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Low-Cost Masonry for the Design of Barrel-Vaulted Flooring Systems
Published 2024“…The world's population is projected to grow rapidly in urban areas, with a projected 2.5 billion more urban dwellers by 2050 (UN-DESA, 2019). …”
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Thesis -
Investigating the effect of the addition of different molecular weight poly (vinyl alcohol) in chitosan beads synthesis for metal ions adsorption
Published 2020“…It was shown that the addition of 30% PVA in chitosan/10kPVA beads had the highest improvement in their copper ions adsorptive capability by 27.5 %, with no significant improvement from using chitosan/22kPVA. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Inter-relationship between ageing, body mass index, diabetes, systemic blood pressure and intraocular pressure in Asians : 6-year longitudinal study
Published 2020“…Their average IOP was reduced (−0.5±3.1 mm Hg), except for those who developed hypertension at follow-up (0.0±3.1 mm Hg). …”
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Journal Article -
Smart education : case study of smart pre-school
Published 2021“…After discussing the SMART Education framework in detail, a SMART Education System Architecture is proposed as a form of design to bring out the intended outcomes of the SMART Education framework. There are 5 key layers to the proposed architecture: Perception layer, Network layer, Edge layer, Cloud layer and Application layer. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Hydrogen as marine fuel – feasibility, prospects, and challenges
Published 2022“…The maritime industry currently accounts for at least 2.5% of the overall CO2 emissions. As the maritime industry strives to achieve decarbonisation to comply with IMO 2050, many alternative fuels are being researched and hydrogen is included. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
In situ synthesis of silver nanoparticles in poly(vinyl) alcohol layer coated thin film membrane for seawater desalination
Published 2022“…The best-performed PVA- coated membrane (MPVA1-0.2) was prepared using PVA with the lowest molecular weight of 13-23 kDa and at a concentration of 0.2 w/v%. The permeability of MPVA1-0.2 membrane reduced insignificantly by 8.4% compared to the control membrane without PVA coating layer, achieving PWP of 3.1 L/m2 with excellent salt rejection of 99.28%. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Characterization of mechanical properties of polyurea
Published 2023“…The polyureas were allowed to cure until different factors and conditions for up to 5 days. Quasi-static tensile test was conducted on the polyurea samples cut into ASTM-D638 standard. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Development of an app for a thermoelectric cooler system
Published 2024“…The various parameters and results are constantly recorded with sensors and uploaded onto Google excel sheets automatically in 5 seconds interval via Wifi through ESP32 and Google Apps script for data analysis. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Simulation of solar cooling system
Published 2010“…The results of the optimization process of the solar absorption refrigeration system consists of a 3.5kW absorption chiller, with a working COP of 0.67, a 35m2 evacuated tube collector inclined at 25o from the horizontal, and a 800-l thermal storage tank with auxiliary heating set to 84oC. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Molecular interaction of tumor suppressor protein p53 and anti-apoptotic proteins Bcl-2 and Bcl-XL.
Published 2010“…Second, to define the binding interface of the molecular interaction, which is not previously characterized, we employed a NMR-based binding study, showing that the binding site on Bel-XL is located in the region including a4, the N- and C-termini of a3, the N-terminus of a5, and the central part of a2. To further probe this observation, we then performed fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) assay in cells. …”
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Research Report -
Report for project A1017-101on hybrid solar PV thermal (PVT) system using a tracking solar trough I
Published 2011“…It is also witnessed that the temperature behind the cell with cooling at 0.448 l/min reached 63.7°C, while the water harnessed from the cooling system output reach 57.5°C which is comparable to water temperature in the hot spring. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Three essays on gender wage differentials
Published 2012“…The objectives of the first chapter of the thesis are to expand the body of evidence, providing an international update from more than 50 countries in 5 continents and to suggest potential explanations to the stylized facts documented across countries. …”
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Thesis -
Cognitive information systems for context-aware decision support
Published 2013“…Our experimental results based on a 1-v-1 PE problem domain have reported improvement to the efficiency of RL using this approach.…”
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Thesis -
Realization of transistors using organic electronics
Published 2013“…Using this developed printing method, the performance of the printed circuits is significantly improved – the mobility of the printed transistors (using TIPS-Pentacene as the p-type semiconductor) features a high mobility of ~1.5cm2/Vs, typically ~10x higher than reported additive printed devices of the same design. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Microsoft kinect for early education
Published 2013“…The video can be found at This report focuses on the design and development of this interactive learning assistant suite. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Efficient FPGA realization of inner-products of variable vectors
Published 2014“…From the analytical results in this report, it is shown that proposed structures for input word-lengths L = 8 and L = 16, respectively are nearly 5.4% and 36% faster than the reference design (conventional multiplier-based implementation) in average for different inner-product length (N = 8, 16, 32 and 64). …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Effect of confining pressure on hysteresis of soil-water characteristic curves
Published 2014“…In this project, river sand specimens of different fine contents (5% and 30% fines) were subjected to multi-cycles of drying and wetting at non-zero net confining pressures using the SWCC Apparatus. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Adsorption characteristics of doped MIL-101(Cr) and methane system
Published 2016“…The US Department of Energy has set challenging gravimetric target for methane storage at 0.5 g/g under ambient conditions. Synthesising the right MOF is necessary to achieve the DOE target. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Transdermal Drug Delivery
Published 2016“…Lastly, a simulation was done using a software called COMSOL 5.0 to simulate the injection. The simulation results proved that the experimental results obtained were consistent. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Investigation of compliant fixed abrasive machining of internal surfaces using flexible tool
Published 2017“…Average surface roughness (Ra) value was found to be in the range of 0.8 IJ.m - 1.5 IJ.m depending on tool speed, bend radius of flexible shaft, feed rate, abrasive grain size and the density of abrasive grains on the tool. …”
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