The behavior of Malaysian stock market: evidence from nonlinear unit root test
Published 2010“…While the linear unit root tests could not reject the null of unit root at any conventional level of significance, the nonlinear unit root test rejects the null hypothesis of unit root, suggesting that Malaysian stock markets is not weak form efficient, which is contrary to the findings of other studies available in the literature. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
The components of spirituality in the business organizational context : the case of Malaysia
Published 2011“…The construct validity of Islamic spirituality led to the major finding of the research, thus, Islamic spirituality in the business organizational context is explained by four determinants; Rituals (Ibadat), Forgivingness/Repentance (Al a’fw), Belief (Iman) and Remembrance of Allah (Dhikrullah). …”
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Reading the mind of women landscape architects: A case study of ILAM members
Published 2009“…Many are now at the peak of their career with a few just starting out and feeling the heat of the competition. The findings found that they are treated equally by their male professionals, but have to work doubly hard to prove their worth. …”
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Monograph -
Quality rating of Islamic websites features : a single-user evaluation
Published 2010“…The results suggest that the quality of Islamic websites may change significantly over time. The findings also revealed that different design and content features contributes differently to the overall quality of Islamic websites. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
User experience: Assessing the effectiveness of internet booking services
Published 2010“…This paper indicates that several design features do not entirely conform to the usability standard and design principles. The finding shows that the users experience some difficulties in completing the task; however, they proceed in order to get competitive prices. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A survey of operations management practices in Islamic banks of Bangladesh
Published 2011“…In particular, the survey focuses on operations strategy, process, technology, layout, location, supply chain, and quality management. The survey findings are expected to provide guidelines to the managers of Islamic banks in designing an effective Operations Management system.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Lecturers' perspective of self-efficacy towards research:'Push or not push'
Published 2011“…Lecturers in teacher training institute are encouraged to conduct research and are given the opportunities to present the research findings in conferences or to publish them in journals. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Islamization of sociology in theory and practice
Published 2011“…It is in this context that this presentation finds its justification i.e. to critically examine and disclose the aspects and elements of such incompatibility of modern sociology with Islam. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Accounting student's learning approaches and impact on academic performance
Published 2009“…The results indicate that majority of the accounting students, both male and female groups prefer to use the deep approach in studying Business Finance. The findings also reveal that there were significant relationships between learning approaches and academic performance with positive direction appears for deep and strategic approaches whilst negative relationship reveals for surface approach.…”
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Article -
Antiproliferative activity of Curcusone B from Jatropha Curcas on human cancer cell lines
Published 2011“…Curcusone B showed significant dose-dependent inhibition of cell proliferation of K562 and H1299 cell lines with an IC50 of 6 μg/mL and 15.0 μg/mL, respectively. The findings suggested that the curcusone B had strong antiproliferation which was dose dependent and may have potential as an anticancer agent.…”
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Ibn al-Jazzar on fever
Published 2011“…The research framework covers type of fevers during time ofIbn AI-Jazzar, the symptoms and treatment suggested by him and the enhancement done in medical field in identifying specific kind of fevers by referring to the findings from the scholar…”
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Book Chapter -
Contributions of Ibn-Sina in pharmaceutical sciences
Published 2011“…This chapter explores the findings of Ibn-Sina that using different methods of medications and treatment in pharmaceutical sciences…”
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Book Chapter -
Counselling skills in higher education: a case study of selected academic administrators
Published 2011“…Data gathered were analysed using the thematic approach and guided by the objectives of the study. The findings of the study indicated that the students faced academic and discipline problems that were related to the students’ psychological, family, and relationship problems. …”
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The effect of external factors on the students' acceptance of virtual learning.
Published 2011“…This model is an extension of TAM. The primary findings of the study show that perceived of peer encouragement (PPE) has direct influence on the students' attitude to use virtual learning. …”
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Book Chapter -
Kursus asas keibubapaan Muslim dalam memenuhi keperluan ibubapa masa kini : satu kajian kes
Published 2007“…The study concluded that the findings of this case study need to be properly incorporated in future BIP programmes to ensure the needs of both Muslim parents and children are adequately met.…”
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Article -
Facilitating the construction of shared Malaysian identity the teaching of literature
Published 2012“…The inquiry was designed using primarily qualitative research instruments with 7 English Language teachers, and group interviews with 6 groups of students from 4 different schools in Kuala Lumpur. The findings from the analyses of the results show various attitudes, beliefs and teaching and practices in the English language classroom in response to the notion of constructing a shared identity in the Third Space.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The influence of temperature on adsorption capacity of Malaysian coal
Published 2006“…The adsorption capacity of the coal sample shows an inverse relationship with temperature. These findings open a platform for CO2 sequestration to be implemented in Malaysia…”
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Article -
Shared identity construction: the third space exploration
Published 2012“…The inquiry was designed using primarily qualitative research instruments with 7 English Language teachers, and group interviews with 6 groups of students from 4 different schools in Kuala Lumpur. The findings from the analyses of the results show various attitudes, beliefs and teaching and practices in the English language classroom in response to the notion of constructing a shared identity in the Third Space…”
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Article -
Spiritual well-being of INSTED, IIUM Students’ and Its relationship with college adjustment
Published 2012“…The researcher used descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation and ANOVA to analyzed the data.The findings of this study will benefit parents, counselors, teachers and policy maker…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Comparing better performing companies from lesser performing companies in successful new product development
Published 2012“…Data collected from 185 Malaysian manufacturing companies by way of a large scale mail survey revealed that there are significant differences exist between the better performing and lesser performing companies with regards to their strategic orientation, marketing knowledge, production skills and resources, ability to develop unique, superior and technologically innovative products that were market driven. The findings suggested that factors that have strong influence on new product development success are all within the control of management and could provide guidance for companies seeking for ways to improve their new product performance record. …”
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Proceeding Paper