Optimizing Sustainable Concrete Strength With Laminated Waste Glass (Lwg): Insights From Waterto-Cement Ratios And Slump Values (0.35-0.5)
Published 2024“…The study highlights the potential of LWG as a sustainable alternative to natural aggregates in concrete, with the added benefit of reducing waste. The findings have practical implications for sustainable construction practices, offering insights into the use of LWG in concrete mix design to achieve desired strength and workability.…”
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Analysis of non-newtonian magnetic casson blood flow in an inclined stenosed artery using caputo-fabrizio fractional derivatives
Published 2021“…The MHD blood flow was accelerated by pressure gradient. These findings are beneficial for studying atherosclerosis therapy, the diagnosis and therapeutic treatment of some medical problems.…”
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Feasibility study on utilization of palm fibre waste into fired clay brick
Published 2017“…All brick samples were tested due to the physical and mechanical properties which include dry density, firing shrinkage, initial rate of suction (IRS), water absorption, porosity and compressive strength. Findings show that increasing palm fibre waste affected the properties of brick, which decreased their density, besides increased firing shrinkage, IRS, water absorption, porosity and compressive strength. …”
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Determinants of target capital structure: evidence on South East Asia countries under dynamic framework
Published 2011“…The introduction of country specific variables such as the level of stock market development, bond market development, economic growth, interest rates and country governance support and enhance these findings. The importance of country determinants also varies across countries understudy despite sharing some similarities. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A detailed survey on various aspects of SQL Injection: vulnerabilities, innovative attacks, and remedies
Published 2011“…Alongside presenting our findings from the study, we also note down future expectations and possible development of countermeasures against SQL Injection attacks.…”
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The inhibition of glucose absorption of seed and pericarp extracts of Pithecellobium jiringa on intestinal tissues preparation and their phytochemical profiles
Published 2010“…The study was conducted with the aim at elaborating and reconciling the previous finding on the glucose lowering effect of P. jiringa. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Mobile multicast in wireless mesh networks
Published 2011“…Thus, a wide range of efforts have been directed at finding solutions to these challenges in order to increase the widespread deployment of the WMNs based communication infrastructure. …”
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Students' interest and usefulness of fieldwork approaches to history
Published 2009“…It is hoped that the finding will enlighten teachers and students in the learning of history in the ICSS towards achieving the stipulated aspiration, especially 1- Malaysia.…”
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Accounting treatment for corporate zakat: a critical review
Published 2009“…Additionally, analyses are made on the practices of Islamic financial institutions to determine their compliance with both standards and ontological aspects of zakat. Findings – The study reveals that there is a general misconception of zakat, as indicated in several standards and guidelines, which has consequently resulted in inappropriateness in their proposed corporate zakat recognition and measurement and hence presentations. …”
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Co-movement of output and price in Malaysia: empirical evidence and macroeconomic policy implications
Published 2010“…We analyze the short- and long-run co-movements between real activity and prices using several tests in efforts to arrive at conclusive findings. Apart from the descriptive analysis, the study relies on the VAR forecast errors based on Den Haan and Sumner (2000). …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Practice follows structure: QM in Malaysian public hospitals
Published 2009“…Altogether 23 public hospitals throughout Peninsular Malaysia participated in the survey. Findings – Practice of quality management was found to be significantly higher in district hospitals than in the national referral centre. …”
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Cross-cultural adaptation and validation of the Bahasa Malaysia version of the eating disorder examination questionnaire (EDE-Q)
Published 2008“…The BM version produced in this study had good psychometric properties and it is applicable to the Malaysian population. Findings indicated that cultural factors in eating habits certainly influences the effort to adapt the questionnaire within a Malaysian setting…”
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A Way for better communications among Malaysian professional women towards a sustainable community
Published 2010“…Method, methodology and sample: This paper applies ethnomethodology technique using the talks of experiences of ten women professionals who work at various settings such as universities, public listed companies, ministries and hospitals. Findings: Based on the discourse analysis, this study stresses the importance to develop understanding on the experiences of professional female workers in Malaysia. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A Case Study on Zakat Management at Pusat Islam UTM, Skudai
Published 2011“…This research offers insights into the role of PIUTM as a centre for zakat collection and distribution within a small locality. Based on the findings, it is suggested that PIUTM may want to consider upgrading the reporting style and follow the structure of annual reports. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Conservation of urban environmental corridor in Kuala Lumpur as a method to safeguard the environment
Published 2008“…This research is aimed at finding the effectiveness of this approach and how we can adapt it to improve our urban area so that a sustainable approach in development can be achieved.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Students’ acceptance of an internet campus radio: a test of the technology acceptance model
Published 2011“…Both listeners (n1=238) and non-listeners (n2=229) participated in the study. The findings showed that listeners are highly knowledgeable about IIUM.FM, have positive perceptions of the radio but have a negative attitude towards listening to it. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Metal matrix composite brake rotor: Historical development and product life cycle analysis
Published 2011“…It emerged from the study that stir casting technique provides ease of operation, sustainability and most significantly very competitive without sacrificing quality relative to other techniques; and as such is the most attractive manufacturing process in the industry. These findings can be used for future design and manufacture of an efficient and effective aluminium matrix composite brake rotor for automotive and other applications. …”
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The development of E-dictionary for the use with "maharat al-Qiraah" textbook at a Matriculation Centre in a University in Malaysia
Published 2011“…E-Dictionary is also valid in terms of the Maharah al-Qiraah textbook content and it is convenient to use. The findings of this study is hoped to provide information on the development of Arabic electronic dictionary.…”
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The role of Muslim women in generating household income through micro or small scale enterprises: the case study of Amanah Ikhtiar Malaysia
Published 2011“…The analyses are done using descriptive statistics, tests of mean differences of dependent and independent samples, one way ANOVA and multiple regression of OLS method. The findings of the study show the success of AIM microfinance scheme to uplift the standard of living of poor households in Perak and Kelantan through the participation of female members who are majority Muslim women. …”
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Book Chapter -
Blood pressure variability in patients with diabetes mellitus
Published 2010“…Diabetic patients also had significantly reduced small artery compliance, but no differences in large artery compliance, cardiac output, or systemic vascular resistance. The findings suggest that hyperglycemia may affect the compliance of the vascular system, resulting in high blood pressure fluctuations. …”
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