Framework for enhancement of image guided surgery: finding area of tumor volume
Published 2012“…The other problem discussed in this paper is to find a suitable method to determine the tumor volume in an accurate way that will help surgeon to remove it precisely.…”
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Bicycle handlebar injuries in children : findings on CT abdomen of 3 cases
Published 2010“…On ultrasound, intra abdominal free fluid was identified in 1 patient, while the other 2 patients showed no remarkable findings. However, further evaluation with CT scan revealed pancreatic transection in 2 patients and stomach perforation in 1 patient. …”
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The primary benefits of screencasting for Maths learning: Findings of an Irish case study
Published 2013“…The findings have positive impli-cations for screencasts as a promising tool for Maths learning in future decades…”
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Proceeding Paper -
An efficient approach to mitigate scintillation effects on GPS range-finding in ionosphere
Published 2008“…Based on the detrend signal, MATLAB function that is polyfit will be used to find the phase and amplitude spectra. Comparison simulations result with Bubble Scintillation Simulation Program, which is programmed to detect plasma bubbles in certain geographical area under ob servations, is executed. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
Audiological findings from non-routine tests and management for retrocochlear disorders
Published 2016Get full text
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Proceeding Paper -
An unsual finding of brain magnetic resonance imaging in a hypertensive patient
Published 2009“…These hyperintensities spared the grey matter on T2-weighted and FLAIR sequence. These unusual finding on brain MRI was attributed to severe vasogenic cerebral edema resulting from accelerated hypertension.…”
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Closing the loop on educational research : using findings to improve the student experience
Published 2003“…But it is still in a state of suspended animation, as an unfulfilled ambition - for unless its findings are applied to the students' experience and the results monitored, it has not fulfilled its purpose. …”
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Finding logical vulnerability in policies using three-level semantic framework
Published 2024“…Our objective is to model the domain and find such vulnerabilities. Our proposed framework has three levels. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
China’s political and economic activities in East Africa: regional development and environmental concerns
Published 2009“…In recent years, China's rapid economic growth and increasing political clout have significantly accelerated the country's involvement in African. …”
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Proceeding Paper -
An atmospheric correction algorithm for FY3/MERSI data over land in China
Published 2016“…This paper presents an atmospheric correction algorithm for FY3/MERSI data over land in China, taking into account the directional properties of the observed surface by a kernel-based Bi-directional Reflectance Distribution Function (BRDF) model. …”
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Conference or Workshop Item -
Does bankruptcy law prevent internalization of environmental costs: evidence from China
Published 2023“…The ‘polluter pays’ principle has been implemented by several pieces of environmental legislation in China as a means to confront the issue of liability in the case of bankrupt polluters. …”
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Design, fabrication and experimental testing of IIUM free wing unmanned aerial vehicle (IIUM-FWUAV)
Published 2011“…In this work, IIUM’s first free wing unmanned aerial vehicle model (IIUM-FWUAV) was designed, fabricated, tested and investigated experimentally. …”
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Pitch and roll derivatives of a delta wing with curved leading edge in high speed flow
Published 1990“…Ghosh's unified similitude has been applied to oscillating delta wings of arbitrary plan forms in supersonic/ hyper- sonic flow. …”
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Effect of angle of attack on stiffness derivative of an oscillating supersonic delta wing with curved leading edges
Published 2014“…In the Present paper effect of angle of incidence on Stiffness derivative of a delta wing with Curved leading edges for attached shock case in Supersonic Flow has been studied. …”
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Impact of a reverse delta type add-on device on the flap-tip vortex of a wing
Published 2016“…The effect of interactions of vortices produced by an outboard flap-tip of a half-span wing (NACA 23012 in landing configuration) and a slender reverse delta type add-on device, placed in the proximity of the outboard flap-tip, on the upper surface of the half-span wing is investigated using Particle Image Velocimetry in a closed loop low speed wind tunnel. …”
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Chronic Organophosphate Pesticide Exposure and Coronary Artery disease : finding a bridge
Published 2011Get full text
Proceeding Paper