The impact of Malaysian financial reporting standards on Audit Report Lag
Published 2015“…The paper used one-way ANOVA analysis and panel data regression to analyze the findings. The results indicate that the MFRS adoption has no significant impact on ARL.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Examining the exisiting provisions and regulation on matrimonial asset involving matrimonial home
Published 2014“…The study adopted a qualitative method and the samples were collected from six zones representing Shariah Courts in Malaysia. The findings show that the rigidity in the provision cause inconsistency in the practice of the court where the court cannot fully comply with the existing proportion in the stated provision. …”
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Article -
Foreword Chairman 1 ICUDBE 2015
Published 2015“…KAED Universal Design Unit (KUDU) of IIUM was formed in 2008 with the intention to promote the application of universal design in the built environment and product design, as well as to disseminate research findings through international conferences, symposiums, workshops and product competitions.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Internal determinants of Waqaf in non-Muslim countries
Published 2016“…This paper analyses some of the internal challenges faced by the Muslims, either waqf manager or waqf beneficiaries and trustees in their strive to enliven and utilised in the non-Muslim countries. The findings show that the awareness among the Muslim in non-Muslim countries is still low, the management revolves around the traditional uses of waqf while the foreign legal framework still stands as an obstacle to the development and implementation of waqf. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A shift-share analysis of electrical and electronic products: an overview and assessment of export growth of Malaysia
Published 2015“…The shift share technique is applied to identify the potential export growth by selected top fifteen countries for the period of 2006-2008 and 2009-2011. The findings of shift-share analysis indicate that the overall market has increased in export value as the market experienced has increased in each country except Japan, Thailand and USA. …”
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Gastrointestinal involvement in Henoch Schonlein purpura : A Case Report
Published 2009“…Radiologically the gastrointestinal findings are mainly those of bowel ischemia with “thumbprinting” and bowel wall oedema. …”
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The impact of finanacial management reforms on operational effectiveness and accountability in Malaysian Central Government organisations
Published 2005“…These reforms also shared characteristics of reform initiatives undertaken in developed countries including greater participation of line managers in managing public resources, output based performance contracts, and private sector accounting techniques. The findings of this study shed the light on the effectiveness of these programmes and disclosed the obstacles that undermined the reform objectives…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The perceptions of women’s roles and progress: a study of Malay women
Published 2008“…The results also showed how women perceive progress. These findings are discussed in relation to culture, socialization, values and norms of the Malay society.…”
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Article -
Potentials of technical tours for special interest tourists in Kuala Lumpur
Published 2020“…The data gathered are mapped, tabulated and analysed. The findings revealed that Kuala Lumpur has potentials to promote 58 sites in the city for Special Interest Tourism. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Pelan pengurusan pembangunan persisir pantai Pekan Kuah-Kelibang, Langkawi, Kedah
Published 2020“…The key stages involved: inception report, analysis report, and proposal report, addressing the pertinent findings that lead to the improvement works in the future.…”
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Monograph -
Maintenance management of high rise buildings in Malaysia: A preliminary study in Klang Valley
Published 2009“…This paper presents the preliminary finding of a study on the building maintenance management of selected large highrise buildings in Klang Valley, Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An estimation of educational production function: the case of Tasmanian public schools
Published 2010“…Evidence also has been found to support a policy to reduce student-teacher ratio. The findings of the study stand as a crucial source of insight to a more informed debate over education policy in Tasmania. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Linking sustainable livelihoods to natural resources and governance in OIC countries: prospects and challenges
Published 2011“…This study draws heavily from secondary data. The findings revealed that countries having better scores in good governance performed better in more than one of the selected livelihood indicators. …”
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Article -
Long journeys toward freedom: the relationship between coercive control and space for action - measurement and emerging evidence
Published 2017“…We report on the development of, and findings from, two scales measuring coercive control and space for action over a period of 3 years in a sample of 100 women who had accessed domestic violence services. …”
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'London calling': the experiences of international social work recruits working in London
Published 2017“…This paper reports on one aspect of a qualitative research project investigating the post-arrival integration, professional practice and development of ‘international social workers’, namely those trained and qualified outside of the UK working in London and the Home Counties. Findings demonstrate that, as well as being a challenging professional and work experience, this form of labour mobility is a profound life event for most ISWs and, as with human migration in other fields and countries, entails a complex social, emotional and cultural transition.…”
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Article -
Perceptions of parental substance misuse among social workers working with children and families
Published 2023“…Four main narratives emerged and these included: Challenges of working with parental substance use, informed decision making, developing self-efficacy and professional values. The research findings are discussed in the context of wider literature, in reference to applicable psychological theory, and in next steps for future research and potential future training.…”
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Article -
Inclusive formative assessment practices (IFAP) in action: a longitudinal intervention study funded by LMU GSBL
Published 2022“…The current project explored the impact of inclusive formative assessment practices on 200 first-year students’ writing performance and motivation at GSBL for one academic year. Preliminary findings indicated that the use of inclusive formative assessment practices resulted in a statistically significant improvement of the quality of students’ writing performance in only one academic semester. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Cupular growth rate of free neuromasts in three species of cyprinid fish
Published 1992“…The rates were 8.7-10.6 μm/h in Gnathopogon elongatus caerulescens, 10.3-11.3μm/h in Carassius auratus grandoculis, and 8.9μm/h in Zacco platypus. These findings suggest that complete replacement of the treated cupulae would take about 24h in the larvae of these species.…”
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Article -
The effect of HR practices and organizational engagement on turnover intention: a study in a selected region in Malaysia
Published 2011“…Organizational engagement was found as a partial mediator between HR practices and turnover intention. The findings imply that any initiative to affect turnover intention, organizational engagement must be addressed first. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Vitamin D insufficiency and its association with obesity among primary school children in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Published 2010“…Aims: To present findings on low blood vitamin D status and its association with obesity among primary school children in Kuala Lumpur. …”
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