Religious issues in Malaya: a study of views and debates in Saudara, 1928-41
Published 2011“…Within the published pages, readers could find views and debates on religious issues such as the conflict between Kaummuda and kaumtua; bid’ah practices among the Malays;Muhammadan Law in Malaya; the establishment of Malayan Ulama Association; Lebaipondok, etc.This paper will, in other words, illustrates the religious issues which dominated the lives of the Malay people in Malaya during that time and how it is comparable to the current Malay society in Malaysia. …”
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Age-related rarefaction in the fractal dimension of retinal vessel
Published 2012“…However, earlier works did not find any correlation between aging and FD of the retinal vasculature, in contrast to the findings of reduced complexity in other parts of the body. …”
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Service quality and consumer purchasing intention toward online ticketing: an empirical study in Iran
Published 2012“…This study gives a reports on e-service quality and consumer purchase intention toward online ticketing, in this research we tried to find out why some group of people have stick to traditional channel for their purchase and some other group prefer to use online channel as a tool of shopping. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Rational drug design using genetic algorithm: case of malaria disease
Published 2012“…In the experiment, we used falcipain-2 as our target protein (2GHU.pdb) obtained from the protein data bank and docked with twenty different available anti malaria drugs in order to find the effective and efficient drugs. Drug Diocopeltine A was found as the best lowest binding energy with the value of -8.64 Kcal/mol. …”
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Shear wall construction in buildings: a conceptual framework on the aspect of analysis and design
Published 2013“…Single walls are modelled as cantilevers and walls with openings are modelled as pier/ spandrel systems. In order to find the stiffness, the simple systems models can provide reasonable results. …”
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Study the heat sink potential of building ground floor slab integrated with ELT
Published 2013“…Recently it is obvious that should find out alternative ways as to reduce the load of massive ELT waste. …”
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Management of resources in muslim countries and communities : challenges and prospects
Published 2012“…It is a known fact that these resources namely, material (e.g., petroleum, gas, gold, timber, etc), financial and human are aplenty in many of the Muslim countries. And yet, we find most of them have not been fully utilized. The major thrust of the conference was discussions and deliberations among the presenters and participants, who came from all over the world, on how to make effective and efficient usage of all kinds of resources in the Muslim countries. …”
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Increase in Short Interest and Predictability in Stock Returns (Infiniti 2011)
Published 2011“…Using the UK daily short interest data from the period of September 2003 to April 2010, we find a significant negative relation between increases in short interest and subsequent returns on equal-weighted basis. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Synthesis of fatty acid from locally isolated marine algae, Chaetocerosaffinis
Published 2012“…Nowadays, there are increasing in demands for alternative source of fuel and several attempts have been conducted to find-the best ways for fatty acid collection and algae have been listed as potential sources for lipid. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Radiographic study on premature eruption of permanent premolars due to premature loss of primary molar
Published 2012“…OPGs were scrutinized to find out their relationship and correlation. Results: Out of (196) 0PG, PLPM was observed in (105) OPGs and PEPP was found in 85 OPGs. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Public environmental awareness and performance in Kuala Lumpur City, Malaysia — a case study on household electrical and electronic equipment
Published 2012“…Only a small fraction of the used EEE finds its way to recycling facilities and manufacturer as there is no efficient take back scheme for consumers. …”
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Design and optimization of Levenberg-Marquardt based Neural Network Classifier for EMG signals to identify hand motions
Published 2013“…Different structures of neural network, based on the number of hidden neurons and two prominent training algorithms, have been considered in the research to find out their applicability for EMG signal classification. …”
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Shariah scholars' view point on the practice of underwriting and risk rating for family takaful model
Published 2013“…The objective of this study is to find out the Shari’ah viewpoint on the underwriting and risk rating practice for individual participants in family takaful. …”
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2D visualization of terms and documents in Malay language
Published 2013“…The output of the data is still in the listed form, and this linear form (one dimension) makes user hardly to find information related to the data requested. In addition, Malay document is still displayed in textual listed form. 676 documents from Jilid 1 of Hadith Al Tarmizi in Malay language are used to visualize the relationship. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Study of socio-demographic factors among re-admitted psychiatric patients in relation to their diagnoses in Malaysia
Published 2013“…Objectives: The aim of this study is to find out the demographic, and clinical profile of frequently re-hospitalized psychiatric patients. …”
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Effectiveness of knowledge management in achieving success in Malaysian government agencies: A literature review
Published 2013“…In this regard, a research has been conducted amongst fifteen Malaysian governmental companies and agencies to find how effective project managers in Malaysian government companies, integrate Knowledge Management criteria and key success elements in order to achieve project success and gain success.…”
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Plants’ metabolites as potential antiobesity agents
Published 2012“…Since existing pharmaceuticals fail to come up with long-term solutions to address this issue, there is an ever-pressing need to find and develop new drugs and alternatives. Natural products, particularly medicinal plants, are believed to harbor potential antiobesity agents that can act through various mechanisms either by preventing weight gain or promoting weight loss amongst others. …”
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Attitude towards the use of learning management system among university students: A case study
Published 2013“…However, this study did not find any significant differences between distance learning and full time students. …”
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Philosophical aspects of 'Murabbi': a contextual analysis with special reference to globalization of education
Published 2013“…In the ongoing process of searching the identity of Islamic education paradigm, theory and practice, there are certain values that should be contemplated with help of the exact traditional methodology of Islamic educational research. Although we could find some alternatives to replace our concrete area of knowledge seeking paradigm, the concept of ‘Murabbi’, the derivative of ‘tharbiyah’ has to be relevantized in the context of globalization of the education. …”
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