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Examining twitter discourse on electronic cigarette and tobacco consumption during national cancer prevention month in 2018: topic modeling and geospatial analysis
Published 2022“…Results: Debates on harmfulness (454/915, 49.7%), personal experiences (316/915, 34.5%), and e-cigarette risks (145/915, 15.8%) were the major themes of e-cigarette tweets related to lung cancer. …”
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Journal Article -
Implementation of industry-standard functional coverage in UVM testbench for SoC level verification
Published 2023“…Besides, through RTL power estimation tool, the power consumption of the entire MCU chip is measured to be 20.188mw(milliwatts), including static power consumption 5.368mw and dynamic power consumption 14.868mw, providing data support for pre-RTL design and post-flow production.…”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
Bifunctional layer-by-layer metal-organic framework thin films for gas detection
Published 2023“…Upon pressure exertion, the sensor exhibited sensitivity values of - 7.148 x 10E-4 kPa-1 in the low-pressure range (0 – 11 kPa), and -2.751 x 10E-5 kPa-1 in the high-pressure range (11 – 80 kPa), while its cycling stability over 300 pressure cycles was also demonstrated. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
The combined role of MRI prostate and prostate health index in improving detection of significant prostate cancer in a screening population of Chinese men
Published 2024“…Compared with PSA/PHI pathway in men with PSA 4.0-50.0 ng ml -1 , additional MRI increased diagnoses of PCa, ISUP GG ≥2 PCa, and csPCa by 21.2% (from 33 to 40), 22.2% (from 18 to 22), and 18.5% (from 27 to 32), respectively. The benefit of additional MRI was only observed in PSA 4.0-10.0 ng ml -1 , and the number of MRI needed to diagnose one additional ISUP GG ≥2 PCa was 20 in PHI ≥35 and 94 in PHI <35. …”
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Journal Article -
Study of degradation mechanisms in SiON gate dielectric film subjected to negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) stress
Published 2012“…UFS method with 100ns delay per measurement point which is the fastest NBTI measurement to-date, Slow measurement with 40µs delay per measurement point and DC measurement with the slowest 5s delay per cycle are used together with 2 different characterization machines to prove that Recoverable component (R) observed during dynamic NBTI exhibits a repeatable trend and is independent of device gate length and oxide thickness under nominal DNBTI condition. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Induction of z-conformation in ribosomal RNA by Z-DNA binding domain Zα of the human double-stranded RNA deaminase I (ADAR1)
Published 2012“…We determined 3D solution structures of ZαADAR1 and ZαADAR1 mutant (N43A, Y47A) and compared binding modes of these two proteins to Z-DNA, short (5-32 residues) dsRNA oligonucleotides derived from rRNA and E.coli ribosomes. …”
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Thesis -
Bond and electronic relaxation dynamics of graphene, gold clusters, and water ice
Published 2013“…Results of transition state calculations of the carbon monoxide oxidization confirmed that smaller clusters (Au13 and cage Au12) reduced the activation energy much more than larger clusters (Au55 and cage Au42), since the significantly red shift of the valence band of ultra-lowly coordinated clusters makes the valence 5d electrons ultra-highly catalytic. The hidden force opposing H2O compression behind the repulsion between nonbonding lone pair and bonding pair of hydrogen bond was revealed by theoretical analysis and molecular dynamics (MD) and ab initio MD calculations: i) the compression shortens and strengthens the intermolecular ‘‘O2- : H+/p’’ lone-pair and stretching phonons (<400 cm-1) are thus stiffened; ii) the repulsion pushes the bonding electron pair away from the H+/p and hence elongates and weakens the ‘‘H+/p–O2-” bond, making stretching phonons (>3000 cm-1) softened upon compression. …”
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Thesis -
Two photon photoemission.
Published 2013“…Details about the work in setting up the individual components of the TR-2PPE setup can be found in Section 4.5. Time-resolved measurements could not be performed since time-zero was not found due to the low e ciency of the THG output and the problem of spatial overlap of the pump and probe on the sample. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
A study on mechanical properties, electrical conductivity and EMI shielding performance of syntactic foams.
Published 2013“…Flexural strength and fracture toughness were increased with increasing CNFs content and decreased beyond 1.5 vol% of CNFs. The decreasing trend was due to agglomeration and clustering of the CNFs. …”
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Thesis -
Optimization of the thermal performance of building double-skin envelope
Published 2014“…When radiant barriers are installed, the optimum air gap height changes to the range of 9.5 cm to 10 cm. No conclusion was made for the optimum height when insulations are installed, as the efficiency continues to rise even after reaching the maximum gap height of this study. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Essays in interactional dynamics of financial markets
Published 2014“…This kind of cluster formation is similar to the concept of coupled map lattices (CML) in other disciplines such as Physics. Chapter 5 applies Markov-regime switching technique to show the existence of inter-market traders whose trading decision is based on the fundamental value of foreign market under a two-market framework. …”
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Thesis -
Chemical methods in dewatering clayey slurry for land reclamation (GE27AB/ISP)
Published 2015“…The obvious effect was observed when the PAM increase from 0.5 g/kg dry soil to 4 g/kg dry soil. Cationic PAM+15 type seemed to be the most effective type with optimum dosage of 1 g/kg dry soil. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Design of low power PLL synthesizer for 60 GHz applications
Published 2016“…The fully integrated PLL synthesizer for the 60 GHz application operates in the K-band dissipating a power of 42 mW from 1.8 V supply voltage. The 3rd order external loop filter is used in the PLL synthesizer.…”
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Thesis -
Identification and characterisation of novel human dendritic cell progenitors
Published 2016“…We also demonstrated that pre-cDC but not pDC were able to differentiate into cDC subsets in MS5 stromal culture supplemented with the cytokines Flt3L, SCF and GM-CSF. …”
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Thesis -
Effect of geometry on temporal development of quasi-1D jet scour
Published 2018“…It was discovered that quasi-1D equilibrium scour depth (dse) generally decreased when impingement height is increased, with the exception of a variation at H = 2.5 cm due to jet diffusion effect. It was also observed that both dse and time to reach equilibrium (te) increase when L was increased due to a larger erodible bed volume which facilitates better vortex formation. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Cadê o Kauê? Co-design and acceptability testing of a chat-story aimed at enhancing youth participation in the promotion of mental health in Brazil
Published 2024“…In Part 3, the chat-story was user tested (<em>n</em> = 32). Parts 4 and 5 assessed acceptability through a qualitative study in schools (<em>n</em> = 138) and initial efficacy during an online campaign (<em>n</em> = 795).…”
Journal article -
Acquisition of musical skills and abilities in older adults—results of 12 months of music training
Published 2024“…Methods: One hundred fifty-six healthy older adults (age = 69.5 years ± 3.2) from Hannover and Geneva with no prior musical training participated in weekly piano practice (PP) or ‘music culture’ (MC) sessions over a one-year period. …”
Journal article -
Transforming kernel-based learners to incorporate domain knowledge from climate science
Published 2024“…This emulator, we call FaIRGP, can learn from data and outperform purely process-based emulators, while retaining the robustness from the incorporated energy balance model. In Chapter 5, we consider an applied observational challenge in climate science: obtaining global estimates of aerosol vertical profiles. …”
Thesis -
Role of primary and secondary care data in atrial fibrillation ascertainment: impact on risk factor associations, patient management, and mortality in UK Biobank
Published 2025“…HADP-only cases also had higher rates of death [PC-only: 9.3 (6.8, 12.7), PC + HADP: 23.4 (20.5, 26.6), HADP-only: 81.2 (73.8, 89.2) events per 1000 person-years, P < 0.0001] compared to other groups. …”
Journal article -
Assessment of novel pre-erythrocytic malaria vaccines in humans
Published 2017“…High level efficacy (&GT; 80%) is reported in Chapter 5 with a three-dose schedule of 10/10/10μg R21/MM given 4 weeks apart. …”