Nanosensors for regenerative medicine
Published 2014“…While genetic engineering techniques allow cells to express molecules with detectable signals (e.g., fluorescence, luminescence, T1 (spin–lattice)/T2 (spin–spin) contrast in magnetic resonance imaging, radionuclide), concerns arise regarding technical complexity, high-cost of genetic manipulation, as well as mutagenic cell dysfunction. …”
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Journal Article -
Hybrid machine learning method to determine the optimal operating process window in aerosol jet 3D printing
Published 2021“…Despite the capability of fine feature deposition, the complicated relationship between the main process parameters will affect the printing quality significantly in a design space. …”
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Journal Article -
Without passage
Published 2021“…Maybe the person beside you sees a magician having a conversation? Please feel free to find your own passage into your own epiphany, your own way of understanding.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
AI-assisted discovery of quantitative and formal models in social science
Published 2025“…By extending neuro-symbolic methods to find compact functions and differential equations in noisy and longitudinal data, we show that our system can be used to discover interpretable models from real-world data in economics and sociology. …”
Journal article -
Tactile perception of pleasantness in relation to perceived softness
Published 2021“…Thus, we investigated the psychophysical link between softness and pleasantness. Pieces of human skin-like rubber with different compliances were pressed against participants’ fingers. …”
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Journal Article -
DC fault detection and clearance in VSC-HVDC systems
Published 2018“…The second method is based on time-domain, whereby the behaviour of DC-link capacitor in VSC is closely monitored. In the event of fault, the DC-link capacitor will discharge contributing to high fault current. …”
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Thesis -
Supporting organizational professional culture with collaborative technology during design phase in industrialized project delivery in Malaysia
Published 2022“…The purpose of this case study research is to distinguish the base line communication preferences that could aid policy makers and building professionals to prepare themselves to deliver the smart city implementation. …”
Book Section -
Effect of hydrophobic soils on infiltration
Published 2020“…The fine sand layer was then replaced by hydrophobic fine sand to study the effect of hydrophobicity on the infiltration. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Live Verification in an Interactive Proof Assistant
Published 2024“…We present a prototype for a tool that enables programmers to verify their code as they write it in real-time. After each line of code that the programmer writes, the tool tells the programmer whether it was able to prove absence of undefined behavior so far, and displays a concise representation of the symbolic state of the program right after the added line. …”
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Article -
ALMA spectral survey of Supernova 1987A – molecular inventory, chemistry, dynamics and explosive nucleosynthesis
Published 2017“…We find a dip in the J = 6–5 and 5–4 SiO line profiles, suggesting that the ejecta morphology is likely elongated. …”
Journal article -
Improved effective channel length extraction method for 0.09-0.13 mm CMOS
Published 2008Get full text
Thesis -
A comparative study of lead-acid battery against other battery types for distributed energy storage application in power systems
Published 2012Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Frequency stabilization using BESS of EV : a statistical analysis
Published 2013Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Structural and biochemical mechanisms of NLRP1 inhibition by DPP9
Published 2022“…Activation of the NLR protein NLRP1 requires autocleavage within its function-to-find domain (FIIND)1-7. In resting cells, the dipeptidyl peptidases DPP8 and DPP9 interact with the FIIND of NLRP1 and suppress spontaneous NLRP1 activation8,9; however, the mechanisms through which this occurs remain unknown. …”
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Journal Article -
MCMC inversion of the transient and steady-state creep flow law parameters of dunite under dry and wet conditions
Published 2022“…We determine the flow law parameters for dunites using a Markov chain Monte Carlo method. We find the activation energy 430 ± 20 and 250 ± 10 kJ/mol for dry and wet conditions, respectively, and the stress exponent 2.0 ± 0.1 for both the dry and wet cases for transient creep, consistently lower than those of steady-state creep, suggesting a separate physical mechanism. …”
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Journal Article -
Free-electron crystals for enhanced X-ray radiation
Published 2024“…Furthermore, we show how to shape the bremsstrahlung X-ray emission pattern into arbitrary angular emission profiles for purposes such as unidirectionality and multi-directionality. Importantly, we find that these enhancements and shaped emission profiles cannot be attributed solely to the spatial overlap between the electron probability distribution and the atomic centers, as predicted by the paraxial and non-recoil theory for free electron light emission. …”
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Journal Article -
Published 2011“…We seem to be easily captivated by fire, and its presence is significant, and a link should be drawn with our ancestral root that strongly suggests this hard-wired tendency that most of us display. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Polarized fragmenting jet functions in inclusive and exclusive jet production
Published 2024“…As examples, we provide numerical results for the spin asymmetry A TU , T cos ϕ S − ϕ ̂ S h $$ {A}_{TU,T}^{\cos \left({\phi}_S-{\hat{\phi}}_{S_h}\right)} $$ from polarized semi-inclusive hadron-in-jet production in polarized pp collisions at RHIC kinematics, where a transversely polarized quark would lead to the transverse spin of the final-state hadron inside the jet and is thus sensitive to the transversity fragmentation functions. …”
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Article -
Antiferromagnetic half-skyrmions and bimerons at room temperature
Published 2021“…Here we realize a family of topological antiferromagnetic spin textures in α-Fe2O3—an Earth-abundant oxide insulator—capped with a platinum overlayer. …”
Journal article -
An in-depth exploration of the post-test informational needs of BRCA1 and BRCA2 pathogenic variant carriers in Asia
Published 2021Get full text
Journal Article