DNA barcoding of gamat and timun laut species from Pangkor Island using 16S mitochondrial ribosomal RNA gene
Published 2015“…Despite the fact that more specimens and different molecular approaches are required to produce better conclusive results, the current findings gave a better insight of the importance of morphological approach and 16S mitochondrial rRNA gene sequencing in identification of the two Malaysian sea cucumber species from Pangkor Island. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Testing the theory of planned behavior in determining intention to use digital coupon among university students
Published 2015“…A total of 392 respondents participated in this survey. The findings from the regression analysis showed that all the independent variables explained 50 percent of the variance in intention to use digital coupon. …”
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Ownership structures influence on audit fee
Published 2015“…By employing a multi regression model for a sample of 345 Malaysian companies listed on Bursa Malaysia, this study examines the relationship of ownership structure, namely, managerial ownership, foreign ownership and government ownership with audit fees using data for 2010. Findings : The results show a significant positive relationship between audit fees and firms with larger foreign ownership and government ownership but no significant relationship with firms with higher managerial ownership. …”
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On investigating the difference between outcomes obtained from nominal group technique and survey method
Published 2015“…It has been observed that, for both the experiments, the ranking of the ideas obtained in NGT and survey method is significantly close as supported by the associated rank correlation test. The findings of the present research reinforce the usefulness of NGT in terms of generating ideas and the reliability of the ranking that it generates.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Effect of industrial training on academic performance: evidence from Malaysia
Published 2015“…In addition to the rudimentary statistical analysis techniques of mean score and standard deviation, paired-samples t-tests are conducted to examine the statistical significant impact of internship on performance for the overall sample as well as based on gender. The findings reveal that there is a statistically significant positive impact of internship on the academic performance of the overall accounting students for overall performance as well as for performance in auditing and taxation. …”
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Carved arabesques in malay traditional houses: skill, tradition and preservation of identity
Published 2015“…The interactive method involved semi-structured interviews with five woodcarvers to obtain their verification on the findings from the analytical review which served as the primary data. …”
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'Ajami as wood paneling craft in Syrian art and interior ornament
Published 2015“…The results of the analysis are presented simultaneously with the information that characterizes the valuable and historical art of ‘Ajami as wood panelling for art and interior adornment. Findings of the research suggest for further investigation on the lost techniques and the original surface appearance of the ‘Ajami, which are essential in order to sustain its historical aesthetic value and its antecedents among traditional artisans. …”
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Vocabulary learning through traditional and multimedia among intermediate Arabic language learners: CELPAD, IIUM
Published 2015“…The result from analyses from the students„ mean scores showed that there were significant differences in the students„ mean scores within the two groups in both immediate and delayed post-test. Through its findings, this paper intends to add to the growing body of knowledge in Arabic language vocabulary acquisition. …”
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The effect of ownership structure on initial return and post-listing liquidity: evidence from Bursa Malaysia
Published 2014“…Based on that hypothesis, this paper examines the sample of 299 Bursa Malaysia IPOs for years 1998-2008 and finds that market adjusted initial return has significant positive predictive power on broadness of initial shareholder base. …”
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Place rootedness suggesting the loss and survival of historical public spaces
Published 2015“…A persistent and deeply-felt concern expressed by all participants of Padang Pahlawan is one of regret that it could not be enjoyed and preserved as it should be. The finding from the survey also reveals that sense of rootedness is highly conceded with the sense of pride and fear of losing the historical public space which is developed through its high historical values and uniqueness. …”
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Overview on proposed Muslim elderly enrichment centre, Shah Alam
Published 2015“…Method to collect data will be through literature review, case and precedent studies, as well as interviews. The findings of the research lead to several suggestions in order to prepare an appropriate proposal in building an elderly enrichment centre. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Ijtihad on issue of waqf in malaysia with a special reference to legal authority in administration of waqf property
Published 2015“…It is hoped that the findings of the research will be able to provide improvement on administration of waqf in Malaysia in the light of the principle of siyasah shar'iyyah.…”
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Medical tourism: miracle or mirage?
Published 2015“…The literature is analyzed to draw out substantive issues affecting destination countries arising from the rapid growth of medical tourism. Findings – The authors argue that while patient inflow and revenue has been on the uptrend in Malaysia, the manifestation of rapid growth of the industry needs further evaluation. …”
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Child’s right to life in the light of the objectives of Islamic Law (Maqasid al-Shari’ah)
Published 2015“…It is hoped that the findings of this research will provide additional resources on protection of children’s rights beneficial to all legal practitioners, academics, students, researchers and public at large.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Systematic phonics intervention and its impact on the development of phonics skills and speech perception among children with hearing loss using spoken language
Published 2015“…It was hypothesized that intensive phonics intervention would lead to better phonics skills among participants and that such phonics training would lead to better speech perception levels. The findings of the study indicated positive results in the development of practical phonics skills based on the THRASS© programme. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Finite element method for the study of air-cushion tracked vehicle-terrain interaction
Published 2010“…This paper presents the numerical analysis by means of the finite element method (FEM) to perform experiment findings of a model tracked vehicle-terrain interaction. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Campus landscape environment for student with disabilities (SwDs)in IIUM
Published 2016“…Good campus physical environments can be understood better and improved by greater sensitivity to their nonverbal communications, by increasing designs and spaces that give a sense of comfort and security for SwDs user. Thus, the findings provide a platform for the related organization to identify the needs of SwDs in the educational institution for their support facilities and services in order to help them survive in higher education level. …”
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A study on the efficacy of Islamic pawn broking services in fulfilling socio –economic needs: a case of two cities-Kuantan and Kuala Terengganu in Malaysia
Published 2015“…The results were analyzed via the cross tabulation using excel spreadsheets. The findings from this study revealed that the community, especially the Malay ethnicity found Al-Rahnu services effective in fulfilling their needs of getting access to small short term loans with fast and hassle freeway and hence making them loyal to Al-Rahnu services. …”
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Child trafficking and religion: a case study of Almajiri education in Northern Nigeria
Published 2015“…There is scarce of information on Almajiri system of education as a form of child trafficking in Northern Nigeria, but through an examination of the historical antecedents of Almajiri education, the study discovers that although the concept was meant to prepare a Muslim child to become a useful adult in the society, the practice have been abused over the years. The finding of the paper reveals that there is no law put in place which controls the practice of Almajiri Education in Northern Nigeria and therefore recommend that Nigeria Government should regulate the activities of these Islamic teachers by enacting a law that controls such practices…”
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Child protection through intercountry adoption with special reference to The Hague Convention on Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry Adoption 1993
Published 2015“…Analysis focuses on international policies provided by International Legal Frameworks that include The Hague Convention 1993 and the CRC. Findings – The Hague Convention 1993 recognizes intercountry adoption as one of the alternative care options that provides the advantage of a permanent family setting to a child whom, a suitable family is unavailable for him or her in the birth country. …”
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