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Indonesia-Malaysia relations : baggage of ‘blood brotherhood'
Published 2011“…Notwithstanding the long history of ethno-cultural fraternity between the peoples of Indonesia and Malaysia, the relationship between the two countries has been marked by a pattern of friction and discord since the precolonial era. …”
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Commentary -
From UN to unilateral sanctions on Iran : political implications for China
Published 2011“…As long as international efforts against Iran were directed by the UN Security Council, China could use its permanent membership to foster its interests in Iran and still play by the rules. …”
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Commentary -
Decoding Indonesia’s radical Islamists : what to de-radicalise?
Published 2012“…Even though Indonesia has a long history of Islamist radicalisation, the counter-terrorism measures since the first Bali bombings in October 2002 have not completely averted the threat. …”
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Commentary -
The issue of Arab Jews : manipulating a justified cause
Published 2013“…A recent United Nations conference on the rights of Jews forced to flee Arab countries in the wake of the establishment of the State of Israel focuses attention on a long overlooked consequence of the Middle East conflict. …”
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Commentary -
Temporal intentionality: prompting time-related deliberations in strategic action
Published 2024“…Time has long been of interest to strategy scholars. Speed may be a source of competitive advantage, strategic planning structures action across time, and temporal norms open and close opportunities. …”
Journal article -
Operations and Supply Management 4.0 : Industry Insights, Case Studies and Best Practices /
Published [202“…It explains comprehensively, how these new paradigms enable companies to concentrate on value-adding activities and processes to achieve a long-term sustainable and competitive advantage. …”
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Love and Other Words /
Published 2018“…Although their memories are obscured by the agony of what happened that night so many years ago, Elliot will come to understand the truth behind Macy’s decade-long silence, and will have to overcome the past and himself to revive her faith in the possibility of an all-consuming love.…”
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Why Zebras Don't Get Ulcers /
Published 2004“…Sapolsky focuses on the effects of glucocorticoids on the human body, arguing that such hormones may be useful to animals in the wild escaping their predators, (see Fight-or-flight response) but the effects on humans, when secreted at high quantities or over long periods of time, are much less desirable. Sapolsky relates the history of endocrinology, how the field reacted at times of discovery, and how it has changed through the years. …”
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Management, Technology, and Economic Growth in Smart and Sustainable Cities /
Published 2023“…The lack of comprehensive guidance and practical strategies hinders the establishment of smart and sustainable cities, putting long-term urban sustainability and the well-being of present and future generations at risk. …”
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software, multimedia -
Competitiveness Strategies for Negative Organizations : Challenging the Status Quo /
Published 2024“…Namely, certain employees who are actually very good may be forced to leave so as to not disturb the status quo and existing loyalties and ties which are actually prejudicial to the company, in the medium to long run. Change is very necessary and strategies need to change to accompany technological breakthroughs and other market developments. …”
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software, multimedia -
Enhancing driver fatigue detection accuracy in on-road driving systems using an LSTM-DNN hybrid model with modified Z-Score and morlet wavelet
Published 2024“…Three deep learning models, Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM), Deep Neural Network (DNN), and LSTM-DNN, are employed to classify the data. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Left Atrial Appendage Occlusion: Current Stroke Prevention Strategies and a Shift Toward Data-Driven, Patient-Specific Approaches
Published 2024“…Oral anticoagulation therapies are the mainstay of stroke prevention options for patients; however, not all patients are candidates for long-term oral anticoagulation. Percutaneous occlusion devices are an attractive alternative to long-term anticoagulation therapy, although they are not without limitations, such as peri-implant leakage and device-related thrombosis. …”
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Article -
Microneedle‐mediated Delivery of Immunomodulators Restores Immune Privilege in Hair Follicles and Reverses Immune‐Mediated Alopecia
Published 2024“…While systemic immunosuppression is the prevailing approach to manage them, it fails to achieve long‐lasting remission due to concomitant suppression of the regulatory arm and carries the risk of heightened susceptibility to infections and malignancies. …”
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Bursting on a vortex tube with initial axial core-size perturbations
Published 2024“…Varying the initial core-size ratio A shows that the propagation speed of the twist waves varies linearly with A and approaches linear stability results of the long-wave limit of Kelvin waves on rectilinear vortex tubes as A → 1 . …”
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Article -
The Temperature Dependence of Hydrogen Bonds Is More Uniform in Stable Proteins: An Analysis of NMR h3JNC′ Couplings in Four Different Protein Structures
Published 2024“…Long-range HNCO NMR spectra for proteins show crosspeaks due to 1JNC′, 2JNC′, 3JNCγ, and h3JNC′ couplings. …”
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From Waste to Structure: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach to Circular Design
Published 2024“…Computational optimization has been implemented to automate the process, but state-of-the-art algorithms still require manually pre-defining a parametric target design-space or take too long to compute when applied to larger problems. …”
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Thesis -
Symmetry and its Signatures in Quantum Many-Body Dynamics
Published 2024“…Symmetry has long been a defining feature in our understanding of statistical or manybody systems. …”
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Thesis -
Acceleration by Stepsize Hedging: Multi-Step Descent and the Silver Stepsize Schedule
Published 2025“…The key challenge in proving this speedup is enforcing long-range consistency conditions along the algorithm’s trajectory. …”
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Article -
High-resolution HDX-MS reveals distinct mechanisms of RNA recognition and activation by RIG-I and MDA5
Published 2015“…Our work demonstrates that RIG-I binds and responds differently to short triphosphorylated RNA and long duplex RNA and that sequential addition of RNA and ATP triggers specific allosteric effects leading to RIG-I CARDs activation. …”
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