Resolution of industrial disputes in New Zealand
Published 2012“…Mediation can mend and preserve frayed working relationships, even when the parties are extremely angry. Moreover, mediation fosters mutual respect through improved communication. …”
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Employees’ perception on quality work life and job satisfaction in a Private Higher Learning Institution
Published 2008“…However, 7 QWL variables are no longer significant predictors for job satisfaction when all the 10 QWL variables are entered into the regression equation. …”
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A theoretical review in evaluating the impact of traffic calming measures on the residential living environment
Published 2012“…A healthy living environment is vital to the positive lifestyle of a community. When traffic volumes or vehicle speeds in residential areas increase because of street design, social street activities are greatly reduced, and the feeling of well being in the affected neighbourhood is threatened. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Quality graduates through structured co-curricular activities
Published 2011“…Secondary data is utilized when relevant. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A system and method of language translation
Published 2008“…The system comprises of sentence level and a phrase look up matching technique and wherein the present invention searchers a translation memory to find out whetehr there are closely matched examples and sentence level matching technique. When a record is found , the translation technique would return the translation suggestion for the input sentence and where no more records are matched, then a phrase look up matching technique is applied and wherein further to this a bi -section technique would analyze an input sentence by splitting it into two different parts and wherein a first part is from the first word until a splitting point and the second part is to hold the rest of the word/sentence adn wherein the longest chunk for the input sentence is searched starting movement from the left portion of th word to the right portion of the word and wherein after obtaining an output from the first part of the original phrase, the second part will act as the original phrase and it will be split further.…”
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Patent -
Formation of micro-cracks and recast layer during EDM of mild steel using copper electrodes
Published 2011“…Micro cracks reduced in number and size when the surface was EDMed with a low current and a short pulse-on time. …”
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Book Chapter -
Energy savings in the combustion based process heating in industrial sector
Published 2012“…It is also found that the payback period is lower when operating hour is comparatively high.…”
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BE-P32: fabrication of Nahar Seed Oil for biolubricant production
Published 2012“…From the result obtained, the maximum viscosity of NSO biolubricant was achieved when the temperature was 150oC, 80 min in reaction time and 0.8% catalyst dosage. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The sensitive to freezing3 mutation of Arabidopsis thaliana is a cold-sensitive allele of homomeric acetyl-CoA carboxylase that results in cold-induced cuticle deficiencies
Published 2012“…Cuticle permeability was compromised in the sfr3 mutant when plants were grown in the cold but not in the warm.Wax deposition on the inflorescence stem of cold-grown sfr3 plants was inhibited and the long-chain components of their leaf cuticular wax were reduced compared with wild-type plants. …”
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Sewage sludge Composting Simulation as carbon / nitrogen concentration change
Published 2011“…It is found that the process starts with a certain process rate and continues with it until peak temperature is reached, then it reaches lower process in the declining phase of the thermophilic stage, and finally it proceeds with a faster process rate when maturation is reached. Change in the concentration of total nitrogen has shown to have the same patterns of change as carbon.…”
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Active dynamic vibration absorber for broadband control of a multi-mode system: Simulation and experimental verification
Published 2012“…The behavior of the prototype model when the ADVA is attached to different locations is used to determine the optimal location of the ADVA. …”
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Acoustic wave based MEMS devices for biosensing applications
Published 2012“…For biological applications, the biosensors are integrated in a microfluidic system and the sensing area is coated with a biospecific layer. When a bioanalyte interacts with the sensing layer, mass and viscosity variations of the biospecific layer can be detected by monitoring changes in the acoustic wave properties such as velocity, attenuation, resonant frequency and delay time. …”
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Financial constraints and marital adjustments among married postgraduate students in Malaysia
Published 2009“…It is even more difficult when the students also need to work for their financial support. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Solar-based fuzzy intelligent water sprinkle system
Published 2011“…The microcontroller was programmed based on the decision rules made using fuzzy logic approach on when to water the lawn. The whole system is powered up by the solar energy which is then interfaced to a particular type of irrigation timer for plant fertilizing schedule and rain detector through a simple design of rain dual-collector tipping bucket. …”
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Tool Life Prediction by Response Surface Methodology for End Milling Titanium Alloy Ti-6Al-4V Using PCD Inserts
Published 2008“…Further testing was stopped and an insert rejected when an average flank wear greater than 0.30 mm was achieved. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Optimization and modeling of extraction of solid coconut waste oil
Published 2013“…The maximum oil yields for soxhlet and batch reactor were 23.6% at 80 �C and 21.9% at 65 �C, respectively for particle size diameter <0.5 mm when hexane was used as solvent. The kinetic of coconut waste oil extraction was found to be a first order mass transfer model. …”
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Human identification system based on moment invariant features
Published 2012“…The feature extraction is done using affine moment invariants of full body and head-shoulder of the extracted foreground objects and these were used to identify human. When the partial occlusion occurs, although feature of full body cannot be extracted, still the features of head shoulder can be extracted. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Autonomous control of tilt tri-rotor unmanned aerial vehicle
Published 2016“…A significant improvement is observed when the control algorithm is applied to the system in which the pitch overshoot is greatly reduced and approach to a constant zero.Tilt TriRotor Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (TRUAV) is an aircraft that has three motors and does not allow pilot intervention in the management of the flight. …”
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Administration of Testate Estates: A Malaysian Identity
Published 2012“…When a person dies and leaves behind a will, he is said to have died testate. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Collaboration of integrative processes intermediaries supporting supply chain management
Published 2012“…The algorithms are designed to undergo six main phases to facilitate continuous monitoring of supply chain activities across the group and supporting process restructuring when inflicted by common supply chain problems. The authors had evaluated the performance of the IIMA with three other systems in simulated environments. …”
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Book Chapter