مواليد النصف الاول من القرن التاسع عشر لميلادى(mawalid al-awal min al-qarn al-tasi' ashar al-Miladi)
Published 2011Get full text
Book Chapter -
علم النحو المتقدم لأغراض علمية (al-Nahu al-Arabi al-mutaqaddim li-aghradh ilmiyyah min khilal al-Quranul karim)
Published 2004“…To study about Advanced Arabic Grammar For Academic Purposes : Dirasat Fi al-Jumlah al- Ismiyyah Min Khilal Shawahid al- Qur'an.…”
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Book -
Optimizing of PID controller for flexible link system using a Pareto-based Multi-objective differential (PMODE) evolution
Published 2011“…The system is required to obtain a fast transient position response together with minimal tip vibration. This can be viewed like many other real-life control problems as a multi-objectives optimization problem in which an optimal compromise between the design objectives is required. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Causal links in QOL sub-domains accentuate greater support for physical and emotional well-being of breast cancer survivors
Published 2010“…Group psychotherapy or support group (SG) interventions have been reported to improve the quality of life (QOL) of cancer patients. For an improved life of Malaysian breast cancer survivors, facilities for SG interventions have been set up both in the urban and rural areas of the country. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Optimization of PID controller for flexible link system using a pareto-based multi-objective differential (PMODE) evolution
Published 2011“…The conflict between the transient performance of the link position and tip vibration in a flexible link system has made the control of such system a challenging task. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Availability analysis of free-space-optical links based on rain rate and visibility statistics from tropical a climate
Published 2016“…Availability is one of the major parameters to measure the performance of Free Space Optics (FSO) communication link. In tropical climate, rainfall acts as a dominant factor that affects the FSO link availability; whereas haze has no significant effect compare with rain. …”
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Article -
A novel bandwidth enhancement technique for a compact right/left-handed (CRLH)transmission line (TL) based antenna
Published 2011“…A novel composite right/left-handed (CRLH) transmission line (TL) based metame- trial antenna with wide bandwidth is presented in this paper. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Phytochemical and cytotoxicity evaluation of lagerstroemia speciosa (L.) leaves extract by MCF-7 cell line and brine shrimp lethality bioassay
Published 2020“…The cytotoxic effect was determined through in vitro MTT assay of MCF-7 cell line, and brine shrimp lethality bioassay. The presence or absence of alkaloid, carbohydrate, glycoside, saponin, terpene, steroid, phenol, and flavonoid in the extract was determined through the qualitative tests. …”
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Article -
Enhancement of analyte atomic lines with excitation energies of about 5 eV in the presence of molecular gases in analytical glow discharges
Published 2014“…Small amounts of hydrogen or oxygen in either argon or neon plasmas cause previously unexplained enhanced excitation of various analyte atomic lines with upper energies close to 5 eV. We suggest this enhancement is due to three body collisions involving two hydrogen or oxygen atoms and a sample atom.…”
Article -
Fast transient simulation of IEEE recommended surge arrester model on a transmission line using alternative transient program (ATP)
Published 2015“…This software is very appropriate in examining the behavior of the system, especially a high voltage system lines. As a result of the comparison can be made in the system of 132kV transmission line between systems that are not supplied with lightning arrestors, system supplied with lightning arrestors with conventional styles and systems supplied with lightning arrestors IEEE Recommended model. …”
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Thesis -
Assessments of time diversity rain fade mitigation technique for v-band space-earth link operating in tropical climate
Published 2013“…This paper outlines the likely improvement of a future V-band frequency space-Earth link using proposed time diversity (TD) technique. …”
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Article -
Social support, work-family enrichment and life satisfaction among married nurses in health service
Published 2011“…Abstract—The objectives of this research are i) to examine the psychometric properties of the constructs of social-support, work-family enrichment and life satisfaction, ii) to validate the hypothesized interrelationships among the constructs of social support, work-family enrichment and life satisfaction among nurses of public hospitals in Malaysia and iii) to examine the likely mediation effect of work-family enrichment on support-satisfaction relationship. …”
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