Automated Social Science: Language Models as Scientist and Subjects
Published 2024“…In each case, causal relationships are both proposed and tested by the system, finding evidence for some and not others. We provide evidence that the insights from these simulations of social interactions are not available to the LLM purely through direct elicitation. …”
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Thesis -
The Impact of Process Substitution on Manufacturing Costs: A Comparative Analysis of Sheet Metal Forming versus Extruded Steel Cutting
Published 2024“…Specifically, it evaluates substituting conventional sheet metal components with extruded steel profiles and replacing manual press brake operations with automated tube laser cutting. The findings show that tube laser adoption across a broad range of channels can reduce costs by 49% to 79%, with a payback period of under two years, even in scenarios with fluctuating raw material prices. …”
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Thesis -
Tailoring the angular and spectral reflectance characteristics of color-dynamic films by modifying their photonic texture and topcoat roughness
Published 2024“…The model is verified with data obtained by imaging the angular scattering distribution and spectroscopic analysis of four representative combinations of photonic texture and surface coat roughness. The findings presented in this thesis validate the hypothesis that controlling texture of the photonic film and roughness of its topcoat allows for tailoring the visual appearance of structurally colored materials. …”
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Thesis -
Sensitivity Analysis of Self-Loosening Behavior forMesoscale Bolt Assemblies Under Cyclic Lateral Loading
Published 2024“…A set of hypotheses were proposed as a way to facilitate new learnings about the system’s sensitivities to four different parameters. The findings from the experimental study provide valuable insights into how different geometric configurations and types of loading conditions contribute to the performance of mesoscale multi-bolted systems. …”
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Thesis -
Characterizing the Impact of Oligomerization on Redox Flow Cell Performance
Published 2024“…Post‐mortem analyses reveal that oligomerization does not meaningfully alter decay processes as evinced by similar capacity fade across all species. Broadly, these findings corroborate and extend upon previously developed relationships between molecular size, electrochemical properties, and flow cell performance.…”
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Article -
Effects of predictability and controllability on task performance under time constraints.
Published 2008“…The results of Study 1 support the hypothesis. Our findings also reveal that subjects provided with warning in high time pressure condition perform just as well as subjects (without warning) in the low time pressure condition. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Facial attractiveness in male androgyny : having both male and female physical characteristics
Published 2020“…Specifically, this review focuses on the attraction of neoteny, the attraction of psychological androgyny, and the effect of the environment (social environment, cultural gender roles, and natural environmental challenges) on PA mate choices. Our findings show a mixed amount of support for these reasons. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
I remember your name : examining the effects of individuation training on racial bias in preschoolers
Published 2020“…We obtained three main findings that were consistent with our hypotheses: 1) preschoolers generally display a significant implicit and explicit biases favouring their own race, 2) training preschoolers to individuate other race resulted in significantly greater reductions in implicit racial bias than compared to a filler task, and 3) training preschoolers to individuate other race did not reduce their explicit racial bias to a greater extent than a filler task. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Relationships among emotion regulation, depression, anxiety, stress, and physical health-related quality of life in coronary heart disease patients
Published 2020“…This relationship was mediated by depression, anxiety, and perceived stress. Findings highlighted the importance for healthcare workers to continuously evaluate emotion dysregulation and psychological distress variables in CHD patients over time, to enhance their physical functioning.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
medTrack : a medication and appointment adherence system
Published 2020“…This includes describing the research findings, problem identification, project development, evaluation of the project, and lastly the conclusion to wrap up the content.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Understanding the outcomes of enterococcus faecalis and pseudomonas aeruginosa dual-species biofilms
Published 2020“…Thus, we conducted a cell viability assay. Our findings showed that E. faecalis inhibited P. aeruginosa viability in PA1:EF100 ratio, which corresponded to a decrease in biofilm production. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Habitat occupancy of terrestrial mammals along Singapore’s purpose-built wildlife corridor
Published 2021“…In addition, the influence of increasing independence between sampling sites on goodness-of-fit of occupancy modelling was investigated. Findings highlighted that occupancy of Macaca fascicularis (long-tailed macaque) and Sundasciurus tenuis (slender squirrel) differed across sites. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Implicit beliefs, cognitive flexibility and creativity : a correlational study comparing Normal-Technical and express stream students
Published 2021“…Creativity was also investigated in relation to cognitive flexibility. 71 Secondary Two students – 40 NT stream students and 31 Express stream students - participated in a battery of tests to measure their implicit theories of intelligence, of non-academic abilities and of creativity, as well as reactive flexibility, spontaneous flexibility and creativity. Findings indicated some associations between the implicit theories and cognitive flexibility for the NT sample but not Express sample, supporting the abolishment of the streaming system. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Temperature dependent material behaviour of Inconel steel 625
Published 2021“…Tension tests will be performed on the samples at room temperature and design temperatures and the results will be recorded for future findings and industrial applications. Tensile testing is destructive mechanical test which is commonly used to determine mechanical properties of a material such as its yield strength, ultimate tensile strength, elasticity and toughness. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Factors influencing junior managers' poor decisions in new market entry
Published 2009“…We found that firms that have made the wrong decision to enter a new market (hence resulting in poor financial performance) tend to have: • Entered the market hastily without a track record of success in prior markets; • Entered the market due to competitive pressure; • Justified their market entry decisions mostly based on competitive reasons; • Sunk in substantial R&Ds expenditures without commensurate marketing expenditures when launching new products in the new market. This study’s findings offer insights into the phenomenon of poor decision making. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
"Partisan or party-shun?" : When fact-checking meets partisanship
Published 2021“…Further implications of such findings and recommendations for future studies are also discussed.…”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
“This Will Blow Your Mind”: examining the urge to click clickbaits
Published 2022“…Design/methodology/approach: The hypotheses in the proposed framework were tested using a between-participants experimental design (N = 204) that manipulated information richness (text-only vs. thumbnail clickbaits). Findings: Curiosity, perceived enjoyment and surveillance were significant predictors of the urge to click. …”
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Journal Article -
“It’s complicated” : cognitive dissonance and the evolving relationship between editorial and advertising in US newsrooms
Published 2022“…This study assesses what happens when senior editors encounter cognitive dissonance as they reconstruct the editorial-commercial relationship. It finds reluctance to embrace this evolving relationship, revealed in the fragmented and contradictory syntax editors use to talk about it as they are torn between the old (ethically driven) norm of how things should be, and the emerging (economically driven) norm of how things are. …”
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Journal Article -
The role of selective exposure in preserving decision diversity and group performance
Published 2022“…A series of numerical experiments reveal that (1) social influence decreases the diversity of decisions and thereby reduces group performance, and (2) selective exposure mitigates the negative effects of social influence on decision diversity and group performance. These findings account for the high group performances in real-world contexts despite social influence and highlight the usefulness of selective exposure amidst negative portrayals in extant literature. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Manufacturing of polymer composites using automated fiber placement and tape layup processes
Published 2022“…Mechanical load tests, which were the tensile tests and 3-point bending tests, were performed on the specimens to analyse the relationship between roller pressures and the quality of composite panels. Findings were obtained and discussed in this report, and recommendation on which is the best setting of roller pressure was included.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP)