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The Properties of Whiteness
Published 2024“…Problem, research strategy, and findings Land use regulations have contributed to the construction of White supremacist racial categories and the persistent conjunction of race and property in the United States. …”
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User satisfaction and service quality improvement priority of bus rapid transit in Belo Horizonte, Brazil
Published 2024“…Our results show that “expenses with public transport” (i.e. fares) should be addressed first among all the attributes, and the improvement priorities of “speed”, “reliability” and “customer service” increased after the BRT opening. These findings can help policymakers fine-tune improvement strategies targeted at different types of services.…”
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“The Past We Step Into and How We Repair It”
Published 2024“…Problem, research strategy, and findings Anti-racist futures in urban and regional planning require repairing the White supremacist harms that have structured our metropolitan areas and patterns of living. …”
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Evaluation of Deep Learning Algorithms in Predicting Seismic Response of a Reinforced Concrete Structure
Published 2024“…By employing a variety of results metrics previously used in the literature, including correlation coefficients, normalized error distributions, and peak errors, this thesis examines different components of the models’ capabilities to learn more about patterns in the data learned by the computational mechanisms of each architecture, and exploring the feasibility of a generalized approach for further application in structural response prediction. Findings from the work show the data-driven Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) network performing the most accurately, but not consistently outperforming the other algorithms. …”
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Location, Location, Substation? How Battery Energy Storage Systems (BESS) Can Create Value in Unexpected Places
Published 2024“…The study concludes that BESS can unlock ‘found value’ in sites with little other economic potential. The findings suggest that incorporating BESS into real estate development projects can provide substantial public benefits, including enhanced grid resilience, lower energy costs, and increased property values, making it a strategic tool for urban planners and developers.…”
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Common Grounds in Shared Waters Integrated Design for Negotiating Equitable Development in Gosabara-Mokarsagar
Published 2024“…Although many groups’ contested visions map onto the shared waters of Gosabara-Mokarsagar, the fisherfolk are particularly excluded from decision-making processes. Finding a singular common ground among the contesting groups is challenging due to vast differences in power, position, and privilege. …”
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Empirical estimation of metal powder bed fusion technological improvement rate
Published 2024“…This empirical rate comes as a more accurate and reliable substitute to the previously indirectly estimated patent-derived rate of 33.3%. Our findings underscore PBF's capability of keeping pace with its growing significance and wider industrial applications. …”
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Advanced Reconstruction Techniques for CUORE: Searching Beyond the Standard Model with Cryogenic Calorimeters
Published 2024“…We report on a search for FCPs using the first tonne-year of CUORE’s exposure, finding no excess of FCP track candidates over background, and setting leading limits at 90% C.L. on the possible underground flux of FCPs with charges between 1/24 − 1/5 that of an electron. …”
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9th International Workshop on Mental Health and Well-being: New Research Directions
Published 2024Get full text
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The Language Network Reliably “Tracks” Naturalistic Meaningful Nonverbal Stimuli
Published 2024“…Our results complement earlier findings from controlled experiments (e.g., Ivanova et al., 2021) in providing further evidence that the language network shows some sensitivity to semantic content in nonverbal stimuli.…”
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A 35-Year Analysis of Vegetation Cover in Rare-Earth Mining Areas Using Landsat Data
Published 2024“…To elucidate the spatio-temporal changes in vegetation within Dingnan County over the past 35 years and the effects of natural and human factors on these changes, the spatial and temporal variations in FVC were analyzed using Landsat-TM/OLI multispectral images taken in 1988, 1995, 1997, 2002, 2006, 2013, 2017, and 2023. The findings indicate that (1) vegetation coverage in Dingnan County decreased from 1988 to 2002, followed by a gradual increase; (2) high vegetation cover is predominantly found in forested areas that maintain their natural state, while the central town and mining areas exhibit generally low coverage; (3) there are regional differences in the relationship between vegetation cover and environmental factors in Dingnan County. …”
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Last-Meter Delivery: Solving the Unattended Delivery Challenge from Streets to Doorsteps
Published 2024“…The thesis concludes by summarizing the key findings and contributions, discussing the broader implications of the proposed methodology, and suggesting directions for future work, such as enhancing system robustness and scalability. …”
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Wearable Gut and Brain Interfaces for Valence Detection and Modulation
Published 2024“…This thesis presents findings and innovations in research and application: first, offline affect detection models which contextualize neural with embodied modalities and evaluate how each signal influences affect detection performance. …”
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Coevolving Cybersecurity Adversaries for Industrial Control Systems in Failure-Prone Environments
Published 2024“…This thesis answers these questions by comparing the performance of different anomaly detection methods on cyberattack datasets with varying levels of stressor complexity and severity, and finds that stress on an industrial system can degrade anomaly-based intrusion detector performance. …”
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Incorporating Synthetic Accessibility in Drug Design: Predicting Reaction Yields of Suzuki Cross-Couplings by Leveraging AbbVie’s 15-Year Parallel Library Data Set
Published 2025“…Additionally, we compare predictions made by the model to those made by expert medicinal chemists, finding that the model can often predict both reaction success and reaction yields with greater accuracy. …”
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Design of EWMA control chart for minimizing the proportion of defective units
Published 2013“…The probability distribution of the random process shift (e.g. mean shift d) is taken into account that may be modeled by a Rayleigh distribution based on the sample data acquired during the operation of the control chart. Findings – The results of the comparison studies and an example show that the proposed MD-EWMA chart is significantly superior to the Shewhart-type MD-X¯ chart and the other EWMA charts in terms of the overall mean defective MD. …”
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Journal Article -
Heuristic control of multiple batch processors with incompatible job families and future job arrivals
Published 2013“…This reduction in cycle time generally increases with: increasing number of job families, decreasing number of processors, and increasing time between job arrivals. Our findings imply that controlling the upstream processors, such that job families of consecutive job arrivals are correlated, can reduce the cycle time at the batch processing stage. …”
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Negotiating crisis in the social media environment : evolution of crises online, gaining credibility offline
Published 2015“…Design/methodology/approach – This exploratory study uses the multiple case study method to analyze five crises, generated online, throughout their life-cycles, in order to build analytic generalizations (Yin). Findings – Crises are often triggered online when stakeholders are empowered by social media platforms to air their grievances. …”
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