Transfer-recursive-ensemble learning for multi-day COVID-19 prediction in India using recurrent neural networks
Published 2023“…A study is conducted by building four models pre-trained on COVID-19 data from four different countries (United States of America, Brazil, Spain, and Bangladesh) and fine-tuned on India's data. Since the four countries chosen have experienced different types of infection curves, the pre-training provides a transfer learning to the models incorporating diverse situations into account. …”
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Journal Article -
The narcoleptic boy.
Published 2010“…However, the tables are turned when the dog gets into trouble while trying to find something to help the boy stay awake. Now it is up to the boy to save his friend instead.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Published 2013“…An orphan girl dwells on her memories to find solace. My film uses the elements and colour of 2 environments to tell the story of the film.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Switching-based transmit antenna / aperture selection for MISO hybrid FSO / RF system
Published 2018“…The use of a single-input-single-output hybrid FSO/RF system itself provides access to a high bandwidth available in the FSO link yet have improved performance over FSO links in terms of outage probability and symbol error rate (SER). …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Impact of interannual and multidecadal trends on methane-climate feedbacks and sensitivity
Published 2023“…Over decadal time scales, we find alternating rate-limiting factors for methane oxidation: when CCH4 is limiting, positive methane-climate feedback via direct oceanic emissions dominates; when •OH is limiting, negative feedback is favoured. …”
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Journal Article -
This is my land
Published 2014“…As Singapore changes and progresses, many young adults find themselves facing increasingly steep odds in making their way in the world. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Optical study of excitonic complexes in transition metal dichalcogenides monolayers
Published 2021“…The different energy splittings of the excitonic features in a magnetic field arise from several contributions, including spin magnetic moment, valley magnetic moment and atomic orbital magnetic moment. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
The role of stock market volatility in predicting macroeconomic quantities.
Published 2013“…When idiosyncratic volatility increases, macroeconomic quantities generally increase as well. We link this finding to the growth option theory, which suggests that idiosyncratic volatility estimates real options value possessed by firms. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Gate-tunable Josephson diode
Published 2024“…In particular, it is strongest along a specific angle, which we interpret as the direction of the spin-orbit field in the proximitized leads. Moreover, the electrostatic gates can be used to drastically alter this effect and even completely suppress it. …”
Journal article -
Learning stock market dynamics using the kinetic ising model
Published 2017“…In this approach, the states in the time series data are represented by configurations of N spins, and the time evolution of these states in the time series data by an update rule that depends on the spin configuration {σ_i (t)}_(i=1,…,N), and the connection weights {W_ij }_(i,j=1,…N) between the spins. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Structure and dynamics of magnetic domain walls in multi-sublattice magnetic oxides
Published 2024“…Spintronics is a study that lies at the intersection of magnetics and electronics, which makes use of the electron spin in solid-state devices for data storage and manipulation. …”
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Thesis -
Exploring the moderating role of expressive suppression in the relationship between psychopathy and aggression
Published 2024“…The link between psychopathy and aggression is well-established and carries significant societal implications. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Traffic speed characteristics around road humps in Nanyang Technological University
Published 2009Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Optical gradient force for all-optical control in photonic circuits
Published 2011“…We also simulate the performance of the designed slot-waveguide as a tunable optical delay line and find that the slot-waveguide can produce a refractive index change comparable to that of an optical fiber based delay line. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
High field dynamic nuclear polarization methods: Microwave sources and mechanisms
Published 2024“…In this thesis, I argue that this approach is not necessarily optimal and report progress towards arbitrary-waveform DNP, in the construction of a suitable solid-state microwave source, and the use of narrow-line monoradicals exploiting the Overhauser effect. …”
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Thesis -
Experiencing non-places through soundscapes.
Published 2013“…And also, to encourage viewers to find their little pleasures in what might seem as the mundane process of commuting and everyday life.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Published 2019“…How do we find ways to support people on their own terms, be it their preference in creating social connections or the preference of people who prefer solitude? …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Nonreciprocal phenomena in superconductivity
Published 2024“…Spin polarons have large effective mass and are spin 3/2 quasiparticles. …”
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Thesis -
An exploratory study on undergraduates’ perception of the significance of the family
Published 2016“…Through in-depth interviews, this research will find out how undergraduates think about the importance of the family, their current experiences with their families and their aspirations for their future family. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)