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Berdamai dengan takdir
Published 2023“…Kuala Lumpur: Pakar perubatan pernah menjangkakan hayatnya hanya mampu bertahan sehingga usia 20 tahun susulan penyakit atrofi otot spina (SMA) jenis dua dihidapi.…”
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Newspaper -
Control of a 2-axis scara robot with a flexible forearm
Published 2008“…In this thesis, issues in the modelling and control design of the tip position trajectory tracking of a two-link SCARA manipulator arm with a flexible forearm are discussed. …”
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Thesis -
Design and investigation of air-cooled heat sinks using 3D printing technology
Published 2016“…This study presents the heat transfer performance of five pin fin heat sinks that have been fabricated using Selective Laser Melting. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
250 pelajar dan guru KV sertai Program Pemerkasaan TVET PRS
Published 2023“…PEKAN, 7 Ogos 2023 - Penganjuran Program Pemerkasaan TVET Bersama Pembimbing Rakan Sebaya (PRS) yang yang sertai seramai 250 pelajar dan guru-guru melibatkan 86 Kolej Vokasional (KV) seluruh Malaysia berjaya menyuntik minat, membangunkan potensi dan memperkasa daya saing para pelajar dalam menceburi bidang berkaitan TVET.…”
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Newspaper -
A meta-analysis of functional neuroimaging studies of dyslexia in alphabetic words and chinese characters.
Published 2013“…Results from the Chinese language meta-analysis study replicates the results from previous empirical studies showing low activation primarily in areas such as the left middle frontal gyrus and the right middle occipital gyrus (Liu et al., 2012; Siok, Niu, Jin, Perfetti, & Tan, 2008; Siok, Perfetti, Jin, & Tan, 2004; Siok, Spink, Jin & Tan, 2009; Yang, 2005). In addition, functional neuroimaging single studies examining the effect of dyslexia in both alphabetical languages and Chinese language have shown that there are differences in the brain activations between these languages (Paulesu et al., 2001; Richlan et al., 2010; Siok et al., 2004). …”
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Thesis -
UMPSA komited laksanakan pendidikan secara fleksibel bagi menyokong hala tuju MTUN TVET Termaju 2030
Published 2024“…Pendidikan Teknikal dan Latihan Vokasional (TVET) memainkan peranan penting dalam memperkukuh daya saing ekonomi negara, terutamanya dalam menghadapi cabaran Era Revolusi Industri 4.0 dan keperluan pascapandemik. …”
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UMPSA News -
Challenges faced by women in the corporate world
Published 2008Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Comparative study of accounting standards between Singapore and the Peoples' Republic of China
Published 2008Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Convective boiling and condensation in enhanced tubes produced by selective laser melting
Published 2018“…The design of the four tubes are five long circumferential pin fins, eight short circumferential pin fins, twisted pin fins and a metallic foam structure. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A two-dimensional co-rotational Timoshenko beam element with XFEM formulation
Published 2014“…Pin connections and plastic hinges produce non-smooth displacement fields in beam structures. …”
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Journal Article -
Study of heat transfer through micro-structured surfaces
Published 2016“…Each chip has a different microstructure in the form of very small and elongated pin-fins, which will in turn affect the critical heat flux of each component. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Traffic speed characteristics around road humps in Nanyang Technological University
Published 2009Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Design of wideband low-loss reconfigurable reflectarray antenna
Published 2024“…It proposes an RRA design that integrates a PIN diode with air gap. The switch of the reconfigurable unit is directly mounted on the reflective element, reducing the loss introduced by the switching device. …”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
Development of optical transceiver
Published 2010“…For PIN photodiodes, the epitaxial layer was introduced to the structures to act as an intrinsic layer. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Prestasi indeks berkaitan ESG di pasaran Malaysia dan Amerika Syarikat: satu analisis perbandingan
Published 2024“…Kajian ini mengukuhkan kepentingan kepelbagaian geografi dan penggabungan kriteria ESG dalam strategi pelaburan, sambil menyoroti keperluan sokongan institusi dan kesedaran terhadap ESG untuk meningkatkan daya saing indeks ESG di pasaran membangun seperti Malaysia.…”
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Article -
Experimental studies of melting PCM in a heat sink
Published 2011“…The heat sink design that was the focus of this study is based on the pin finned heat sink design. Experiments mainly pertaining to the characteristics of the melting PCM in the heat sinks were observed and recorded to further understand the behaviours and characteristics of the melting PCM. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP)