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Thermoelectric refrigerator
Published 2010“…As normal refrigerator would require a compressor motor and coolant which make the refrigerator bulky and environmentally unfriendly, thus, the aim of this project is to construct a thermoelectric refrigerator is portable and environmentally friendly with just thermoelectric module, heat sink and fans. In this project, a temperature of 13.7˚C inside the refrigerator box is achieved by running two thermoelectric modules with a 8.5V supply and a total current supply of 6.99A. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Performance study of routing protocols for wireless sensor network applications - 1
Published 2014“…However, WSN face problems in energy efficiency and data transmission, with the need of a reliable routing protocol that allows efficient routing of data packets from nodes to a sink. This report aims to study the performance of two routing protocols on the Contiki Operating System; the Contiki Collect protocol built on the Contiki OS’s lightweight Rime stack and the ContikiRPL protocol. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Design of an exoskeleton for lifting
Published 2024“…Lower back injuries, caused by muscle strain around the lumber spine, are common in work involving manual labour. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Facial expression transfer using StyleGAN
Published 2023“…This project also explores the latent space of StyleGAN, analyses problems like model generalizability and expressiveness-editability trade-off. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Functional food and autophagy.
Published 2013“…Autophagy clearance is essential for cellular homeostasis and its disruption is implicated in the development of neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s disease. Thus, pomegranate can possibly elicit its neuroprotective effects via autophagy. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Experimental and numerical investigations of hot-rolled stainless steel channel section columns susceptible to flexural buckling
Published 2022“…A thorough testing and numerical modelling programme has been conducted to investigate the minor-axis flexural buckling behaviour and resistances of pin-ended hot-rolled stainless steel channel section columns. …”
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Journal Article -
Modelling a multi-commodity transportation system
Published 2013“…This application receives inputs from the user,analyses the inputs, displaysand simulatethe inputs with the creation of a database and returns the total time taken to transport the commodities from the source to sink node.Developing this simulator applicationwill enables theuserto graphically displaytheirtransport networkand providesthe user a reliable and accurate calculation of the makespan during execution.With the simulator, the user will be able simulate potential choke point in their network.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Fate of carbofuran in rice-fish model ecosystem -an international study
Published 1989“…The following results have been obtained: (a) Soil acts as a sink for the pesticide and there is considerable metabolism in the soil; (b) There is no bioaccumulation/biomagnification by the fish used in the experiments, the residue levels in water being extremely low; and (c) The plants translocate the chemical and even at the time of harvest, the grains show the presence of the pesticide.…”
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Article -
Deep learning approach to cervical segmentation from routine CT images
Published 2023“…To address the sequential and location-dependent nature of bone segmen tation information, the dissertation proposes a pre-training model for location information, and combines 2.5D image input and labeled multi-channel coding to semantically segment 3D cervical spine CT images. This method can accu rately extract the information of bone joint location of slices and incorporate it into image features in the form of channels, which can improve the accuracy of multiple bone joint segmentation and classification. …”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
Published 2023“…Peperangan ini berlaku sebagai tindak balas atau pembunuhan utusan Nabi Muhammad SAW ke wilayah Kerajaan Ghassan ketika baginda mahu menyebarkan Islam ke wilayah jajahan Rom. Al-Harits bin Umair al-Azdi telah dipenggal kepalanya. Dalam peperangan itu, Nabi Muhammad SAW tidak ikut berperang. …”
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The impact of rooftop photovoltaic system and energy storage system on load profile
Published 2016“…It brings increasing all kinds of pollutions like air pollution, water pollution, noise pollution etc. to our environment. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Power quality enhancement of isolated power systems through series compensation
Published 2008Get full text
Thesis -
An assessment of solar power contribution to electric vehicle
Published 2013Get full text
Final Year Project (FYP) -
Indoor localization using Wi-Fi
Published 2020“…All models are evaluated using data collected from several reference points on block N4, North Spine, Nanyang Technological University. A simple Android application is developed to assist data collection. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Evolutionary origin of the chordate nervous system revealed by amphioxus developmental trajectories
Published 2024“…Our results show three developmental origins for the vertebrate nervous system: an anterior FoxQ2-dependent mechanism that is deeply conserved in invertebrates, a less-conserved route leading to more posterior neurons in the vertebrate spinal cord and a mechanism for specifying neuromesoderm progenitors that is restricted to chordates. …”
Journal article -
Development of a counter-UAV system
Published 2022“…Upon testing, the firing pin mechanism was found to be unable to reliably puncture the CO2 canister, even after improvements. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -