Detection of SYT-SSX mutant transcripts in formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded sarcoma tissues using one-step reverse transcriptase real-time PCR
Published 2016“…Making an accurate diagnosis is difficult due to the overlapping histological features of SS with other types of sarcomas and the non-specific immunohistochemistry profile findings. Molecular testing is thus considered necessary to confirm the diagnosis since more than 90% of SS cases carry the transcript of t(X;18)(p11.2;q11.2). …”
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3-Arylsydone and 4-Acetyl-3-Arylsydone: In vitro cytotoxicity against prostate cancer cell line (PC3), structure-activity relationship and in silico evaluation of their caspase 3 i...
Published 2016“…The docking result demonstrated that 9 molecules had hydrogen bonds with the active site of caspase 3 which consists Arg207 and Arg64. The findings of this study indicated that sydnones are promising cytotoxic compounds for the treatment of prostate cancer and merit more studies to investigate their activity against other cancer cell lines along with in vivo evaluation.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
A retrospective review of 25 cases of lethal fetal anomalies
Published 2016“…Twenty (80%) women delivered or aborted vaginally, three (12%) women with assisted breech delivery and two (8%) women with abdominal delivery which were performed due to transverse foetal lie in labour and a failed induction, leading to emergency hysterotomy complicated by hysterectomy due to intraoperative finding of ruptured uterus. Overall, the associated post-partum adverse events included post-partum haemorrhage (12%), retained placenta (12%), blood transfusion (8%), uterine rupture (4%) and endometritis (4%). …”
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Cytokinetic study of uninfected agarwood branch ethanolic extract on breast cancer cells
Published 2016“…Data collected made it possible to develop an early model of cancer dose treatment using the first order linear equation as a function of time that can be used to estimate cell size or volume of cancer, speed of growth and possibility of successful dosage/treatments using data from biopsy procedure. These findings suggested that agarwood uninfected branch ethanolic extract affect the cytokinetics of MCF-7 cells which warrants further research and focus in validating the hypothesis and elucidating the effects against cancer.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Cellulase aided extraction and characteristics of sulfated polysaccharides from Brown seaweed (Turinaria turbinata)
Published 2016“…The biological and physicochemical properties of the Sulfated polysaccahrides were related. The findings confirmed the potential of brown seaweed as a viable source of anti-inflammatory compounds.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Erosion corrosion and tribological behavior of TIG torch composite layers
Published 2016“…The results generally indicated that TIG-embedded surface coating showed surface characteristics (topography, hardness and wear behaviors) that are controlled by the powder composition and content, TIG process parameters and microstrural evolution. Based on the findings, it can be concluded that TIG torch melting technique is a versatile and economic process for the formation of composite coating layer on the steel and Ti-alloy in order to widen their applications for aggressive tribological environment involving dry sliding and high temperature.…”
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Monograph -
An analysis of maṣlaḥah based resolutions issued by Bank Negara Malaysia
Published 2019“…Furthermore, the secondary data is obtained from sources such as uṣūl al-fiqh (theory of Islamic jurisprudence) books, papers and relevant internet sources. Findings: The study found that SAC-BNM’s resolutions are in line with some of the major maṣlaḥah parameters mentioned in the uṣūl al-fiqh sources i.e. must not contradict with the Qurʾān and the Sunnah. …”
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Article -
Exploring staff perception of InfoSec policy compliance: Palestine Universities empirical study
Published 2019“…The study has 600 datasets collected from six universities by the developed research quantitative instrument. The findings show that Staff value the importance of the model factors in promoting Staff compliance intention. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Climate change adaptation and disaster risk reduction in urban development plans for resilient cities
Published 2020“…Malaysian's federal policy documents (Eleventh Malaysia Plan, National Physical Plan III and National Urbanisation Policy II), state structure plans (Kuala Lumpur Structure Plan 2020 and Pahang State Structure Plan 2035) and local development plans (Kuala Lumpur City Plan 2030 and Cameron Highlands Draft Local Plan 2030) were referred to for this purpose. Overall, findings of the study indicated that at the national level, aspects of CCA and DRR are limited to the environment and infrastructure sector. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
قوامة الزوج بيــن مقـــاصد الشـــــريعة والمستجدات المعــــاصرة Husband's trusteeship between Islamic Law (Shariah) purposes and contemporary time...
Published 2017“…Among the most important findings reached by the researcher is that the trusteeship of men is a matter for the Muslim family to preserve religion, soul, offspring, mind and money, As well as it preserves the love, friendship and compassion between the spouses, and emphasizes the need for cooperation on righteousness and piety, Also she found that it is not necessarily that all provisions be affected by contemporary developments, especially if the provision of duty is a mandatory and not permissible, And that there is no objection to the intervention of those responsible to correct the understanding of developments and its bad impact on men and women , controlling the promotion of the media for these developments the way does not suit our venerable legitimacy.…”
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Article -
Evaluation of the prescribing of proton pump inhibitors as stress ulcer prophylaxis for non-ICU patients in a Malaysian tertiary hospital
Published 2020“…Half of the patients continued receiving PPIs at discharge without a documented indication. Conclusion Our findings indicated a high prevalence of inappropriate prescribing of PPIs as SUP for non-ICU patients. …”
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Model for opinion spam detection based on multi-iteration graph structure
Published 2024Get full text
Thesis -
Biogranulation development during treatment of real textile wastewater
Published 2024Get full text