Understanding Indexing Efficiency for Approximate Nearest Neighbor Search in High-dimensional Vector Databases
Published 2024“…Hence, it is unclear how to pick or combine the right heuristics to build a high-quality graph. …”
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Thesis -
Robot programming using augmented reality
Published 2014“…The first part of this work is the development of a new RPAR methodology aimed at applications such as pick-and-place tasks, where there are a number of possible path solutions for a given start and goal configuration pair. …”
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Thesis -
Lying and rumination time as predictors of subclinical ketosis, metritis, and hypocalcaemia in dairy cows during the periparturient period: A systematic review and meta-analysis
Published 2024“…Meanwhile, the MD of RT was significantly different in both periods (MD = −61.76 and −73.33 min/day, P < 0.05) for SCK and during the prepartum for metritis (MD = −23.37 min/day, P = 0.04). …”
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Article -
Fabrication of heat sinks by Selective Laser Melting for convective heat transfer applications
Published 2021“…Three heat sinks comprising pin fins of circular, rectangular-rounded and aerofoil geometries were fabricated by SLM from aluminium alloy AlSi10Mg powder. …”
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Journal Article -
A Novel MIMO antenna integrated with a solar panel and employing AI-equalization for 5G wireless communication networks
Published 2024“…We demonstrate that the directivity of this antenna array can be precisely electronically reconfigured using PIN diode switches. Additionally, we show the feasibility of integrating solar panels with the proposed MIMO antenna array. …”
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Article -
Compressive strength of cemented sand
Published 2013“…In this paper, the four main factors affecting the compressive strength of cemented sand will be investigated: water-cement ratio of 0.5, 0.6, 0.7; sand-cement ratio of 4.0, 5.0, 6.0; curing age at 3, 7 and 28 days; strain rate of 0.5mm/min, 1.0mm/min, and 2.0 mm/min. The other factors such as dry density, sample dimensions (height and diameter), curing conditions were kept constant. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Modern Game Testing : Learn how to test games like a pro, optimize testing effort, and skyrocket your QA career /
Published 2023“…What you will learn Conduct compliance, regression, and localization tests, among others Build and optimize test sets for testing mobile games Find out how to set up an efficient bug flow Write optimal bug reports that differentiate between priority and severity Pick the optimal testing approach for each phase of game development Discover how to use equivalence partitioning, boundary analysis, and decision tables Master live ops QA and handle live bugs Who this book is for This book is for game testers, game producers, game developers, testing managers, and other QA professionals who want to learn more about modern approaches to QA and utilizing them to build more efficient and cost-effective QA teams and products. …”
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software, multimedia -
Error measurements for a quantum annealer using the one-dimensional Ising model with twisted boundaries
Published 2023“…A finite length ferromagnetic chain with opposite spin polarization imposed at its two ends is one of the simplest frustrated spin models. …”
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Journal Article -
Evaluation & characterization of biodegradable polymer
Published 2019Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Combinatorial algorithms for scheduling jobs to minimize server usage time
Published 2018“…This thesis is concerned with three combinatorial optimization problems for job scheduling, named the MinUsageTime Dynamic Bin Packing problem, the Energy-Efficient Job Scheduling problem and the Flexible Job Scheduling problem. …”
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Thesis -
杜牧“‘秋’意象诗”研究 = Research on Du Mu’s autumn imagery poems
Published 2012Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
历史与文学的交错 :论李靖多重形象的演变 = The entwinement of history and literature : a study on the multiple images of Li Jing
Published 2015Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Investigation on frosting and defrosting performance of superhydrophobic metal additively manufactured materials
Published 2024“…However, between etching time of 10 min and 15 min, there is no significant difference in the frost retardation rate of AM metal. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Associations of accelerometer-measured physical activity, sedentary behaviour, and sleep with next-day cognitive performance in older adults: a micro-longitudinal study
Published 2024“…Each 30-min increase in SB was associated with working memory scores 0.05 SD (0.00 to 0.09) lower (p = 0.03); adjustment for sleep characteristics on the previous night did not substantively change these results. …”
Journal article -
Effect of heat-producing needling technique on the local skin temperature : clinical dataset
Published 2020“…Within each session, the local ST36 skin temperature and basal body temperature of each participant were measured at 1 min before needle insertion, just after needle insertion and manipulation (if any), 5 min after needle insertion with needle removal immediately after temperature taking, and 5 min after needle removal. …”
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Journal Article -
Arsenene nanoribbon edge-resolved strong magnetism
Published 2020“…Consistency between bond-order-length-strength correlation (BOLS) theory and density functional theory (DFT) calculations verified that: (i) the edge bond contraction of 9.54% deepened the edge potential well of AsNR, (ii) a net charge of 0.06 e- transferred from the inner region to the edge; and (iii) the edge quantum well polarized the unpaired electron and the net spin (antiferromagnetic or ferromagnetic depending on the width) is localized at the zigzag edge. …”
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Journal Article -
Advanced photovoltaic concepts for perovskite solar cells
Published 2022“…In this paper, PCBM, PEDOT:PSS, as well as MAPbI3 are used as materials for the fabrication processes In this thesis, various methods would be discussed and spin coating process will be focused on. The paper continues with the analysis of the connection between the number of spins for the hole transport layer (HTL) and electron transport layer (ETL) deposition process, as well as the impact on the efficiency of the PV device.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Neutron emission studies from miniature and medium size plasma focus device
Published 2010“…Although dense plasma focus devices have attracted the attention of scientific community since 1960’s as a copious source of fusion neutrons but in the recent years owing to spin-off in the applications of compact and portable table top neutron sources in wider domain, like noninvasive interrogation of explosives and narcotic drugs (by using Pulsed Fast/Thermal Neutron Analysis (PFTNA) technique), dark matter research, radioisotope production, medical neutron therapy and soil humidity measurements, there has been renewed interest across the globe for the development of sub-kilojoule range, low energy small plasma focus device (hereafter called ‘Miniature Plasma Focus i.e. …”
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Research Report -
Learning stock market dynamics using the kinetic ising model
Published 2017“…In this approach, the states in the time series data are represented by configurations of N spins, and the time evolution of these states in the time series data by an update rule that depends on the spin configuration {σ_i (t)}_(i=1,…,N), and the connection weights {W_ij }_(i,j=1,…N) between the spins. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Non-Volatile In-Memory Computing by Spintronics
Published 2017“…Since the main bottleneck is from memory, we aim to develop an energy-efficient in-memory computing platform in this book. First, the models of spin-transfer torque magnetic tunnel junction and racetrack memory are presented. …”
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