Green building assessment tools: evaluating different tools for green roof system
Published 2013“…The result of this study will enables to determine in which assessment tool that gives most priority and benefits to developers when implementing green roof system. …”
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Asymmetric adjustment of diesel or petrol retail prices to crude oil price movements: New Zealand evidence
Published 2012“…Diesel prices are found to be symmetric in response to the changes in crude oil prices, while petrol prices respond asymmetrically to changes in crude oil prices. When crude oil prices increase, petrol prices in New Zealand increase immediately and not vice versa. …”
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Ethics of trending in pharmaceutical & therapeutic-related biotechnology
Published 2013“…This may seem alright when the health areas are those related to diseases that rank high in mortality. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Measurements and modeling of temperature compensated surface acoustic wave resonators
Published 2010“…Experimental results indicate that the temperature coefficient of frequency (TCF) decreased significantly from 130.44/ #x00B0;C to -1.11/ #x00B0;C when the circuit was utilized. An equivalent RLC circuit model of both the uncompensated and compensated SAW resonators are also presented.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
On-chip hotplate for temperature control of CMOS SAW resonators
Published 2008“…Experimental results have indicated that the TCF of the CMOS SAW resonator of -97.2 ppm/degC has been reduced to -23.19 ppm/degC when heated to 56degC.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Rumi and Aşkın Therapy
Published 2005“…These people who are guiding the others are modern murshids (guides) of the modern century. When we ask them their functions and their positions, they briefly describe as “we are completing the distance between you where you are at the present and you where you want to be. …”
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Study of plant oil and its ageing effect on system and rheological performance
Published 2007“…The results show that the volumetric efficiency increases with ageing period while mechanical efficiency decreases when the oil ageing time increases. …”
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Dependence of the fracture toughness on the sintering time of dense hydroxyapatite bioceramics
Published 2011“…Grain size increased to 3 μm when the compacts were sintered at higher temperature. …”
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Anti-cancer potential of agarwood distillate
Published 2014“…Agarwood or Gaharu by definition is the resin impregnated heartwood that produces unique aromatic scent when burnt. Apart from religious rituals and perfumes, agarwood has also been used as traditional medicines leading to the interest of this study which is to screen for anti-cancer properties. …”
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Detection of delayed dental development in hypodontia through dental age assessment using panoramic radiographs
Published 2015“…Some authors had found that the development of permanent teeth in children with hypodontia was delayed when compared with a matched control group. The delay will affect to the treatment and the prognosis. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Malaysian women’s state of well-being: Empirical validation of a conceptual model
Published 2006“…The results supported the proposed model, which showed reasonable fit when applied to the 3 groups of women. The results also indicated that the predictors of women’s wellbeing differ according to their respective age groups. …”
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Exploring older people’s experience with augmented reality (ar) applications
Published 2015“…This pilot study aims to explore older people’s experience in terms of attitude and potential barriers when they are interacting with augmented reality applications. …”
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The histopathological profile of breast tumours at HTAA
Published 2015“…These results are useful for the clinicians when they plan to treat future patients with different therapeutic modalities. …”
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Monograph -
Government ownership and the association between corporate governance and CSR in the UAE
Published 2015“…More specifically the research finds that the AC characteristics become more effective in improving the firms CSR when there are shares owned by the government. Moreover, the CSR of the firms with government ownership is found to outperform the CSR for firms without government ownership. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Performance of ZigBee based fall detection alarm system
Published 2016“…Thus, there is a need for systems that can detect falls when it happens. This paper presents a portable real-time remote health monitoring system that can remotely monitor patient's movements. …”
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Isolation and characterisation of thermophilic bacterial isolates producing L-asparaginase
Published 2016“…Phenol red at acidic is yellow which might change colour to pink when it is at alkaline. Thus, it indicates the formation of pink zone around microbial colonies producing L-asparaginase. …”
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Book Chapter -
Parameters used in gateway selection schemes for Internet connected MANETs: a review
Published 2015“…Many issues are related to this connection like gateway discovery, hand off, address auto-configuration and selecting the optimum gateway when multiple gateways exist. Many studies were done proposing gateway selection schemes with a single selection criterion or weighted multiple criteria. …”
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Wall pressure studies in a suddenly expanded flow for area ratio 2.56”
Published 2012“…It is found that the duct wall pressure distribution, which usually becomes oscillatory when controls are employed, does not get adversely affected with Micro jets.…”
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Some observations on the origins of the Dome of the Rock
Published 2015“…The second part tries to answer who exactly built the Dome of the Rock and when. The paper concludes that the likely truth is that the caliph ‘Abd al-Malik b. …”
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A non-blocking coordinated checkpointing algorithm for message-passing systems
Published 2015“…Our scheme also records a minimum number of checkpoints by making sure that only few processes are required to take checkpoints in any execution - it uses very less control-message cost when compared to other related works.…”
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Proceeding Paper