority. …”
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Article -
Intelligent human posture recognition in video sequences
Published 2010“…In this project, an intelligent human posture recognition system using a single static camera is proposed. The project consists of two stages: the first stage is training and evaluation and the second is deployment. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Incorporation of tic particulates on AISI 4340 low alloy steel surfaces via tungsten inert gas arc melting
Published 2012“…In this work, TiC particulates were incorporated by melting single tracks in powder preplaced onto AISI 4340 low alloy steel surfaces using a Tungsten Inert Gas (TIG) torch with a range of processing conditions. …”
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Article -
Evolution of public healthcare facilities designs to health trend in Malaysia : a retrospect of nation building from pre colonial to today
Published 2012“…From simplistic idea of housing aspects of health in single isolated buildings to complex structures that needs reviewing towards a sustainable future. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effect of compaction parameters on the physical properties of zinc oxide varistor discs
Published 1995“…Green discs prepared from standard zinc oxide varistor powder were sintered in a pot kiln and in a single run to avoid the variation of sintering influence on different samples. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Malignant glioma: The involvement of loss of allelic heterozygosity and PTEN mutations in a group of Malay patients
Published 2005“…Each tumor was then subjected to polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-LOH analysis using microsatellite markers and single-stranded conformational polymorphism (SSCP) analysis. …”
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