Local residents’ awareness towards the issue of mangrove degradation in Kuala Selangor, Malaysia
Published 2016“…A questionnaire survey was employed to a total of 103 respondents in Kuala Selangor. The findings suggest that lack of local residents’ awareness due to several reasons. …”
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The use of hedges by Malay writers: a study on the discussion section of theses in English language and applied linguistics
Published 2016“…The study also found some noticeable differences between native and non-native writings in terms of hedging tendencies. Findings from this study can be useful for English language practitioners particularly those involved in English for Academic Purposes.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Medical thoracoscopy: Pahang experience
Published 2008“…The patients’ records, thoracocentesis investigations results, thoracoscopic findings and all pleural biopsy results were reviewed. …”
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The Methodoloy of Ibn Hazm in comparative religion with special reference to his master piece Al-fadl fi Al-Milal Wa Al-Ahw’ Ws Al-Nihal
Published 2011“…The focus of this research will be on the study of: (1) bibliography of Ibn Hazm and his writings related to comparative religion; and, (2) the methodology used by him in his study of Christianity with examples. The findings of this research hope to assist the Muslim scholars of 21st century in comparative religion to develop a better methodology in their study of other religions, which leads to mutual respect and better understanding of others.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Factors influencing the adoption of m-commerce: an exploratory analysis
Published 2011“…In this research, an exploratory factor analysis was conducted on different measures to identify the underlying factors influencing the adoption of M-commerce. The findings revealed that all the thirteen (13) factors were statistically significant and can affect the adoption of m-commerce.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
The relation between leptin hormone and orthodotic alignment
Published 2020“…Leptin, a polypeptide hormone has been classified as a cytokine. Earlier findings concluded that leptin at high local concentrations protects the host from inflammation and infection as well as maintaining bone level. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
On the linkages between stock prices and exchange rates : evidence from the banking crisis of 2007-2010
Published 2013“…Furthermore, causality-in-variance from stock returns to exchange rates changes is found in Japan and in the opposite direction in the euro area and Switzerland, whilst there is evidence of bidirectional feedback in the US and Canada. These findings imply limited opportunities for investors to diversify their assets during this period.…”
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Testing PPP for the South African Rand/US Dollar Real Exchange Rate at Different Data Frequencies
Published 2011“…The results suggest that the real exchange rate of the South African rand with respect to the US dollar is a highly dependent variable with an order of integration very close to 1. This finding is not affected by the data frequency considered (daily, weekly or monthly). …”
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Komplexität und semantische Transparenz im Deutschen und Englischen
Published 2007“…The article analyses a translation corpus and, based on the respective findings, argues that J. A. Hawkins's typology is in need of complementation: both simple and complex German sentences turn out to be less semantically transparent than their English counterparts in a number of respects. …”
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Visual inference of arm movement is constrained by motor representations
Published 2015“…Our study highlighted a direction effect: endpoint prediction accuracy was better to infer the final position of horizontal motion directed toward the median line of human body. This finding suggests that the spatial prediction of endpoint is mapped onto implicit biomechanical knowledge such as joint limitation. …”
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Coppiced sweet chestnut in UK construction - challenges and opportunities for design development of hardwood building products
Published 2023“…Five structural building products were designed and fabricated informed by the findings from the focus groups. Simple mobile sawmill and manual cleaving processes were used to align with regional skills and wood processing infrastructure. …”
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Background subtraction challenges in motion detection using Gaussian mixture model: a survey
Published 2023“…In this context, we describe and bring together the most significant challenges faced by the background subtraction techniques based on GMM for dealing with a crucial background situation. Therefore, the findings of this study can be used to identify the most appropriate GMM version based on the crucial background situation.…”
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Background subtraction challenges in motion detection using Gaussian mixture model: a survey
Published 2023“…In this context, we describe and bring together the most significant challenges faced by the background subtraction techniques based on GMM for dealing with a crucial background situation. Therefore, the findings of this study can be used to identify the most appropriate GMM version based on the crucial background situation.…”
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A study on the application of nicenet for learning
Published 2002“…At the end of this research, the finding suggests that online classroom should be applied into the process of teaching and learning in institution of higher education in Malaysia such as KUiTTHO…”
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Thesis -
منهجية التعامل مع مشاكل الأسرة في ضوء السنة النبوية: دراسة تحليلية = Methodology of dealing with family problems in the light of the Sunnah: an analytical study = Metodologi untuk...
Published 2013“…The research resulted in important findings that include substantiation of the possibility of the applicability of the approach of the Prophet (s.a.w) in dealing with women generally with due regard to their different status in the contemporary time in addition to linking the present with the past in these areas. …”
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Effects of group therapy on female inmates’ self-belief and psychological well-being: a case study at Malaysian women prison
Published 2015“…The findings will also give some insights if group therapy can be considered as one of the programs that can support the rehabilitation process of the inmates…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Crack self healing concrete by native microbial calcium carbonate
Published 2023Get full text
Thesis -