Persistence and cyclical dependence in the monthly Euribor rate
Published 2012“…Models based on fractional integration at the long run or zero frequency, although adequately describing the persistent behaviour of the series, do not take into account its cyclical structure. …”
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An analysis of oil production by OPEC countries: persistence, breaks and outliers
Published 2011“…Thus, shocks affecting the structure of OPEC oil production will have persistent effects in the long run for all countries, and in some cases the effects are expected to be permanent.…”
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Interest rate dynamics in Kenya : commercial banks' rates and the 91 day treasury bill rate
Published 2011“…For this purpose we use data on four commercial banks’ interest rates (Deposits, Savings, Lending and Overdraft) together with the 91-Day Treasury Bill rate, for the time period July 1991 – August 2010, and apply various techniques based on long-range dependence and, in particular, on fractional integration. …”
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Banking efficiency and Economic growth in the MENA region
Published 2011“…We introduce a set of control variables associated with the long run growth and find an interesting interaction with banking productivity and financial deepening suggesting that efforts should be focusing on the investments’ efficiency and the increase of regulation to spur a more stable financial system and foster financial deepening in the future.…”
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Book review : Human development and capabilities: re-imagining the university of the twenty-first century
Published 2014“…The book was a criticism of the over focus on economic rational without considering long term effect on the human condition. The review was overall positive but argued that the book did not go far enough, and in the case of some authors such as Nussbaum, there was a contrast between the argument on what constitutes 'justice' and her actual actions as in the case of supporting a brutal regime.…”
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Populism in world politics: a comparative cross-regional perspective
Published 2017“…As a concept, populism has had a long and contentious history. We suggest that populism has been on the rise alongside new imaginings of what constitutes the ‘people’ and ‘elites’, as the meanings attached to these labels are continually reshaped in conjunction with new social conflicts. …”
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Expanding the scope of architectural education: creating a culture of global citizenship for students
Published 2020“…Our unique teaching framework uses a project entitled Crossing Cultures as its vehicle of investigation to experiment with forms of integration of refugees into depopulated Italian villages, whilst offering students to positively impact and become an integral part of this new community, thereby, ensuring its continuity long-term. Such pedagogical experiments provide an education beyond architecture, and shape society by teaching citizenship to students.…”
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Structured medication reviews: origins, implementation, evidence, and prospects
Published 2021“…Notwithstanding the COVID-19 vaccination programme, a new Structured Medication Review (SMR) service has been introduced in Primary Care Networks (PCNs). The long term drivers are clear: addressing problematic polypharmacy in the NHS, reducing avoidable hospitalisations, and delivering better value from medicines spending. …”
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Submission of evidence to the Cabinet Office enquiry on the biological security strategy
Published 2022“…The authors are academic researchers in the field of biosecurity, bioethics, biodiversity, technology governance and policy. We have a long-standing interest in policy and practice of biological security in the UK and globally. …”
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Monograph -
A key role for scientists in strengthening the Biological Weapons Convention
Published 2023“…In March 2023 an agreement was also reached on an agenda and timetable for this effort over the next two years. Scientists have a long history of providing valuable input to such meetings, in this paper, we discuss how such input might best be provided with complicated challenges now facing the BWC and concluded that there is much that could be done, but greater coordination amongst scientists is needed.…”
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Work / memories of work
Published 2016“…Filmed over ten years, ‘work / memories of work’ documents the last days of a tannery in the area of Eleonas, in Athens. The long, monotonous shifts of the tanners are set against a backdrop of work in the surrounding neighbourhoods – scavengers’ markets, old farmhouses, abandoned kilns, and people labouring away amid factory ruins. …”
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An investigation of defect formation and growth in epoxy resin using light scattering methods
Published 1989“…This suggests a possible link in the deformation processes under either stress. …”
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An investigation into parental attachment, child protection strategies and other risk factors associated with delinquency and criminal behaviour among young offenders in the UAE
Published 2014“…An examination of the link and legacy impacts of early physical and sexual abuse on behaviour, attitudes and feelings of young offenders (n=45) found that 44.44% had experienced sexual abuse in childhood in the majority of cases by familiar adults. …”
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A fuzzy logic based approach to quality of service in 802.11b wireless networks
Published 2004“…Fuzzy feedback control regulates admissions to the network (CAC) preventing a link from becoming saturated. Once an admission is made, a fuzzy controller smoothes individual flows (UPC). …”
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Master of the house: de-mythologizing the father in Turkish-German film
Published 2003“…This proposition entails a consideration of the approaches to myth in film and cultural studies and of an epistemological link between genre and mythopoesis.…”
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Introducing alcohol as a drug in medicine reviews with pharmacists: findings from a co-design workshop with patients
Published 2021“…Sensitivity in talking about alcohol was linked to vulnerability to negative judgement. …”
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Promoting good public governance and environmental support for sustainable economic development
Published 2019“…Good governance promotes the fundamental grounds of participation and democracy in contemporary public administration, whilst institution building and the (in)effectiveness of public administration is linked to economic growth. This synergy brings forth sheer implications on the sustainable economic development. …”
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