G-decompositions of matrices and quadratic doubly stochastic operators
Published 2011“…In this work we introduce a notion of G-decomposition of matrices which enables to study Birkhoff's problem for quadratic G-doubly stochastic operators. We find necessary and sufficient conditions for the matrices having G-decomposition in the class of stochastic and substochastic matrices. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Legal obstacles facing Islamic banking in Malaysia
Published 2011“…The main focus of the paper is to find out the legal obstacles facing Islamic banking in Malaysia.…”
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Lattice models with interactions on Caylay tree
Published 2010“…Then we introduce the disorder for studying the spin glass version of the model: the triangular ±J model. We find out that, for any finite value of the averaged couplings, the model exhibits always a finite temperature phase transition even in the frustrated regions, where the transition turns out to be a glassy transition. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A concept of shear wall for the design of high-rise buildings construction
Published 2011“…Single walls are modeled as cantilevers and walls with openings are modeled as pier/ spandrel systems. In order to find the stiffness, the simple systems models can provide reasonable results. …”
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Book Chapter -
The parameters of uncertainty in revenue law
Published 2011“…However, uncertainty has a utilitarian role, leaving the courts latitude to find the appropriate legal solution, either in defining terminologies and concepts or in the application of legal rules as long as the courts approach is predictable.…”
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Diffusion-reaction of nutrient in immobilized slab biocatalyst for first and zero order reactions
Published 2011“…The second order differential equations developed for zero and first order kinetics are solved analytically to fInd the concentration profile inside the slab biocatalyst. …”
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Book Chapter -
Production of activated carbon from (EFB) for removal of cadmium
Published 2010“…Series of batch laboratory experiments were conducted in order to investigate the feasibility of activated carbon – derived from oil palm empty fruit bunches to find the suitability of its application for the removal of heavy metal (cadmium) from aqueous solution through the adsorption process. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
On dynamics of xs quadratic stochastic operators
Published 2012“…We first describe xi-s -QSO on 2Dsimplex and classify them with respect to the conjugacy and renumeration of the coordinates. We find six non-isomorphic classes of such operators. …”
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Methods and methodologies in Fiqh and Islamic economics
Published 2008“…The paper argues that the methods used in Fiqh are mainly designed to find out whether or not a certain act is permissible or prohibited. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Clean water: Rights and remedies under environmental law in Malaysia
Published 2004“…This paper also seeks to find out whether existing mechanism is sufficient in relation to such rights and remedies thus necessitating its changes, what roles the judiciary can play in promoting and securing these rights, and whether the recognition and implementation of water rights have their place towards promoting good water governance in Malaysia. these are some of the issues to be addressed in this paper.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Two Potts Models on Cayley Tree of Arbitrary Order
Published 2012“…On a Cayley tree of arbitrary order k we consider two different Potts models with competing nearest-neighbour interactions J1 and next-nearest-neighbour interactions Jp and Jo, where coupling Jp corresponds to interaction of spins belonging to the same branch of the tree (prolonged) and coupling Jo corresponds to interaction of spins belonging to the same shell of the tree (one-level) and find for each model in addition to the expected paramagnetic, ferromagnetic and antiferromagnetic phases, an intermediate range of coupling values where the local magnetization has chaotic oscillatory glass-like behaviour. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Enhancement of quality small and cottage industries in Bangladesh: Review, analysis and strategies
Published 2002“…This research studies 50 small and cottage industries of Bangladesh as case studies to find out the existing conditions of them concerning quality level. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Determinants of revenue efficiency in the Malaysian Islamic banking sector
Published 2012“…The results indicate that the domestic Islamic banks have exhibited lower revenue efficiency levels compared to their foreign bank peers. We find that capitalization, market power, and liquidity have positive and significant relationships with Malaysian Islamic banks’ revenue efficiency. …”
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Theoretical investigation of a benzene-vanadium multiple-decked sandwich chain on a gold surface
Published 2012“…We show that in the formation of the chain on the surface, each of the two hydrogen atoms of benzene bonds with only one gold atom, while the carbon and vanadium atoms do not contribute to bonding. We find that this system has no magnetic moment where two vanadium atoms are antiferromagnetically arranged, for which we suggest a superexchange interaction mechanism.…”
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Network forensics: detection and mitigation of botnet malicious code via darknet
Published 2012“…Computer malwares are major threats that always find a way to penetrate the network, posing threats to the confidentiality, integrity and the availability of data. …”
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Book Chapter -
Pre-FFT and post-FFT adaptive antenna array for OFDM transmission over cognitive radio network
Published 2012“…In this work, pre- and post-FFT adaptive antenna array is employed at secondary user receiver to find optimum antenna weights that place nulls at the primary transmitters. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Practices of insurance operators in Malaysia: conventional vs. unconventional life insurance.
Published 2012“…Risk is part and parcel of our daily life and we have been trying to find out the way to protect ourselves in the case of misfortune. …”
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A Corpus-Based Readability Formula for Estimate of Arabic Texts Reading Difficulty
Published 2013“…This study is thus conducted to find the formula that would make it possible for users to measure the difficulty level of Arabic texts online. …”
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Unavoidable conceptual assumptions for regression analysis
Published 2013“…Nowadays, it is hard to find statistical analysis without involvement of regression analysis. …”
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