Iraq’s democratic dilemmas: from entrenched dictatorship to fragile democracy
Published 2010“…Saddam and his former like-minded people created a culture capable of producing as many dictators as it wants. …”
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British and Irish Diasporas: Societies, cultures and ideologies
Published 2018“…People from the British and Irish Isles have, for centuries, migrated to all corners of the globe.Wherever they went, the English, Irish, Scots, Welsh, and and even sub-national, supra-regional groups like the Cornish, co-mingled, blended and blurred. …”
Book -
Parallel querying of distributed ontologies with shared vocabulary
Published 2019“…However, although SPARQL is well-established standard for querying semantic repositories in RDF and OWL format and there are commonly used APIs which supports it, like Jena for Java, its parallel option is not incorporated in them. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
The pecking order
Published 2019“…Drawing on surveillance techniques such as CCTV cameras and internet data monitoring, bird-like characters watch over Tate Modern in a performative/VR intervention. …”
Show/Exhibition -
Protea / Extraction
Published 2023“…Central to the installation is a trophy-like bronze relief of the outline of Protea Village, an area adjacent to Kirstenbosch, the National Botanical Garden of South Africa, located in Western Cape. …”
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Artefact -
Antimicrobial activity of extracts and alkaloids from callus and shoot cultures of Ruta angustifolia (L.) Pers
Published 2012“…In Malaysia, it is usually grown as pot plant and use medicinally to treat skin diseases, boils and ear infection. In-vitro callus and shoot cultures have been established from its stem explants. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A comparative study of Tualang honey spray versus film spray (OPSITE®) as post-long bone fracture fixation wound dressing
Published 2013“…Outcomes evaluated include wound complications, and the effects on skin commensals. On day 42, infection rate (wound dehiscence) and scar formation were also evaluated. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
A green process for extraction of omega 3 fish oil from tuna byproducts
Published 2013“…Docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) was characteristically the major omega 3 fish oil accounting for 17.01-19.90% in head, 15.73-17.290% in skin and 14.31- 16.06% in viscera of total fatty acids. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Baccaurea angulata fruit inhibits lipid peroxidation and induces the increase in antioxidant enzyme activities
Published 2016“…The present study was conducted to investigate the effects of B. angulata whole fruit (WF), skin (SK) and pulp (PL) juices on malondialdehyde (MDA) levels and antioxidant enzymes in rabbits fed high-cholesterol diet.Methods: Thirty-six male rabbits of New Zealand strain were randomly assigned to six groups. …”
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Article -
Non-invasive objective assessment of diabetic foot ulcer healing with blood perfusion and tissue oxygenation
Published 2020“…The strategies explored in this work can provide quantitative information of changes in blood perfusion with tissue revascularization to evaluate the outcomes of skin grafting procedures in positive and impaired healing diabetic wounds.…”
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Thesis -
Malaysia's palm oil exports: does exchange rate overvaluation and undervaluation matters?
Published 2011“…Hence, it is imperative that policy-makers avoid both overvaluation and undervaluation and keep the real exchange rate in line with the economic fundamentals. …”
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Article -
Pricing efficiency of the 3-month KLIBOR futures contracts: An empirical analysis
Published 2009“…The study spans the contract's entire 10-year history, June 1996 to June 2006. In line with findings in other markets, we find a pre-ponderance of overpricing. …”
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Assessing future needs of IT education in Malaysia: a preliminary result
Published 2008“…The research team found that technical, soft and problem-solving skills are the main concerns raised by the key informants. This is in line with the literature review and also the present higher education policy concerns by the Malaysia government. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Ten gamat species in Malaysia’s seawaters for health-based industries
Published 2012“…The Langkawi Archipelago and Pangkor Island are the main produc=on sites of air gamat and minyak gamat. In line with the development of science and technology, modern-‐formularised gamat-‐based products sold by Malaysia’s companies e.g. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
'Cash waqf' and Islamic microfinance: untapped economic opportunities
Published 2009“…Given these shortcomings, the article explores the possibility of using ‘cash waqf’ as a new source of funding for Islamic microfinance and proposes a new concept and application of Islamic microfinance so that it is truly in line with the Islamic spirit of microfinance. It is hoped that with this new concept and application of Islamic microfinance, the use of microfinance genuinely caters for the needs of the poor as well as generating socio-economic growth of the Muslim ummah. …”
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Article -
Efficient lot batching system for furnace operation
Published 2003“…This implementation has resulted in much better material movement and has also made the manufacturing line more linear.…”
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Proceeding Paper -
Treatment of a Symptomatic Forearm Muscle Herniation with a Wrap-Around Fascia Lata Graft
Published 2009“…This is a study of a 28-year-old man who had a symptomatic swelling on the volar aspect of his left forearm while working on a car-door assembly line that resulted in a significant decreased of his grip strength, work capacity and median nerve symptoms. …”
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Article -
Vibration energy harvesting using single and comb-shaped piezoelectric beam structures: modeling and simulation
Published 2012“…Researchers have been venturing into methods that can generate acceptable level of voltage since decades ago. In line with the spirit of green technology, energy harvesting will be a major contributor towards saving our environment in near future. …”
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Article -
Potential for improving vehicle fuel efficiency and reducing the environmental pollution via fuel ionization
Published 2012“…The first type of magnetic device is installed within the fuel tank and the second is installed onto the fuel line. Each experiment was performed on ten separate vehicles from the Dubai Taxi Corporation fleet.When compared to the baseline data, reductions of 70 % for both hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide emissions, and 68 % for oxides of nitrogen were recorded. …”
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