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ANRIL promoter DNA methylation : a perinatal marker for later adiposity
Published 2018“…We identified a novel association between the level of CpG methylation at birth within the promoter of the long non-coding RNA ANRIL (encoded at CDKN2A) and childhood adiposity at age 6-years. …”
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Journal Article -
Identification of genetic effects underlying type 2 diabetes in South Asian and European populations
Published 2022Get full text
Journal Article -
Engineered terahertz emission from spintronic heterostructures: amplitude, phase and chirality
Published 2023“…As such, the photoexcitation leads to ultrafast spin-scattering events in the FM, during which the spins transport from the FM into the adjacent heavy metal(HM) layer to experience an inverse spin Hall effect, producing a transverse charge current and terahertz radiation. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Persuasive evidence for electron-nuclear coupling in diluted magnetic colloidal nanoplatelets using optically detected magnetic resonance spectroscopy
Published 2020“…The incorporation of magnetic impurities into semiconductor nanocrystals with size confinement promotes enhanced spin exchange interaction between photogenerated carriers and the guest spins. …”
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Journal Article -
Population of Merging Compact Binaries Inferred Using Gravitational Waves through GWTC-3
Published 2024“…While the majority of spins are preferentially aligned with the orbital angular momentum, we infer evidence of antialigned spins among the binary population. …”
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Article -
Learning stock market dynamics using the kinetic ising model
Published 2017“…In this approach, the states in the time series data are represented by configurations of N spins, and the time evolution of these states in the time series data by an update rule that depends on the spin configuration {σ_i (t)}_(i=1,…,N), and the connection weights {W_ij }_(i,j=1,…N) between the spins. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Error measurements for a quantum annealer using the one-dimensional Ising model with twisted boundaries
Published 2023“…A finite length ferromagnetic chain with opposite spin polarization imposed at its two ends is one of the simplest frustrated spin models. …”
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Journal Article -
Microsecond dark-exciton valley polarization memory in two-dimensional heterostructures
Published 2018“…Transition metal dichalcogenides have valley degree of freedom, which features optical selection rule and spin-valley locking, making them promising for valleytronics devices and quantum computation. …”
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Journal Article -
Direct observation of deterministic domain wall trajectory in magnetic network structures
Published 2018“…The DW propagation in the network structure is governed by the geometrically induced potential barrier and pinning strength against the propagation. This technique can be extended for controlling the trajectory of magnetic charge carriers in an artificial spin ice lattice.…”
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Journal Article -
Disorder–property relationships in magnetic and pseudospin framework materials
Published 2023“…The ordering temperature of magnetic spins in framework materials is low—typically around a few Kelvin. …”
Thesis -
Emergent geometric frustration of artificial magnetic skyrmion crystals
Published 2017“…The proposed artificial frustrated skyrmion systems can be annealed into different ice phases with an applied current-induced spin-transfer torque, including a long-range ordered ice rule obeying ground state, as-relaxed random state, biased state, and monopole state. …”
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Journal Article -
Organic donor-acceptor cocrystals for multiferroic applications
Published 2021“…The cocrystallization strategy has provided an efficient route to fulfill room temperature magnetoelectricity in single phase owing to the long-range ordered π-π stacking (donor-acceptor assembled) network, long-lived excitons (with μs lifetime), spin orders (±1/2 s pin) and charge transfer (CT) dipoles in the assembled crystal lattice. …”
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Journal Article -
Advanced photovoltaic concepts for perovskite solar cells
Published 2022“…In this paper, PCBM, PEDOT:PSS, as well as MAPbI3 are used as materials for the fabrication processes In this thesis, various methods would be discussed and spin coating process will be focused on. The paper continues with the analysis of the connection between the number of spins for the hole transport layer (HTL) and electron transport layer (ETL) deposition process, as well as the impact on the efficiency of the PV device.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Spectroscopic study of emergent electronic phases in transition metal based compounds
Published 2024“…Antiferromagnets with non-relativistic spin splitting are outstanding candidates as the next generation of spintronic materials owing to their electron-volt (eV) scale spin splitting, ultrafast spin dynamics and nearly vanishing stray fields. …”
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Thesis -
Non-Abelian adiabatic geometric transformations in a cold strontium gas
Published 2018“…Topology, geometry, and gauge fields play key roles in quantum physics as exemplified by fundamental phenomena such as the Aharonov–Bohm effect, the integer quantum Hall effect, the spin Hall, and topological insulators. The concept of topological protection has also become a salient ingredient in many schemes for quantum information processing and fault-tolerant quantum computation. …”
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Journal Article -
Topochemical manipulation of some complex transition metal oxides
Published 2016“…However, upon cooling (T < 250 K) a phase transition is observed in which the nickel spins interact ferromagnetically, while the ruthenium cations appear to undergo a change in spin configuration to a diamagnetic spin state. …”