Assessment for learning at institutions of higher education: A study of practices among academicians
Published 2013“…This paper presents the findings of a national study conducted at higher learning institutions in Malaysia to find out instructor's self-reported practice, and their perceived competence in assessment for learning. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Wireless sensor network security: Current status and future trends
Published 2013“…In this talk, we would try to find a concrete answer to this query to get future directions of research in this area. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Balanced score card approach for better Shari’ah corporate governance
Published 2013“…There is no guideline on Shari’ah performance measures available to find out to what extent Islamic financial institutions meet its mission. …”
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The ideal graduate: fostering citizen participation through project-oriented problem-based learning
Published 2018“…Many studies have found positive relationships between community engagement and students’ learning outcome. Students find relevance and are more connected to what they learn when they are exposed to real-life situation. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Discovering your body system
Published 2012“…This book can also act as an important guide and source for different level of students; SPM, STPM, Matriculation, A-level or university students. Students may find this book useful in their process of learning Biology. …”
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Book -
The reformation of Muslim education In Malaysia: ensuring relevance and overcoming challenges
Published 2014“…Education in the Muslim World is at a crossroad – to decide whether to continue the inherited secular education system left by the colonial master; or to fall back on the conservative, traditional religious education system that has survived despite the secular onslaught; or to find a new system that can accommodate both. In the context of Malaysia, before the beginning of Western colonialism there already existed the non-formal Qur’anic schools and pondok. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Assessment for learning practices and competency among Malaysian university lecturers: a national study
Published 2014“…This paper reports the findings of a national study involving 534 lecturers from 33 higher learning institutions in Malaysia to find out their self-reported practices and perceived competencies in assessment for learning. …”
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Patterns of intracranial hemorrhage in petrous temporal bone fracture
Published 2012Get full text
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Study of new eco-core metal matrix composite sandwich structure
Published 2011“…In this research project, the new kenaf eco-core sandwich panel will be developed and then laminated with aluminium for the development of new advanced composite with the aim to investigate the effects of sandwich panel shape and variable metal faces on the properties of developed composites. The final goal is to find the optimum eco-core metal matrix composite sandwich structure with maximum mechanical properties such as stiffness and buckling. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Critical factors for diffusion of web technologies for supply chain management functions: Malaysian perspective
Published 2010“…Those interested in adopting web technologies in their supply chain activates may find these results helpful in guiding their effort.…”
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Homology modelling and structural analysis of Phytases
Published 2010“…The BLAST (Basic Local Alignment Search Tool) algorithm was used to find the highest scoring ungapped local alignment between the query and database sequences. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Steatohepatitis and fibrosis in chronic Hepatitis C patients: is there any association?
Published 2011“…Patients’ demographic data and their body mass index (BMI), liver function tests and lipid profiles, histological findings of steatosis,staging and grading of biopsy specimen were made. …”
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Social problems and its relationship with family institution in FELDA settlements: the local perspectives
Published 2010“…Among the main objectives of this research are: to identify what are the types of social problems in FELDA; to find the root of cause those problems from the local perspective; and to propose dysfunction as well as to draw up a few steps or measures on how to overcome them. …”
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Factors affecting knowledge sharing on innovation in the higher education institutions (HEIs)
Published 2015“…Unfortunately, KS research in the Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in developing countries is mostly found to be given trivial considerations. It is even rare to find conceptual research model for KS in HEIs in developing countries that integrate individual, organizational and technological antecedent factors together. …”
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Case studies in a passive learning environment: some Malaysian evidence
Published 2013“…The data were gathered over two semesters in 2006/2007. Findings – Findings reveal that generally students felt that the case method was very useful and gave them numerous benefits. …”
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A critical comparison on the origin of cosmos in Islam, Christianity and modern science
Published 2015“…The main objective here is to accentuate the areas of agreement and disagreement in this regard, and find ways and means to harmonize theology and modern science for the betterment of the modern man. …”
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The literature component in Malaysian secondary English language syllabus: aiding or impeding language learning? a participatory action research project
Published 2016“…This study is aimed at finding out how students and teachers at a selected school in Gombak district perceived the teaching and learning of the literature component of the English Language subject. …”
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Book Chapter -
Identification of Cryptosporodium from Dairy Cattle in Pahang, Malaysia
Published 2016“…This study was carried out to determine the prevalence of Cryptosporidium infection in cattle in Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia and to find out the association between the occurrence of infection and 3 different ages of cattle (calves less than 1 year, yearling, and adult cattle). …”
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Enhanced heating mechanism of the electric metal melting furnace in traditional foundry
Published 2015“…The criteria are then analysed by using the Matrix Evaluation Method (MEM) to find the ultimate design that suits the criteria. …”
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