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Real-time identification and visualization of Egyptian blue using modified night vision goggles
Published 2024“…The potential of the new tool is demonstrated by its effectiveness in detecting Egyptian blue within some prestigious sites: (a) Egyptian findings at Museo Egizio, Turin; (b) underground Roman frescoes at <jats:italic>Domus Aurea</jats:italic>, Rome; and (c) Renaissance frescoes by Raphael, <jats:italic>Triumph of Galatea</jats:italic> and <jats:italic>Loggia of Cupid and Psyche,</jats:italic> at Villa Farnesina, Rome. …”
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Assessing Early Stage Design Sketches and Reflections on Prototyping
Published 2024“…Results also indicate that early-stage sketch quantity, but not quality, is linked with design outcomes. This study also finds a link between the frequency of sketching and higher maximum sketch quality scores (i.e., at least one highly rated sketch) as well as a correlation between individuals’ maximum sketch quality scores and overall design outcomes. …”
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Simulation Tools for Inclusive Design Solutions
Published 2024“…Various tools and simulated conditions are often adopted in user-centered design to sup-port need-finding by eliciting rich data on users’ needs and guide designers to empathize with users. …”
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Age-Based Developmental Biomarkers in Eye Movements: A Retrospective Analysis Using Machine Learning
Published 2024“…Clinicians and researchers may use the findings from this study to inform decision-making on patients’ health and wellness and guide effective research methodologies.…”
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The Urban Infrastructure of Care: Planning for Equitable Social Reproduction
Published 2024“…Problem, research strategy and findings Around the world, people’s life-sustaining capacities for caring for one another are overextended in unequal and unsustainable ways, with major implications for gender, racial, and health equity in cities. …”
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The Properties of Whiteness
Published 2024“…Problem, research strategy, and findings Land use regulations have contributed to the construction of White supremacist racial categories and the persistent conjunction of race and property in the United States. …”
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User satisfaction and service quality improvement priority of bus rapid transit in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Published 2024“…Our results show that “expenses with public transport” (i.e. fares) should be addressed first among all the attributes, and the improvement priorities of “speed”, “reliability” and “customer service” increased after the BRT opening. These findings can help policymakers fine-tune improvement strategies targeted at different types of services.…”
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“The Past We Step Into and How We Repair It”
Published 2024“…Problem, research strategy, and findings Anti-racist futures in urban and regional planning require repairing the White supremacist harms that have structured our metropolitan areas and patterns of living. …”
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Evaluation of Deep Learning Algorithms in Predicting Seismic Response of a Reinforced Concrete Structure
Published 2024“…By employing a variety of results metrics previously used in the literature, including correlation coefficients, normalized error distributions, and peak errors, this thesis examines different components of the models’ capabilities to learn more about patterns in the data learned by the computational mechanisms of each architecture, and exploring the feasibility of a generalized approach for further application in structural response prediction. Findings from the work show the data-driven Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network performing the most accurately, but not consistently outperforming the other algorithms. …”
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Location, Location, Substation? How Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) Can Create Value in Unexpected Places
Published 2024“…The study concludes that BESS can unlock ‘found value’ in sites with little other economic potential. The findings suggest that incorporating BESS into real estate development projects can provide substantial public benefits, including enhanced grid resilience, lower energy costs, and increased property values, making it a strategic tool for urban planners and developers.…”
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Common Grounds in Shared Waters Integrated Design for Negotiating Equitable Development in Gosabara-Mokarsagar
Published 2024“…Although many groups’ contested visions map onto the shared waters of Gosabara-Mokarsagar, the fisherfolk are particularly excluded from decision-making processes. Finding a singular common ground among the contesting groups is challenging due to vast differences in power, position, and privilege. …”
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Empirical estimation of metal powder bed fusion technological improvement rate
Published 2024“…This empirical rate comes as a more accurate and reliable substitute to the previously indirectly estimated patent-derived rate of 33.3%. Our findings underscore PBF's capability of keeping pace with its growing significance and wider industrial applications. …”
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Advanced Reconstruction Techniques for CUORE: Searching Beyond the Standard Model with Cryogenic Calorimeters
Published 2024“…We report on a search for FCPs using the first tonne-year of CUORE’s exposure, finding no excess of FCP track candidates over background, and setting leading limits at 90% C.L. on the possible underground flux of FCPs with charges between 1/24 − 1/5 that of an electron. …”
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9th International Workshop on Mental Health and Well-being: New Research Directions
Published 2024Get full text
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The Language Network Reliably “Tracks” Naturalistic Meaningful Nonverbal Stimuli
Published 2024“…Our results complement earlier findings from controlled experiments (e.g., Ivanova et al., 2021) in providing further evidence that the language network shows some sensitivity to semantic content in nonverbal stimuli.…”
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