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Co-seismic ruptures of the 12 May 2008, Ms 8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, Sichuan : East–west crustal shortening on oblique, parallel thrusts along the eastern edge of Tibet
Published 2014“…The Ms 8.0, Wenchuan earthquake, which devastated the mountainous western rim of the Sichuan basin in central China, produced a surface rupture over 200 km-long with oblique thrust/dextral slip and maximum scarp heights of ~ 10 m. …”
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Journal Article -
Direct seeding of mass-cultured coral larvae is not an effective option for reef rehabilitation
Published 2015“…While some studies have shown positive short-term effects on settlement, to date, none have examined the long-term effects of larval seeding for a broadcast-spawning coral. …”
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Journal Article -
Hydrated eutectic electrolyte with ligand-oriented solvation shell to boost the stability of zinc battery
Published 2022“…An electrolyte cation additive strategy provides a versatile route for developing high-energy and long-life aqueous zinc-ion hybrid capacitors. However, the mechanisms of energy storage and Zn anode protection are still unclear in Zn-based systems with dual-ion electrolytes. …”
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Journal Article -
Macroscopic assembled graphene nanofilms based room temperature ultrafast mid-infrared photodetectors
Published 2023“…The nMAG provides a long-range platform to understand the hot-carrier dynamics in bulk 2D materials, leading to broadband and ultrafast MIR active imaging devices at room temperature. …”
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Journal Article -
Visual analytics for massive urban public transport data
Published 2015“…Hence, studying PTS is highly beneficial to both individuals as well as a city as a whole, and it has long been a hot topic in transport research. However, many conventional transport researches have long been relying on simulation and survey data, making the results less of conviction. …”
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Thesis -
基于高掺锗石英光纤的中红外超连续谱产生 = Mid-infrared supercontinuum generation with highly germanium-doped silica fiber
Published 2019“…The free space coupling efficiency from the pump laser to the germanium-doped fiber is enhanced by fusion-splicing a 100~200 μm long multimode fiber. Length of germanium-doped fiber is optimized. …”
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Journal Article -
Guaranteeing safe drinking water services for public schools in Kenya: a costed professional service delivery model for Kitui County
Published 2024“…Since 2016, FundiFix has been supported by the Water Services Maintenance Trust Fund (WSMTF) designed explicitly to subsidize long-term maintenance services in rural areas. Through results-based contracts guaranteeing service levels, corporates have provided funds to progressively pay for most of the operational costs. …”
Working paper -
Immune Checkpoint Blockade sensitivity and Progression-Free Survival associates with baseline CD8+ T cell clone size and cytotoxicity
Published 2021“…Cytotoxic effector clones were more likely to persist long-term following ICB and overlapped with public tumour-infiltrating lymphocyte clonotypes. …”
Dataset -
A Performance Analysis between Conventional and Shariah Private Retirement Scheme in Malaysia (S/O 14551)
Published 2021“…However, the difference in return performance can be found significant in long term cumulative return within 4 years of conventional fund operating since inception. …”
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Monograph -
Investigating students’ perceptions of online learning
Published 2021“…Because of the global pandemic, many colleges and Universities have been forced to go online and no one knows how long the pandemic will last, and hence the teaching style has been switched to online mode (Gopal, Singh & Aggarwal, 2021). …”
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Article -
Enhanced operating temperature in terahertz quantum cascade lasers based on direct phonon depopulation
Published 2024“…Room temperature operation of terahertz quantum cascade lasers (THz QCLs) has been a long-pursued goal to realize compact semiconductor THz sources. …”
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Article -
Low voltage CMOS operational amplifier design towards maximum CMR
Published 2008“…These battery-operated devices must last sufficiently long for them to be viable as a product. All these point to a need to reduce the supply voltage of electronic circuits, in particular, the operational amplifier which is a well-known and widely used building block for analogue circuits.…”
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Thesis -
The other side of sojourn : Tamil Muslim women’s oral history on late 20th century male migration
Published 2020“…This paper’s findings are that long term male migration did indeed provide opportunities for women to take up what were traditionally masculine roles when they were faced with absence of remittance or irregular communication. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The motivation of SPH journalists.
Published 2009“…Generally, journalists are motivated more by “intrinsic” factors than by hygiene factors such as stress, pay and long hours. Hygiene factors are perceived to be part and parcel of the profession. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The elastic field of a wedge disclination in a radially graded cylinder
Published 2022“…The integration of disclination densities [1] by deWit [2] has solved the standard solutions for disclination in an indefinitely long elastic circular cylinder. The displacement and stress fields of a wedge disclination in a radially graded cylinder are studied in this work. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Interactions between ocean carriers' operations and shippers' supply chain
Published 2009“…More shippers are also engaging in long term relationship with other players in the supply chain, including the ocean carrier and this in turn improves the supply chain performance. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Is there a role for traction forces exerted at the polar regions in the cytokinesis of adherent cells?
Published 2009“…In cytokinesis, the division of the cytoplasm of the mother cell to form two daughter cells has long been known to be accomplished by furrow ingression through constriction of the contractile ring. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Protectionism in Thailand insurance industry
Published 2010“…Protectionism has been a term long discussed in various fields, especially the trade of goods and services across borders. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Low temperature growth and characterization of carbon nanostructures
Published 2008“…But most of the current fabrication processes require high temperature, which causes problems like long cycle time, non-cost effective and substrate melting temperature restriction. …”
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