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Effects of "Thursdays at the Museum" at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts on the mental and physical health of older community dwellers : the art-health randomized clinical trial pr...
Published 2021“…Background: Recently, we demonstrated that the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts’ (MMFA) participatory art-based activity, known as “Thursdays at the Museum,” improved the well-being, quality of life, and physical health (i.e., frailty) of older community dwellers by using a pre-post intervention, single arm, prospective and longitudinal experimental design. …”
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Journal Article -
Quantifying and analysing the non-collective bargaining benefits of NTUC
Published 2012“…The paper also made recommendations to NTUC on how informative advertising and regular review on the benefits in accordance to preference can to reduce asymmetric information and more importantly help the union to maintain a pink state of membership numbers…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Mechanically robust hydrophobic bio-based epoxy coatings for anti-corrosion application
Published 2020“…Corrosion of aluminum and its alloys causes serious problems to our daily life. As a common method for corrosion protection, epoxy resin has been widely used as the coating material due to its easy processability and excellent properties. …”
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Journal Article -
Feasibility study of online shopping with tactile user experience
Published 2017“…With the increasing popularity of online shopping in the last decade, there has been a trend towards creating a more immersive life-like shopping environment for online shoppers. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
In memory of Aureliano's ice.
Published 2011“…These repeated images suggest hints of conflicting emotions, a thin line between sentimentalism and obsession, yet undeniably, there seems to be more meaning attached to this piece of memory than what is actually revealed. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Quantum mechanical theory of dynamic nuclear polarization in solid dielectrics
Published 2012“…Microwave driven dynamic nuclear polarization (DNP) is a process in which the large polarization present in an electron spin reservoir is transferred to nuclei, thereby enhancing NMR signal intensities. …”
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Article -
Experimental and numerical investigations of hot-rolled stainless steel channel section columns susceptible to flexural buckling
Published 2022“…A thorough testing and numerical modelling programme has been conducted to investigate the minor-axis flexural buckling behaviour and resistances of pin-ended hot-rolled stainless steel channel section columns. …”
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Journal Article -
Two-phase immersion cooling for power dense printed circuit board converters
Published 2024“…A theoretical model and numerical solution method for boiling on pin fins is developed and used to design heat spreaders to increase the power dissipation per unit semiconductor area with minimal penalty on the converter volume. …”
Thesis -
Design and development of a web-based platform for EEE MSc student orientation
Published 2023“…The main aim of the web application is for students to have cultural exchanges, to explore Singapore, and to engage in school life by forming interest groups with like-minded peers.…”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Study on several novel topological phases in classical wave systems
Published 2021“…In classical wave systems like photonics and acoustics, the discoveries of topological states offer exciting playgrounds for both new theoretical studies and novel applications. …”
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Thesis-Doctor of Philosophy -
Wearable bio-adhesive metal detector array (BioMDA) for spinal implants
Published 2025“…Accordingly, herein, we report on the development and engineering of a bio-adhesive metal detector array (BioMDA), a potential wearable solution for real-time, non-invasive positional analyses of osseous implants within the spine. The electromagnetic coupling mechanism and intimate interfacial adhesion enable the precise sensing of the metallic implants position without the use of radiation. …”
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Article -
Deep learning approach to cervical segmentation from routine CT images
Published 2023“…To address the sequential and location-dependent nature of bone segmen tation information, the dissertation proposes a pre-training model for location information, and combines 2.5D image input and labeled multi-channel coding to semantically segment 3D cervical spine CT images. This method can accu rately extract the information of bone joint location of slices and incorporate it into image features in the form of channels, which can improve the accuracy of multiple bone joint segmentation and classification. …”
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Thesis-Master by Coursework -
Advances in Remanufacturing : Proceedings of the VII International Workshop on Autonomous Remanufacturing /
Published 2024“…Various themes related to remanufacturing, including methods for operations management, methodologies for quality assessment and life cycle assessment, the integration of robots in remanufacturing, and the use of modern I4.0 technologies in a remanufacturing context among others were addressed. …”
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software, multimedia -
Integrating BIM with RFID technology to develop an onsite precast element management system
Published 2016“…Construction material management has been identified by many industry professionals and researchers as one of the most important functions in a construction project, as a project’s bottom line is significantly reliant on good material management. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Wideband channel sounding and measurement
Published 2013“…The building structure and objects like lift can act as obstructions for Line-of-sight (LOS) propagation in a transmission channel. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Fault localization of a long power cable
Published 2017“…A fault location expression was formulated from transmission line impedance equation. Experimentations were carried out using RF (for frequency between 300kHz to 15MHz) equipment like VNA, to verify the expression. …”
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Final Year Project (FYP) -
Measuring membrane capacitance during a depolarizing stimulus
Published 2010“…It is critical to resolve the highly dynamic kinetic steps along the molecular cascade of exocytosis in order to pin down the specific actions of regulatory molecules and eventually decipher this complex and fundamental process.…”
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Research Report -
Optimal probes for global quantum thermometry
Published 2022“…In addition, we show how the best approximation of optimal global probes can be realized in spin chains, implementable in ion traps and quantum dots.…”
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Journal Article