Professional Doctorate in Health Psychology thesis portfolio (Clarke : 2015) : Adolescents' views of the electronic cigarette: a new gateway to addiction?
Published 2015“…Willingness to try an e-cigarette was a significant predictor of susceptibility to use of an e-cigarette in the next year (F (1,253) = 174.71, p < .05) and smoking in the next year, in non-smokers (F(1,190) = 60.34, p < .05). Conclusion: Findings illustrated high levels of e-cigarette awareness among adolescents in a London, UK population. …”
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Thesis -
Portfolio risk analysis : conditional estimates of value-at-risk and international volatility spillovers
Published 1997“…However, unlike previous studies, the analysis considers the effect of exchange rate movements on VaR estimates and the nature of the relationship between national stock markets. Our findings highlights the importance of considering the exchange rate in the estimation of VaR and in determining which national market plays the role of market leader. …”
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The role of graduate recruitment in the employability agenda: a qualitative case study of undergraduate business education at a London Russell Group university
Published 2023“…The study draws on an educational and sociological theoretical lens, including Bourdieu’s conceptual tools of habitus and social & cultural capitals, Becker’s human capital theory, Foucault’s technologies of the self, and Young’s analysis of meritocracy. The empirical findings of the study reveal that the role of human capital may be a diminishing factor in graduate employment and, instead, it is the accumulation of social and cultural capital that are frequently the differentiating factors in the complex and hyper-competitive recruitment arena. …”
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Published 2023“…Utilizing kick and grab sampling techniques, we collected stream macroinvertebrates and benthic sediments along the entire upstream-to-downstream gradient of Pelepah Kiri and Gunung Muntahak. Our findings revealed a diverse assemblage of 385 macroinvertebrates from 28 distinct families, with notable abundance observed in Baetidae (14.0%), Simuliidae (10.6%), and Hydropsychidae (10.6%). …”
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Analysis of the Insulation Characteristics of Hexafluorobutene (C4H2F6) Gas and Mixture with CO2/N2 as an Alternative to SF6 for Medium-Voltage Applications
Published 2023“…This remarkable performance can be attributed to a positive synergistic effect between HFO-1336mzz (E) and CO2 , combined with the gas mixture’s excellent self-recoverability property. These experimental findings are further supported by finite element analysis, which confirms the observed results. …”
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Utilization of online discussions to enhance students' engagement with William Golding's "Lord of The Flies"
Published 2021“…Survey questionnaires to gauge students’ attitude were also distributed at the end of the study. Findings showed that the students were positive about the implementation of online discussions in their literature classroom and would recommend it as an interesting teaching approach as shown by their "attitudes towards the integration of ODF (Overall Mean = 4.03, SD = 0.84)" and "perceptions on the effects of ODF on learning the novel (Overall Mean = 3.99, SD = 0.87)". …”
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Thesis -
Critical success factors model (CSF’sM) affecting the competencies of civil engineer in construction project
Published 2020“…The model identifies that all 5 groups (Interpersonal Skills, Project Integration Management, Project Human Resource Management, Project Communication Management and Project Risk Management) are significant with t-value ≥ 1.645. Finally, this finding was validated by 11 construction practitioners who agreed that ‘Interpersonal skills’ group of factors contributes the highest impact on critical success factors affecting competencies of Civil Engineer in construction project. …”
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Thesis -
The Influence of Compost Bin Volume and Effective Microorganisms (EM) Quantity for Efficient Food Waste Composting
Published 2024“…Conversely, the 6L and 9L compost bins did not progress into the thermophilic phase or reach maturity during the seven-day observation period. The findings also indicate that the optimal quantity of EM required to decompose 600 grams of food waste exceeds 80 mL. …”
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An optimized electronic government services adoption model using structural equation and maximum attribute relative models
Published 2018“…This portrays that the FC variable is the highest in influencing the people to use e-government, followed by Performance Expectancy and Information Quality that resulting in the value of both 35. The findings confirmed the significance of information quality, system quality and trust perceived by the citizens in adopting e-government services, and provide insights into whether an optimization model and computational model using MAR based on the soft set theory should be integrated to explain citizens’ intention to use e-government. …”
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Documentation, anti-aging activities and phytochemical profiling of selected medicinal plants used by Jakun women in Kampung Peta, Mersing, Johor
Published 2017“…The presence of catechol and quinic acid in U. micrantha extract might possibly contribute to anti-aging activities of the extract. These findings could become baseline for the exploration of novel anti-aging agents from natural source by using the traditional knowledge of indigenous people.…”
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Thesis -
Sensitivity and specificity of waist circumference as a single screening tool for identification of overweight and obesity among Malaysian adults
Published 2011“…Waist circumference cut-off points to identify obese subjects (BMI≥30 kg/m 2) was 93.2cm (sensitivity=86.5%, specificity=85.7%) for men and 85.2cm (sensitivity=77.9%, specificity=78.0%) for women. Our findings demonstrated that the current recommended waist circumference cut-off points have low sensitivity for identification of overweight and obesity in men. …”
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Primary oral health care: Reason for seeking treatment for oral health problems at three primary care clinics of Kuantan, Pahang, Malaysia
Published 2013“…Association between reason for seeking treatment at primary care clinics and awareness on oral health services was also analysed. Findings: Although, 56% of the reasons for seeking treatment for oral health problems at primary care clinics were non-specific answers same as reason for encounters, significant answers reflecting nature of primary care practices such as easily accessibility to primary care clinics (17%), preferring to and requiring services provided by primary care physicians because of co-morbidity with medical diseases (12%) and getting emergency services (5%) were noticed. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Regeneration of human body parts via tissue engineering and regenerative medicine: a brief insight into the technology from Islamic perspective
Published 2015“…Most of T.E.R.M. related studies indicated promising research findings in tissue reconstruction and regeneration. …”
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Endophytic Streptomyces SUK10: its molecular characteristic and bioactivity against malaria parasite
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Proceeding Paper -
موقف الإمام الزمخشري من شفاعة النبي صلى الله عليه وسلم لأصحاب الكبائر دراسة تحليلية = The position of Imam al-Zamakhshari regarding the intercession of the Prophet (s.a.w.) for tho...
Published 2015“…Among the most important findings of this research is that Imam al-Zamakhshari believed that the intercession mentioned in the Qur’an refers only to the elevation in status and increase in reward for the believers, whereas the transgressors and those who committed major sins will remain forever in the hellfire. …”
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